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Everything posted by K-9

  1. We will agree to disagree. But I'll ask you to imagine if Jones, Brown, Green, Beckham Jr, and Hopkins are amassing the same numbers if they've been playing in Buffalo.
  2. An NFL friend sent me a cutup of Sammy's college career a couple months before we drafted him and he made me promise to only look at his feet the first time I watched it. Having lived in ACC country at the time, I had watched him every week since his freshman year and thought I had an appreciation for him as a receiver. But his feet blew me away. Your friend was on to something. No, I wasn't. As close to a consensus as one can have by the community coming out of college. A tad below Elway/Luck grades when coming out. I know personally he was at the top of several boards, even above Clowney. And I know for a fact the Jags would have snapped him up if their Gabbert failure didn't dictate the need to select Bortles. Look, I get that it's disappointing he's not playing. But his only issues have been health issues. He was the number one prospect at the position and by a wide margin coming out. I wish he had the QBs throwing to that list you made above, too.
  3. Doesn't matter, as it's a non issue. At least to anyone who understands the sound quality within the debate hall had nothing at all to do with his debate performance. On a side note, I'd like to congratulate Gary Johnson on earning his 6th, count 'em 6th, newspaper endorsement. Five more than I've been able to find for Trump. Looks like a third party is finally making some inroads against a major US political party.
  4. I am comfortable in saying that there isn't ONE GM, pro personnel director, coach, or scout that agrees with this assessment. The tape never lies and it hasn't since his first college game. Too bad he's never enjoyed an NFL caliber QB that can find him and other receivers running open all day. He's been unhealthy. Period.
  5. Yeah, and? It did nothing to impact the audio to the millions watching on TV, let alone any impact on what actually came out of his mouth. It only affected the sound in the debate hall.
  6. This was predictable. There was too much bipartisan support for Obama's position BEFORE the veto and override to suggest otherwise. I understand why politicians do things for political expediency, but I didn't think Ryan et al would be so quick to start walking back their positions and publicly admit JASTA needs more review and tweaking.
  7. My Guhle prediction is dead in the water. He doesn't look like the same player from last training camp. Seems to lack the confidence he exhibited previously. Oh well.
  8. ^Thread winner. Damn, that was funny!
  9. Poor Gary Johnson. Another Aleppo moment. Embarrassing really. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/781279459026489344
  10. Assuming the rest of the line up remains static and unaffected by trades, I agree with this assessment.
  11. And a third party president wouldn't have acrimonious relationships with congress and just sail his proposals through? Sure, Johnson's libertarian leanings would be more welcomed than perhaps another, but that's because of who presently controls congress. What if that changes in the future? Is he going to be any more effective than anyone else sitting in that office? Once the novelty of a third party candidate wears off, it's business as usual. The realities of political life in Washington dictate that. We need a president and a congress that can work with each other. Good luck with that.
  12. This is exactly the kind of bi-partisan criticism JASTA generated, including from Bob Corker and Lindsay Graham, who are probably better informed than others on the questions of national security and foreign relations. It's understandable that those in congress that argued against JASTA chose to not stand by their convictions, but it is further evidence that political expediency trumps conviction. Much like the vote to invade Iraq. It's takes a ton of political courage to go against such a strong flow in the other direction.
  13. On the purely emotional scale, yes, there is only one correct side of history here. But there are often harsh, practical realities involved in these kinds of politics. I think his and others' concerns about what JASTA may engender moving forward are legitimate. That side of the history is yet to be written. Let's hope the concerns that JASTA critics have prove unwarranted moving forward.
  14. A classic "wasted" vote. Disclaimer: that was a joke.
  15. Was at the game last night using my brother in law's seats next to the bench and Okposo is one very intense player. Several F bombs and Vanek faces throughout the evening. He expects a lot out of himself and it all starts there. I think I'm gonna love having this player on my team.
  16. I am flabbergasted by these endorsements, especially that of The Arizona Republic's in a state where border security and immigration issues, the basis for much of Trump's platform, are so prominent. Exactly, which is why nobody else gets to say it's a wasted vote or not. The author of that article you linked earlier would have been better off labeling it "mathematically ineffectual" vs. using the term "wasted."
  17. In a BN report yesterday, they said that the next four preseason games, including last night vs Ottawa, would be televised. Unless something changed, that means both Leaf games and the Carolina game.
  18. Pretty sure Log Cabin Republican refers to a conservative syrup choice.
  19. Over the air is still free. Anything else will cost you.
  20. I've always been a fan of incentive laden contracts. I suspect Risto would make it a point to earn them, too, based on his work ethic.
  21. Great point. I would also add the aspect of the other teams the player comparables come from. Ekblad isn't generating those +/- and Corsi numbers on the '14/'15, '15/'16 Sabres teams no matter how good he is. So, 5.75 gets it done?
  22. Interesting article, thanks for the link. I fully understand the mathematical argument about the concept of wasted votes, especially in states like CA or NY. But I can't accept that they are truly wasted in the proper sense of the word as they have an impact in terms of how "mandates" are created and defined.
  23. What is, "What did the kamikaze pilot say to his commanding officer at the strategy meeting?"
  24. Coochie coochie! The lady can flat out bring it. She is a true master.
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