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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. For the record, it was Chara 4th season when he was 22 that saw a dramatic upturn in his physical play but he was far from feared.
  2. I beg to differ. I think both players were questioned as to how their physical game would develop. With Myers it's far too early to conclude where his game will end up.
  3. I think this sentence needs to be concluded with, in my opinion. No one knows how either player will progress. Hell Chara and Pronger weren't sure things in their third years. Right now there is no doubt that Karlsson is having a special year but will he be Housley or will he be Lidstrom? Who knows? Myers hasn't reached those lofty expectations that he conjured up in his first year but he has progressed nicely. Look it how Doughty has stepped back. What about Jay Bo in Calgary? Is Phaneuf a stud or is the player poll valid? To use any absolutes when evaluating players at this early stage is pure folly.
  4. I understand what you are saying and in no way am accusing you of anything. The point I am making, though, is that since this is not a keeper league there is no benefit for a team out of the playoffs to make a deal other then to help a team in the playoffs which logically hurts another team. The only truly fair trades are trades that can at least potentially help both parties. Since there are no future rewards in this type of league none of the type of trades I am talking about can be fair to all parties effected. Again, just my opinion.
  5. I have to admit that I have a big problem with trades this late in the season between teams well out of contention and teams fighting for playoffs or playoff positioning. If I wasn't completely out of it I'd being screaming. What benefit is there to the 16th seeded team to make a trade other then to help one team at the expense of another? I have quit several leagues over this issue. Just my two cents and hopefully for something to be considered for next year.
  6. OK, 1 more last word. 1) I follow events pretty closely and PA always said I knew the parking ramp attendant, he keeps me informed as well 2) I saw his fights against the Islanders and Flyers and didn't get the feel he was really willing to go untill forced into it and I think the one against the Flyers gained more notoriety because the Flyer got hurt when losing his balance.
  7. Last word from me cause I really got get back to making a living, but its good thing you aren't trying to prove anything with stats cause you are not. Mostly, however, I want to say, that its not your specific posts but the aggregate of your posts that leave me amazed. You talk about how you point out some of the good things, and I agree you do, but then you change your argument when a contrary valid answer is given and you say stuff like 40% of the roster needs to be replaced. You assume the rest of the league shares your view of Kassian yet seem to take it as a given that he was being shopped since December. Shouldn't we then assume that Darcy offered him to Anaheim and Calgary and they weren't interested? Can you accept the possibility that he is just another weak bully who picked on smaller players in Junior but isn't so keen on it when someone fights back?
  8. First, you again take liberty with statistics. Having an aggregate number three times another player does not make you three times more physical. Mostly, though, we agree that the Sabres need to be more physical but vehemently disagree over the importance of a stat that is calculated by retired off ice officials with very little standardized training that as Brian Burke himself varies dramatically from city to city. It makes shot totals look like an exact science.
  9. Detroit, Boston and New Jersey all are in the bottom 10 in the league in hits. How many guys can they have and how important can hits be when two of the top 4 favorites to win the Cup(Boston and Detroit) are 24th and 25th in the league in hits?
  10. Of course you do. The only way you can keep up the everything sucks routine is if the team is completly blown up and spends three years rebuilding.
  11. The only reason its so hard to paint you in a corner is because you debate with no desire or expectation to lear anything.. First its the player, then its the coach, then its the players contract. These last few pages demonstrate it clearly. One thing I have learned in my 52 years is that I'm not always right. I grew up a Broad Street Bully fan. I love the way the Bruins play hockey. I personally detest Drew Stafford. I want Darcy Reiger fired and while I am a Lindy Ruff fan, wouldn't have hated it if TP fired him. And yet, I have been thoroughly entertained by the team since Reiger took over and not only selfishly hope he is right in order to maximize my satisfaction this year, I know that its entirely possible, if not likely, that in a year when the Cardinals came from death to win the Series, the Giants won the Bowl with a 9 and 7 record and the Clippers are actually relevant, that this team could make a run. One good thing about getting old, you've seen just about everything and unless your are senial, you've been horribly wrong before. And if players hating his coach is how you rate a coach then Scotty Bowman must be the worst coach of all time.
  12. First,you are taking liberties with the hit stats because there is only one official year where he matched your criteria. Second, Pyatt left here after recording 41 hits and 6 goals in half season and continued to develop as he got older? Sounds like Lindy gave him a good foundation and provided him with a strong work ethic so he could succeed when he went to teams that he fit in better. Third, I have already acknowledged that Pyatt may be the only forward your case can intelligently be made for. And when Stafford scores 30 and records 100 hits next year, what do I get?
  13. So you set the parameters, now its not a good enough quotient? Its just another example of how you see players on other teams differently then you view players you see 82 times per year. Stafford is 35th in the league among right wingers in hits and in the top 20 when you eliminate 3rd and 4th liners but somehow you and your disciples think there are all theses forwards averaging 3 or 4 hits per game and scoring 30 goals while leading their teams to the Cup and delivering babies while they are at it. As for Hodgson, I'm not surprised you go with the negative spin as opposed to a player that knows that some things are private matters.
  14. So if Stafford scores 2 more goals and gets 18 more hits then he is your protypical, developed by Lindy, power forward?
  15. You have got to be kidding. That list indicts Ruff? Their is no way you can reasonably and factually argue that any of those players would have been better if they had not played here and the only one that wouldn't get you laughed out of any intelligent (hockey related) conversation is Pyatt. Its way too early on Stafford and one of the most respected GM's in hockey thinks that Ruff did a good enough job with a late round, fringe player pick that he is now worth a 1st round draft choice. That being said, history is filled with players that we will always wonder about. Would Montana been the same if Marv Levy had convinced his GM in Kansas City to take him? My favorite example in hockey is the story of Mike Modano and Pierre Larouche. Would Modano have listened to any other coach besides Hitchcock or would he have been doomed to a career like Larouche? Some great indvidual years but over way too soon? Who knows.
  16. Just a coincidence, but here are some quotes from TSC's god(Brian Burke) that are interesting at least to me because they echo a lot of what I said about real time stats for a couple of years. http://blogs.edmontonjournal.com/2012/03/02/hockey-has-yet-to-have-moneyball-style-statistical-breakthrough-brian-burke-of-leafs-says/
  17. I may never forgive the Canucks for last year. Since the lockout two teams that have won the Cup could be considered physical(yes I know the others had several physical elements and grit) and yet the Bruins winning has helped perpetuate the belief that you need this plethora of grit and tough guys throughout your line up. Like every sport there are a multitude ways to win a Cup.
  18. I apologize because I have only read the last few posts but all of this assumes that Kassian wants to be the big tough guy. Since the trade I have heard Peca, Ray, Strahan and Roenick all imply that Kassian wants to be a scorer as opposed to an enforcer and that it will be incumbent on him to understand his role once he gets to the Canucks. I agree with DD that this is his opportunity. I just don't know that he has the desire.
  19. Yeah they are both filling the net while they fight for their playoff lives, aren't they? Your response also doesn't answer the point that Kassian was and still is way over hyped at this point. He may develop into the player you envision but Hodgson is miles ahead of him in terms of being ready to make a difference.
  20. If only Lombardi and Murray read this site so they would know how good Kassian really is.
  21. The Kings are laoded with young defensive talent which is why they were able to trade Johnson. For all the talk on this board about Buffalo's abundance of prospects, they are not thought of quite so highly league wide.
  22. I know there have been some questions about the cap next year and I thought this article does the best job speculating. http://spectorshockey.net/wordpress/2012/02/23/the-upcoming-rise-and-fall-of-the-nhl-salary-cap/
  23. I'd say its a pretty good assessment as per usual. I will say I expect Adam to be a trading chip as well as I see him as one of those tweeners, not good enough for a top 2 line position and not a good fit on the third and fourth lines. It also shows how close this league as become. Put a true #1 center on that roster abd factor in above average goaltending and they can be as good as any team.
  24. And that's such am impressive list who did so much to help Vancouver handle the physical onslaught that keeps getting them knocked out of hte playoffs.
  25. You can thank me later for that one point I gave you by outhinking myself. Hate when that happens.
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