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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Kucherov. He's got the extra bit of nasty that gives him the edge over the others. His ridiculous amount of playoff points proves it for me.
  2. "Unbelievably better"?! Ummm,... K. Those numbers don't show that.
  3. Not even a little. That was a fun game. I don't ever care about what other teams do. I just want to say that both of Dahlin's penalties,… were. Both were just dumb on his part. He's already injured one (two?) Sabres goalies by hitting guys into them. I just don't get why he does that.
  4. He has to maintain his almost $800.000 a year lifestyle.
  5. It was a PK for the Sabres. If the guy at the point passes it to the BJ on the half wall instead of the guy driving the net, that’s his responsibility. Just one of those plays where everyone does what they are supposed to do and they still score. Someone else needed to tip that pass.
  6. https://spyrogyra.com/tour-dates/
  7. We taxpayers sure got our money's worth outta this deal. 😂
  8. What does Sling mean? I don't have MSG here in NJ and I can't find the game anywhere in my Sling app.
  9. We're not allowed to have fun anymore.
  10. People who have to join the armed forces, instead of some other route, to escape poverty, re-enforces my statement. And I mean no offense. Some people choose to serve, some have no other option.
  11. Sure, but the path out of poverty is a lot more difficult for some.
  12. Awesome Panthers/Hurricanes game. 0-0 until a minute left. Screw Carolina. The Sabres are so far away from a Stanley Cup.
  13. Boy, Matthew Tkachuk looked like he injured his shoulder again. That sucks. I like watching him play.
  14. I remember a time when a piece of gear would break at work. I'd call a guy at a place and ask him if he could fix it. He'd say yes. I would send it to him with a sticky note on it telling him what was wrong. He'd fix it and send it back. He'd charge us what it cost and we'd pay him. Simple. Now when something breaks, I have to email three different people, fill out a form online with model numbers, serial numbers, what the issue is, and get approval so they can send a Return of Merchandise Approval form, send one back to them with the gear, then forward a copy to our guy so he can approve paying for the repair, all so everyone can track information. And in the end, the guy on the bench is still just going to read the sticky note that that I put on the gear. I truly wonder how much money gets wasted tracking spending in the guise of saving it.
  15. I’ve been saying it for years and I’m getting a little upset nobody is listening to me, it’s wings. They need to stop eating wings.
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