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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I will admit that at no point in that game, until they scored in overtime, did I think the Sabres were going to win that game. Is it fantastic Friday yet?
  2. Those third period scoring stats were kinda hilarious. Of course we've outscore the other team in the third. Cuz we're usually down by 3.
  3. Cuz they don't care as long as they are making money. Why would they spend more money making your life easier if you give them your money anyway.
  4. It's kinda how they've looked for a while. I really hope that the Sabres have been holding back, cuz if they had one guy who could turn on another gear, we beat them in the third.
  5. I said in the GDT that I didn't think the officiating changed the outcome of the game, but there is no way to say for sure. Who cares, anyway, we shouldn't have to watch that garbage.
  6. This is just the groundhog seeing it's shadow. We'll know it's truly spring once we get that call from Bruce in Depew shouting on the Whiner Line.
  7. I would bet that that percentage is pretty consistent across every generation.
  8. How much were the refs fined for that turd they smeared all over the ice?
  9. Is there somewhere we can go to find a list of pre-approved thoughts? I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.
  10. What the hell does that even mean?
  11. I wish the Sabres had “their game.” They tried to play Florida’s game on Tuesday. Didn’t do too bad a job of it either. Penalties made it impossible for them pull it off, though. I’m sure they’ll try to play Tampa’s game tonight. It won’t work. Tampa is old. Skate skate skate. Don’t fight Tanner Jeannot. They’re not going to get the calls again tonight. Just deal with it and keep playing. Just ***** win!
  12. Year 12 of the expected 20 year playoff drought.
  13. On another note, I absolutely love everything Red Bull does, I mean,... other than the actual beverage.
  14. That was amazing. I would have loved to see the real footage through the entire lap, instead of the enhanced. It's most likely not good enough for primetime, though. Drones have changed how the cover extreme snowboarding and it's incredible.
  15. Wow. Catching up on some reading today. The salient points: R word bad Can’t say got your bell rung, because,… reasons. and
  16. Absolutely horrible officiating. not sure it it changed the outcome of the game. Still unacceptable.
  17. It's also the capital of Sabrespace (or is it Sabre Space?), where we go for the beatings.
  18. Skinner is many things. I would never call him a floater as one of them.
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