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Posts posted by darksabre

  1. I'm not sure what you know of Finnish Metal. But check this out.



    Oh I know Children of Bodom alright, mainly because I had a buddy who was obsessed with them. Honestly, I'm not too into the whole gutteral growling metal, but instrumentally the stuff is good. I'm a big fan of epic metal, unless the lyrics are about dwarfs and enchanted forests n sh*t.


    also, been stuck in my head because of an inside joke.


  2. One more complaint before the lock: Anterior Tarsal Tunnel syndrome.


    I've been skating daily recently and have been noticing that the top of my foot along the bone that goes to my big toe, has been feeling kind of numb, like the nerves are all weird. Sooo I did some research and voila!




    Apparently due to my bony, flat feet, I have a nerve that is being pinched when I skate, because I need the skates super tight.


    So now the question is, how much am I going to have to pay for custom skates to keep playing this game?



  3. Same issue with all of the handicap tags out there.


    in a similar vein, when did the requirements for handicapped tags become: fat, black and owns a Cadillac. I've never seen so many non-handicapped people with handicap tags. Are they just giving them away? Can I get one because I've got a laziness condition too?

  4. My motorcycle. I've had about enough. Every time I get it working right, it lasts about 3 days before something completely new decides to go wrong. Yesterday night on the way home from campus it managed to leak all its oil out on my street. You can follow the trail about a mile to my driveway. An oil seal must be shot, but I'm so fed up with it I haven't even pulled the case cover off to look at it. I'm ready to just roll it into the street and light it on fire. Nothing I've ever owned has hated me as much as this bike does. :angry:

  5. The college that I pay tons of money to go to.


    They decided this week to cancel our intramural Ice Hockey program indefinitely, citing some real B.S. reasons for doing so, including incidents that occurred up to 4 years ago. Last year they mandated that we have a security guard on duty for all the games, so we paid the college to let us play. WE PAID FOR SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE FREE. Apparently the security guard wasn't enough though, because certain teams and players that should have been banned ages ago were still allowed in.


    So now the rest of us are being punished for the actions of a select few, because the intramural and recreation board was too lazy to bother to sort out the problems effectively, or involve ANY of us in the discussions they've apparently been having on the topic.


    Thanks for nuthin RIT.

  6. People actually read that thing over on TSW? But yeah, that's a good complaint, so here we go:


    Yesterday on my way to work, I watched some kid driving an SUV pull up behind a parked garbage truck. He then tried to throw and empty water bottle out his window into the back of the truck. He missed, then as the truck pulled away, he parked in the spot the truck had been blocking. His water bottle was right next to his door as he got out, but he couldn't be bothered to pick up the bottle and throw it out in the garbage can the truck had just emptied. I'm always amazed at just how lazy people can be.


    And another train rant. On the cars I ride on, they'll open all of the doors to let people out, while new riders are supposed to enter at the front so they can pay. They'll close the back doors pretty quickly so people can't sneak on. Well yesterday, this one guy was taking his time even getting out of his seat and the door closed long before he got anywhere near it. He then began pounding on the door yelling "OPEN THE BACK DOOR!" over and over. Each time he did it, I'd add a "please" on to the end of his sentence. Then the driver started yelling back "front door" every single time he said it. The guy eventually caved and walked the incredible 20 feet up to the front of the train so he could leave. The train was completely empty too, so it wasn't like he had to push his way through 50 people to get there. I'm always amazed how much of a scene people will make just to save about 5 seconds of their day.


    I had a house mate that made a point to bitch at me every time I pulled my truck up too close to the front of the house because it prevented him from walking in front of it to his car. Instead he would have to walk aaallllll the way around my truck to get to his car, an extra 5 seconds at best. But this was such a huge problem for him. He even made a point of climbing on our bushes and the front of my truck just so that he didn't have to walk around it. Needless to say I was pissed and gave him what for about it. Nobody touches my personal property like that. I mean, how lazy do you have to be?

  7. We had one recently that ended in a few deaths and national news. Hope this turned out better.


    I have no idea, I haven't seen anything on the news so I assume it did. He was doing about 40-50 in the left lane along the jersey barrier, so it was pretty easy to see him coming. And it was 4am so there was no one on the road.


    Do Rochestarians look at you funny when dropping "the" in front of highway numbers? Us here locals don't do that kinda thang.


    I haven't ever gotten any looks for it yet, but then most of my friends here aren't actually from Rochester. ;)

  8. The 490. Thankfully construction is almost done, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hate it.


    Oh, and the little pickup that was driving eastbound in the westbound lane last night at 4:00am. Sure made for an interesting call to 911.

  9. Yep. There's my complaint. The lack of respect overall for the authorities. I've had several encounters with the law, and everyone of them I treated with the utmost respect and I was given the same treatment in return. Is it really all that hard?


    Exactly. I have a really hard time grasping why some people act the way they do towards the police. They're just doing their jobs. They don't want to be hassling you any more than you want them to be.


    The guy was a fan for the other team, voicing his opinion. The cops didn't like it and told him to leave. That's fair? The have no other 'arsenal' but to taser him? Tasers in general have tought police nothing. Instead of talking the person off the ledge- taser 'em. Instead of learning the right way to cuff somebody - taser 'em. Instead of learning better police procedures - taser 'em.




    Fair to taser an 11 year old with disabilities because she won't sit still? Shocking a man to death after he doesn't obey police officers commands? You know why? He was having a seizure! Hundreds of people dying because of fatal arrhythmia triggered by tazers.


    I have no problem with complaining about improper usages. Do they occur? Yes. So does improper searches, improper uses of force and improper uses of deadly force. It's why officers have to justify things. Lest we forget that just over 30 years ago Police didn't have to fill out a report for shooting at a suspect, but they had to report damage to a patrol car with pages of paperwork. Law enforcement has come a long way since the 70's and it's still evolving. And every time you have a new piece of technology, there will be challenges to using it effectively.


    Also, "Hundreds of people dying"? Please.


    I'll agree with that.


    Just that tasering someone for butting in front of you in the lunch line seems a bit like a power trip.


    Of course it's a power trip. Does it happen with any frequency? No. So what's the problem? How is an isolated incident relevant?


    I'm not complaining about your response per se, but it did trigger a nerve. I'm using the term 'you' generically. My apologies for thread hijacking.


    I'd like to add another one... "complaints about those that complain about police." Of course you don't taser an 11 year old (unless he's waving an AK-47 around). Before the taser, he'd have been smacked in the mouth with a night stick or knocked out cold with a flashlight. That's if he's lucky. That doesn't make it instantly okay, but understand that the taser isn't the root of all police-related evil.


    There's this gut response from so many people that the police are all about power trips, racial inequality, abusing the badge, and so forth. How many of you that are bold enough to share that opinion have ever done an ounce of police work? Been to the academy? Hell, have any of you ever gone on a night time ride-along? You can do this, you know, just ask your local police department or an officer if you know one.


    The lack of respect for these guys amazes me. The overwhelming majority them put up with the sh*t end of society on a daily basis. Fatal traffic accidents, domestic violence, crack heads. For that, they get to be consistently criticized by a bunch of know-betters. To top it off, they make crap for cash.


    Consider this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16997772


    That's 75 fatalities occurring since January of 2001. Of the 49% that had autopsy results available, 78.4% were doped up. Of that group, 86.2% were on some sort of stimulant. You're not exactly seeing hundreds of innocent Catholic school children zapped for not getting The Nicene Creed correct. I'm too lazy to look, but I wonder what the corresponding number of police shootings looks like when accounting for overall crime rate.


    My grandfather was a NY police officer (and a firefighter, and a WWII veteran), I've a cousin up in the city doing the same thing now and another cousin at the academy. The stuff these guys see would make you physically ill and they (at least these three) do it because they honestly have a desire to help you, whether you think that badge makes them the enemy or not. My grandfather was actually taken hostage at one point.


    Lastly, I'm certain that you're right and there are a subset of these guys that are total jerks. A subset of every population sucks. They should be taken care of. Removed. Given Therapy. Something. Look at it objectively, though. Try to put the "F the Police!" cultural response aside and think about it. I've never ever had a bad experience with the police (that I didn't deserve when I was a teenager).


    Fantastic post. And yes, there are going to be officers out there who aren't quite right. It's really hard to weed the bad ones out, especially in big departments that are already short on man power. Standards for police officers have really only begun to develop over the last 20 years. A lot of research has shown that better educated officers tend to receive less complaints and perform better. Most departments still don't require more than 30 hours of college credit. As time goes on and standards increase I believe that instances of "bad eggs" may decrease, but you'll never eliminate it. It's foolish to think so. I think law enforcement is making progress though. People just need to learn to not get up in arms every time some schmuck gets tased.


    And for the record, a lot of Bills fans probably could use a good tasing now and then. :beer:

  10. Cops and tasers.



    These cops would have everyone tasered at a Bills game. WTF?


    I want to complain about people who complain about tasers. What did you want them to do? The old coot wasn't obliging their requests for him to leave without using force. In fact you can hear him in the video telling the officers "you better get away from me" repeatedly. Obviously they wanted to remove him and he was unwilling to comply. How would you have done it? Whipped out your baton or your flash light and cracked him in the skull a few times? A swift punch in a gut? Please, the guy is lucky that all he got was a couple shots from a taser. This is California we're talking about here.


    You can't dump hot coffee on everyone.


    And remember, don't hassle the police. If you act like a jackass, you're going to get tased or maced. Expecting anything less is naive.

  11. Never make them touch!!


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  12. ok, why have a new thread every Thursday? Why not open and close one thread? Sometimes, mega threads can be entertaining for new people and the posts/thread views encourage people to participate.


    well we could do that. if we really wanted to.

  13. That sucks. I know you take a lot stuff around here and you're an incredible sport about it. You certainly don't have a thin skin. He must have been a real butthole if the situation came to that.


    Do you ever watch SpongeBob? There is one episode where SpongeBob and Patrick go to the amusement park, but are afraid to ride the rides. Larry the Lobster comes over and there is some smell coming from his armpits. He tells SpongeBob, "Do you smell that? That's the smell of adrenaline!"... :lol:


    I think I just got a whiff of something. ;)


    chz smells of the briny ocean depths?

  14. Marge : Have you noticed something about Bart?

    Homer : New glasses?

    Marge : No. It seems like something could be troubling him.

    Homer : Probably misses his old glasses.

    Marge : I want to get more involved in Bart's activities, but then I'd be afraid of smothering him.

    Homer : Yeah, and then we'd get the chair.

    Marge : That's not what I meant.

    Homer : Admit it Marge, it was.


    :lol: thanks for the laugh.

  15. Complaints...


    1. Is it possible to not use a pool once all summer?


    2. People who drive around WNY like maniacs. Slow friggin' down. Your commute is about as short as it can be. You are risking your life and the people driving around you.


    3. Still having to cut my grass every 4 or 5 days because of all the rain and cool weather. Shouldn't my grass be burned by now?


    4. Stupid new eye doctor who overcharged me almost $200 for new glasses. After verifying my coverage, I had to call them 3 times before they finally got it right. I am not sure if this was intentional or the opticians who figure out the costs are IDIOTS! It is not rocket science.


    5. The 500 block of Main St. downtown is a joke. I am not sure if Buffalo is on the upswing when a block that at one time had a McDonalds, John & Mary's, Burger King and Ruby's, now for the most part has vacant buildings for more than a decade.


    Maybe they need glasses?

  16. This one set me off. I go into a Dunkin Donuts and order a value set, you know, the number #3 or something, thinking - hey that's not a bad deal. It's $3.19 on the menu but then I'm charged $3.57 .....I tell the cashier that that doesn't sound right. He says that I'm not adding in the tax, Tax is 8% so even if it 9% He's overcharged me. I wanted the price on the menu.


    The guy looks at me and tells me that the menu is wrong and not the computer, and thereby decides it is more important to make me feel like an a#$^$#!e for complaining about 10 cents than giving me the advertised price.


    I don't really give a crap about the .10, I want to feel as if I'm getting a fair deal.

    Now I wonder if everyone who orders off the menu isn't getting screwed by .10.

    Anyway...that's all I got. Just a slow burn.....


    I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of businesses get away with stuff like this just because we as American's are too lazy to check the numbers. We're in a hurry, we just want our food. Who cares what it costs. I think I would only notice a difference if my Large coffee from Tim Horton's didn't cost $1.75 every time.

  17. Have you tried CCM's. I'm pretty lanky too(6'4") and tried Eastons and Bauers. They both killed my feet. CCMs are the only ones that don't hurt(after they break in of course :censored: ).


    I'll keep my eye out for some beat old CCMs at the local play it again. I had my Eastons baked and it does make them much more comfortable, but it doesn't help the fact that the tongue sucks. I'm still in the learning stage of figuring out what I like and what to look for, so these Eastons may turn out to be a nice $300 mistake if I ever come across something else I like more.

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