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Posts posted by darksabre

  1. Try changing the fluid. I thought my tranny was toast (and thus a new car was needed), but the mechanic told me that new fluid had a 50/50 shot of fixing it. I gave it a shot and for the last 2 months it's worked better than in the last couple of years.


    That was going to be my first plan of action, but I've got a bad feeling about this.

  2. My complaint is that this warm blip in the weather is going to completely screw up the ice down at the creek for the weekend. Playing hockey outside for three hours last night was awesome, and now the ice is going to get all bumpy from the rain and (relatively) warm temperatures.


    Bah humbug!


    Other than that, enjoy some Christmas spirits everyone. :beer:

  3. Sauve is right. His job is to announce the goals(in the Sabres case goal) not welcome the stripper to the stage.


    To each their own I guess. Wouldn't want a PA guy to sound alive or anything.


    You would probably HATE Bandit's games.

  4. The public address announcer at the Sabres games. Derrrrrrrr...icccck RooooooooooooooooooooYY



    Ok, can't you just announce the goal without all the theatrics?


    Really? Your complaint is that the PA guy is doing exactly what he's supposed to?

  5. Ahh, good point. You can add the Lance Armstrong wannabees to this list as well. Spending a Gr to pimp yourself out to look like Lance Armstrong, not cool. Unless you are training to compete against Lance, throw on a T-shirt and some khaki's and ride your freakin bike.


    Biking is a little more complex than that. Bike shorts are a god send cuz they have padding for your boys. Unfortunately, there are really only two options, baggy or tight. I wear baggy shorts that have a lining (sorta like swim trunks) but that's cuz I ride a mountain bike (and don't want to look like a choad). The compression shorts are the standard for road bikers and there's just no way to avoid it. They might look stupid to everyone else, but unless you ride you don't realize how necessary they are. And you aren't supposed to wear anything over them because it will cause chafing, so you're sorta stuck. It's more of a comfort choice than a looks choice.

  6. Christmas music sucks.


    Cold November Rain instead of Snow. Just snow already.


    Coming home for Thanksgiving break. I have nothing to do here during the day, so I just sit around waiting for the evening when all my friends want to get together. I'd rather just be in Rochester.


    Oh, and women.

  7. Been sick for the last few days and it sucks.


    Saw a girl at the mall today. She sat down in the entrance to the hallway leading to the restrooms, plugged her phone into the electrical outlet, and started calling everyone she knew to loudly complain that her ride wasn't there because "the bus dropped me off early." Classy.

    Posters who reply to posts with youtube videos.


    Douchebags who reply to posts (or sneak in posts) with links that connect to that frigging peter pan guy.


    I'm never going to catch shrader now. Probably because I keep multi-complaining in one post.



  8. I'm not sure I have ever had a filet-of-fish sandwhich at McDs.. I certainly don't recall ever eating one...


    Don't do it. It's not worth it.


    That'll be my complaint. For all the hype it got last year, the Filet-o-fish is terrible.


    Do yourself a favor, pick up a salmon fillet from the supermarket, some cajun spices, and a couple wheat hamburger buns. Cake that filet in cajun powder, broil it in the oven for like 12 minutes, throw it on a bun with some tartar sauce, and enjoy the fact that you aren't wasting your money. :)


    Oh and it's f*ckin tasty. There you are, a d4rksabre original. :D

  9. My laptop came down with some bug yesterday. I started getting warnings about a virus, but it was pretty clear that they were fake warnings trying to get me to install some program. Then my browser kept closing all on its own. I cut off the internet connect and stopped the fake program from running, then restarted. Now each time I start the computer, there are no windows open, but I hear the tone the computer makes when the popup blocker kicks in. A few seconds later, still with no windows open, audio from ads will start to run. The internet browser keeps closing on its own if I open it. I was up until 3 last night trying to fix this but made little progress. Any suggestions?


    Download and run Ad Aware. It's always done well by me.



  10. Mine lasted 3 weeks. Mucinex and theraflu helped immensly


    I've been all over the Mucinex. I discovered that a few years ago and I'll never fight a cold without it. But holy hell is this annoying. I would have rather had 4 days of the swine flu than this.

  11. People who bow out when turning left. Seriously?


    I know right?


    In a similar vein, people who change their minds after committing to a driving action. You're mid-turn. Just make the damn turn instead of stopping and screwing everything up. Oh, you needed to exit there but didn't get over soon enough? Too bad, you committed. Get off at the next exit and turn around. Oh, you didn't want to get off at that exit? Well don't just stop in the middle of the ramp, or do that move where you stop and turn off into the divide zone between the ramp and the highway. Just get off and get back on. It's not that hard.


    And my actual complaint for today. We've had a couple nice days this week. But of course I'm sick and can't ride the motorcycle. But as soon as I'm not sick anymore, I just know the weather is going to go to hell. UGH.

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