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Posts posted by darksabre

  1. I got turned down for a job with a company that had already trained me during college to do that very job. They turned me down in favor of someone with more experience.


    It was an entry level position. :wallbash:


    I'm just going to go work construction. Apparently there is no way to break into this field.

  2. I missed most of the argument but I just wanted to throw in my two cents here. I have seen (heard?) HSBC loud. Very loud. I went to Game 2 vs Philly in 2006 and that was probably the loudest I've ever heard the place. Granted it was playoffs. But the thing is in 2005-06, only people who legitimately cared about hockey and the Sabres were going to the game. Hockey still didn't exist to a lot of people. Not to demean any fans but you've got to admit, the # of Sabres "fans" at least tripled after the 06-07 season, and it seems like at that point going to games became more of a family oriented event rather than a fan oriented event. Last season I went to a game against Phoenix and sat second row, close enough to touch the glass (closest I've ever sat) -- some group of old ladies near us in the front row bitched at us for touching and pounding on the glass.\


    To me, the arena definitely isn't anywhere near as energetic as it used to be -- most likely because lots of families go together and don't want to go nuts. But that said, it's not like the place is an abandoned warehouse either. It still gets loud and people still cheer, especially in the 300's, but it definitely hasn't been like 2006.


    Right. And these family types aren't there to cheer until they can't speak anymore. Which is the exact opposite of myself, who spends upwards of 15 nights every season blowing my voice out for my Tigers at home (and often times away too). Last year a group of us got a box of 8000 coughdrops from Halls for free because we wrote Halls and told them we burned through packages of them for hockey games, and they thought that was awesome. Show up to a Sabres game with your pockets stuffed with cough drops and start cheering your team on, and all of a sudden you and the three other guys in your section who care, are all getting dirty looks from mom and dad because they don't get it.


    Being a spectator isn't about sitting with your hands in your lap and clapping every time someone makes a play. It's about cheering until your throat is raw and you have broken blood vessels in your eyeballs. It's about being a part of the game, not removed from it.


    That's one thing the fans at Bills games have that we don't. Drunken, rowdy, spirit and a complete lack of politeness.

  3. That building is quiet as hell for most of the game. I went to 2 games back to back in Oct last season and I was disgusted at how quiet it was. I was there for Myers first goal and the building exploded and then quieted after 5 mins.


    The next night, Max returned to HSBC. It was quiet til he touched the puck and I decided to boo him. Then, there was some noise. Then, he scored and people cheered.


    The only time I've been to a game where it was loud the whole game was in the 06 playoffs.


    I mean, I've gone to a Sabres game and the next night gone to a Bandits game with half the crowd and the difference in noise level is insane. Granted, Bandits is a difference atmosphere with the PA announcer basically trying to insight a riot and the organized cheers and the fact that the core fans are extremely loyal.


    But it is still the same building with almost half the crowd. And it's been the same way since the lockout. It's the fact that the Sabres have gone more to the casual fan and the rabid crowds we remember are gone.


    And that all comes back to ticket prices. The people who go are the ones who can afford to. But they might not be the best fans. It's typically middle class families with kids. Those aren't what makes noise. It's this whole "family event" atmosphere that kills these games. Lower the ticket prices to be inline with the economy of the area and you'll get the crowd back.


    Oh, and win a few damn games too.


    This is why college hockey is so much better than the NHL.

  4. It's not a load of crap. I do audio for TV. I've even done audio for hockey (Islanders). I'm not saying that the building may not be quieter than others, but I know for a fact that the producers/director want more ice sound for some reason. I personally like more crowd in my mix. Unless you have CI and go back and forth between the home and away broadcasts and tell me that you don't hear a difference, then you, good sir, are the one who is full of crap.


    It's not even worth arguing with him. If I remember correctly, he hasn't been to a game in years.

  5. But there's always a place for the stupid complaints. It adds some laughs from time to time.


    And here's my stupid complaint of the week. I was killing a penalty in my hockey game the other night when we took another penalty. I went to touch up the puck in the corner to get the whistle, but decided to wait as long as I could. This guy on the other team (a complete ringer, by the way, playing in a C league when he was an A level player) skates up and starts yelling at me for just standing there, calling it lazy hockey. Newsflash idiot, we're about to go down two men. I'm not touching the puck because I want to kill as much time off that first penalty as possible. You may be a good player, but you're an absolute idiot.


    Gotta love it.


    In a similar vein, at RIT we rent ice time on Thursday nights to get together as a group of friends and play hockey. We get a lot of people that want to come and play but we have to turn a lot away because it's not really an "open" session. It's reserved for regulars and if we have space on a particular night we'll let less frequent fliers or new people in. A few weeks back we had a kid (who, over the course of a year of us doing this, I had never seen before) show up wanting to play net. All well and good except for the fact that we already had one goalie and I was almost fully dressed as the second netminder. And I don't share icetime when I'm in net. If he had gotten to the arena on time I would have deferred the goaltending to him and just played out which I also like doing, but it was ten minutes before we were on the ice which was well past the cutoff time for claiming the two goaltender spots. So he goes and tells the guy who organizes it that he's going to suit up to play out, which our organizer allows. The kid then proceeds to suit up and come out in goalie gear.


    Needless to say, I'm standing my ground. I will not be cycling out when a goal is scored. I'm not here to sit on a bench. It's a private session, not stick-puck at the local barn.


    About 10 minutes in I get scored on. Kid comes skatin' out and I tell him to go back where he came from. He gets in my face, telling me how much better he is than me, and that I already let in 2 (not 1) sh*tty goals, acting like he's entitled to ice time. Our organizer has to come over and basically tell him that he was told to suit up to play out, not net, and that if I don't want to sub out I don't have to. He storms back to the bench in a fury and makes remarks that I am a "washed up hack" to my friends on the bench.


    It's good to know that at some point in the 10 months I've been playing net that I had already climbed to such a high level of ability, that I was able to fall to the level of washed-up. I suppose retirement and a coaching gig is next for this 23 year old ex-pro. :D

  6. I barehand slapshots out of the air and I'm a forward. Get over it Mr. fully padded guy.


    hey I'm not saying it bothers me, I'm just saying it was a poor choice on my part. You should see the welts on my thighs. The only reason I don't get better pants is because I think they look cool.

  7. It is physically impossible to read all of the work I have assigned. I would literally have to stay awake 24 hours a day.



    Oh, and Mass Airflow Sensors, EGR valves, etc. Whoever came up with this all this emissions electronic crap should be killed. I don't care about nature, I just want my truck to run like it is supposed to.

  8. And all those gift avatars and I never got one! He's dead to me.


    Right? I never got one either.


    And to be fair, I sent him a PM wishing him well when I saw he had posted that thread. I think he thinks I hated him or something but I never had that much of a problem with him. There are certainly people here who drive me crazier than he did. The religious undertones just cast a shadow on otherwise decent posting.

  9. I think this is the 3rd or 4th time I've said this this Summer, but it's %@#$in' hot.


    This sh*t seriously needs to stop. There's a reason I don't live in FLA and it's weather like this. Come on now, Football is starting, so where are my fall temperatures?


    I'm schwitzen everywhere!

  10. Sounds a little like a swing shift? :blink:


    I briefly worked at Tonawanda Coke and they had swing shifts there as well....


    *coughs up sulfur and sift*


    Ahhh, those were the days!


    Got lucky, turns out they gave me tonight off. Still means 6 days in a row though...at least I have next weekend off, which will let me get home for the Erie County Fair.

  11. very nice, chz! I didn't know you were a country girl. :thumbsup:


    I think chz is a city/burbs girl. Like everyone who listens to country.


    I was always under the impression that people who actually lived in the country listened to it because they couldn't get any other stations.

  12. I'm not a big fan of defensemen who panic as I'm pressuring them and flip a puck straight up into the air into my throat.


    I hate that you're playing hockey. I'm limited to one day a week right now because the only place in Rochester with open ice has two skate and shoots every week at most.

  13. Being off for a couples weeks after getting laid off has put me in a sour mood. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to do anything with my life. I'm a 23 year old college graduate applying for part time jobs at Tim Horton's because entry level jobs want 2-3 years experience for those same jobs. How the f*ck am I supposed to get experience, eh? :wallbash:

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