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Posts posted by darksabre

  1. The possible good news is that if this goes on for much longer changes will be made. They can't put up with this $#^#%$# for an entire season, can they?


    This is really why I'm so comfortable with the situation. It's just like the Bills. As long as they keep being terrible then maybe something will actually change to the point where they might still be bad, but at least they'll be entertainingly bad.


    I also want to say that I'm tired of people subtly supporting this "oh they're just towing the company line" thing. I don't think there is any excuse for someone to do that. When your team is bad you admit it and you make an effort to fix it. Denial is no way to gain anyone's trust whether it be the fans, owners, players, or the front offices of other teams. I think if I was looking to trade with Buffalo, I'd certainly want to speak with someone who was willing to say things like they are instead of feign ignorance. Company line my a**. They're just liars.

  2. He stated at the end of last season losing to Boston for all including the players something had to change and then it didn't what kind of message did that send? Any wonder it looks like Miller does not want to carry this collection on his back all year again?


    "Trade me right f*cking now!"

  3. Math!


    There were 14 teams in the conference but 15 now for the majority.


    In 12 years, 12 eastern teams make it to the Cup


    12/14 or 15 teams = .8 or .86 trips to the Cup per team


    8 teams from the east make the playoffs each year


    8/14 = 57%

    8/15 = 53%


    Each year, teams in the east win 4+2+1 playoff series, and assuming a 50/50 chance in the Cup, .5, for 7.5 playoff series wins per year. in 12 years under Ruff, the East has 90 playoff series wins. In 8 years without Hasek, 60 wins.


    60 wins / 15 available teams = 4 playoff series wins per team average


    8 years * 54% chance of making playoffs = 4.32 trips to playoffs per team




    There are some teams that go more, and some less.....but those are the statistical averages to be expected.


    The only above average aspect of Ruff's record is 10 playoff series wins versus the 6 that can be expected. But once again, post Hasek, he is below average.


    See this is why I love this place. Interesting use of statistics and nicely done.

  4. Ruff has been coach 12 full years


    In those years there were 14 and 15 teams in our conference


    An average coach given that tenure will get his team to the Stanley Cup 0.85 times


    Ruff made the playoffs 7 of 12 years


    That is 58%


    The average team should make it 54-56% of the time


    Ruff has won 10 playoff series


    The average team has won 6.1 series



    Since Hasek has left:


    Ruff has gone to the playoffs 3 of 8 years


    The average team has gone 4.32 times


    Ruff has won 4 playoff series


    The average team has won 4 playoff series




    The results?


    With Dominik Hasek, Lindy Ruff was a slightly above average coach


    Without Hasek, Lindy Ruff has been a slightly below average head coach



    Lindy Ruff is the 18th best head coach in the league according to Drane Enterprises Hockey Software Ltd.


    Interesting post. I'm curious as to where you get all these numbers from?


    I'd also be curious to see where those numbers would go if he remained coach for 4 more years. (cue PA having a heart attack)


    Obviously Hasek was important to this teams success. And Miller is also just as important. But none of that changes my opinion of Lindy.

  5. If the Sabres miss the playoffs this season, will it taint your memory of him? Didn't 02, 03, 04, 08 and 09 do the trick? Hey, he's the one who for a long time has been preaching the parity of the league, I think in an attempt to explain away his mediocre teams. But it cuts both ways. If the teams are so close, and he's so great, how did he fail to get any of those teams into the top half of his conference?


    It's not really fair to ask someone as young as I am that question though. My first real memories of the Sabres were the 97-98 playoffs when I was 11. I followed the Sabres about as diligently as a kid could who didn't come from a very dedicated sports family. Heck, I didn't have cable till I came to college in 05 so I couldn't even watch games.


    Joining this forum and becoming not just a fan, but an analyst, changed how I view the team. My only real critical years of this team started in 05. That combined with the fact that I don't have decades of deep seeded anger to unleash at will, is why I don't harbor any resentment towards Ruff. In my 13 years of legitimate fanhood he's taken us to the Stanley Cup and almost did it again in 06. Why should I dislike the guy?

  6. How do you know it won't fix anything? Are you 100% certain that Ruff is the best hockey coach we could ever have? There's 0% chance anyone could ever do a better job?


    Don't put words in my mouth.


    I think you could find a coach that might fix these misfits for a few games/months or the rest of the season if we're lucky. But in the long run, I think there's no way. I don't think anyone can really build a winner with these dusters. Not even the great Peter Laviolette, the go-to guy when you absolutely need to fire your coach and drag a team out of the ashes.


    I'd rather just see them sh*tcan Lindy so that I don't have to sit here wondering if it really is his fault anymore. Shut the critics up. Either they're right and they can get down off their soapboxes, or they're wrong and they drop it.


    And on a personal level, I'd like to remember his as a good coach.

  7. OSPs wallet has nothing to do with the fact that there is no way the Sabres could have fit Kovy under the cap without trading half the team for picks. How, in ANY world, is that a good idea? I wouldn't take that cancer if he bought me 30 hookers and Bugatti Veyron.

  8. How on earth is getting treated like a rock star by fans and groupies a "hockey distraction"? That's going to help their game?


    If anything, I think we have too many guys on the team who like to live like rich, famous hockey players and don't care so much about actually winning a Stanley Cup. They're in it for the lifestyle.


    The only player on the team who appears 100% dedicated to winning the Cup is Miller. How dedicated is everyone else? Who knows?


    We're not looking at this the same way. When I make this suggestion it is under the guise that these guys will be expected to be all business at all times if they are in public. Teams can handle themselves in a manner that is professional, adult, and restrained. Really, they don't even have to be exposed to the public at all if they chose this approach. Security and private booking can take care of any of those issues. They have busy days of practice, workouts, and required downtime anyway, so the opportunities for them to do anything but team related things is limited.


    Gotta crack the whip on these boys and treat em like a high school travel team that has no way to act anything but how the coaches want them to.

  9. Not sure that would work. They'd still be living in a hotel and eating in restaurants in a city where people go crazy for them and would constantly be asking for autographs, etc. You'd have all the same distractions, maybe more.


    If they need extra focus for home games, it's just going to have to come from within. I don't think a gimmick can get it done.


    Yeah, but those are hockey related distractions. And maybe having that interaction with the fans they run into at dinner and in the hotel, etc., would be good for them. It would keep their minds on the game to be played and that they are hockey players, here to win for their fans at home. I think it would be an idea that couldn't hurt.

  10. Seeing how much better this team is on the road, I wonder if the problems they've had at home can simply be attributed to a lack of focus? I'd like to see Lindy try something that RIT did last year during the AHA tournament at home here in Rochester. Even though the playoff games were being played just downtown at Blue Cross, the team decided to stay downtown at a hotel for the weekend as a team so that they would stay focused on the games. They wound up winning the AHA and going on to the NCAA regionals, and eventually the Frozen Four.


    For the next homestand, the Sabres should pack their bags like it's a roadtrip and stay as a team downtown at the Regency. Eat as a team, live as a team, no distractions of family, home or the bars. They obviously wont like it because hey, they're home so why can't they stay at their homes? But I think it would do them good to try and get that road game feel at home. Then maybe they'll figure out what they need to do to focus for home games in the future.

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