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Posts posted by darksabre

  1. I came down with some kinda sickness on Tuesday that left me sore and aching all over and wanting nothing but sleep when I got home from work. I had no energy at work yesterday and dragged myself through to come home and sleep more. Late last night I started getting a really nasty headache and I still have it this morning. Called into work because Advil doesn't seem to help at all and wearing a hard hat all day would have been murder. Wondering if I should go to the hospital for some antibiotics or something. Ughhhh.

  2. A friend of mine here at college had her car die last week. Some pile Nissan she had for about a year. She tried to take it to the junkyard and it died again. So she had to leave it on the side of the road over the weekend. I helped her find a new car on Saturday. Paid $700 for a Saturn with a crack in the windshield. She took it back to Massachusetts where she is from to get it inspected, and all sorts of other things failed that looked perfectly fine when I was checking it out. Her parents are pissed off (could hear her mom yelling in the background, calling me a jerk, etc.) I'll probably have to bite the bullet now on paying her back for the car since it was my fault she bought it. Repairs would probably cost more than the car is worth. And to top it off her other car got vandalized so she had to pay extra to have it towed because people stole 3 wheels off of it and it got towed to a yard for being abandoned.


    Yeah, it's the right thing to do, but boy does it suck. That's gonna be almost two weeks pay after we junk it. Then we gotta find her another car.


    Tempted to just tell her to tell her mom to find her a car. That'll piss her mom off real good. She's a super biatch.


    Love it when parents wont help their daughter out. She has zero money and travels for her job (she's a photographer and does photo shoots for people all over the NE). Her parents just bought two new cars but they wont help her get a decent used car that'll last her more than a year. And then have the audacity to call ME a jerk. Right. Last I checked, I'm the one trying to help.


    Next car is going straight to the garage first. No screwing around. Because now it's going to be my money, that I need.


    Sucks tryin' to help people sometimes. :censored:

  3. I didn't think it was possible, but so many of the posts around here lately are coming close to chasing me away from this board. There is so much pure anger out there that it almost looks like this was the worst season in the history of professional sports, an insult to mankind itself. I know there are plenty who aren't running around and dodging the sky while it falls, but you people don't post nearly enough.


    Precisely the reason I've been staying away for the most part. Happened to me last summer too where I had to take a break for a bit.


    I'm gonna go enjoy this beautiful day. I don't have any complaints. B-)

  4. The place I work at is managed by lunatics who expect us grunts to pick up the slack for them when they make insane promises to the buyers of our product. If it weren't for the guys who are always willing to ditch their horrible lives outside of work to do whatever the brass begs them to, maybe there would be some accountability in this joint. Everything is a f*cking crisis with these guys.

  5. How much had they been drinking? Sounds like a guy who wants to sound like he's tough at a hockey game.


    I'm a season ticket holder at Union College (Div I in Schenectady, NY). It's toned down over the past few years, but the group of people in the rows behind us (also ST holders) constantly kept yelling "Shoot it!!!" any time a Union player so much as touched the puck. They couldn't understand why they just didn't keep shooting the puck at the net. Any time a line change was desperately needed and they were carrying the puck out of the defensive zone, the folks couldn't understand why they didn't start an offensive rush.


    I think they're more educated about the game now (hence the toning down), but my Lord...


    When people start yelling shoot, I start yelling "PASS!" over and over again, as loud as possible. It usually shuts em up.

  6. How have you never told us that d4rksabre is your daughter.


    I'm also chz.


    d4rksabre and teenage boys? You can get arrested for that.


    wait, inky is a teenager?




    my complaint is that i dropped a crate on my hand today at work and destroyed a nail so bad I had to do the old hot paperclip trick to let all the blood out. :censored:


    and then i had to clean my kitchen counter and wall. it was a squirter. :sick:

  7. I already spent the night in the G.I. sherrifs office for tazering the guy last September, they just give him an appearance ticket and he pays a small fine. F'ing drunk, the snow tells the story this winter. I was hoping the beating his wife gave him at Christmas would help him see things differenlty, she finally left for good.


    I don't know, if I tazer him again, it really wouldn't help, he's always pounding them down, I doubt he'd feel it. :(


    Just tell him you'll buy him a case of his favorite beer if he stops pissin in the bushes. No quicker way to a drunk's heart than booze.

  8. My college just announced that after decades of using the quarter system, they will be switching to the semester system in 2013. I'm graduating, so I could care less, but apparently all the students here think it's insane.


    Yeah, wouldn't want to have longer breaks and a less compacted course load so that you could have more time to enjoy the finer points of college. <_< I guess if you're an antisocial shut in the quarter system is awesome. But for us normal students who made the mistake of coming to an abnormal college, it's a pretty great move.


    Enrollment will increase, retention rates will increase, getting sick mid-semester wont result in failing the course, students that struggled with an unnecessarily fast pace in the harder programs will finally keep their heads above water. Heck, I'd bet the number of students on campus with Adderall prescriptions would even go down since the semester system wont require the use of amphetamines to keep up.

  9. I hung in there until the end waiting for it to get better. One of the dumber things I've ever watched on youtube and certainly not worthy of 18,000,000+ views. :thumbdown:


    Apparently that dance they are doing with the arms around the head is all the rage in France and Quebec right now. Those guys, known as the Tecktonik dancers, just go to clubs and put on shows where they dance to europop. It's...weird.


    Here's the original without dudes dancing. Even if you don't dig the music, Yelle is pretty easy on the eyes. :thumbsup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmLjZrH0VlY


    Don't forget that 18,000,000 is in Metric since they're French; so that really is only like 432 views.



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