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Everything posted by SarasotaSabre

  1. yes it is - and should have been that is remarkable in and of itself
  2. that makes no sense whatsoever. Risto had his arms around Marchand for a split second so, if anything, holding might have been called - but they missed Risto's stick getting slashed out of his hands by Marchand.
  3. I hate to sound ignorant, but is there any vehicle for the Sabres to lodge a formal complaint or protest? It won't change the outcome but might force the officials to show some accountability.
  4. I would have liked to see Dapper Disco Dan go off after that debacle and show some freaking emotion. At least make a statement instead of retreating meekly to the visitors dressing room. Show some leadership Danny Boy.
  5. He should not have been in position to take that penalty shot, no matter how good of a move it was. That's called getting jobbed.
  6. and I'd like to see Disco Dan answer for his SO choices in the presser
  7. remember Vanek's full slapshot from 15-20 feet on a SO goal? Ah, those were the days. Too much of this coming in way wide and slow weak a** shite. DB's SO choices are like bringing a knife to a gunfight, or fighting with one arm tied behind your back, or any other lame analogy one can think of.
  8. I don't remember a Sabres team being so horrifically bad at the SO, but DD's choice are seriously flawed. When is the last time Kane buried a breakaway? Like, never ..... so that's why it makes perfect sense to have him in the SO. I honestly don't recall watching every Sabre shooter come in on the goalie and have zero confidence a goal would be scored. And I am with the Eichel/Reinhart supporters; Byslma, I believe you try to outsmart yourself. Go with your strengths. Oh, right, Gio's in the SO because of his "veteran presence", right? This team should skip the SO and exit with the loser point.
  9. Not exactly....he advanced the puck with his gloved hand while in the face off - a face off violation
  10. Channeling my inner "Platoon": "I gotta bad feeling about this one Bob...."
  11. Anyone else catch the new "word" by Rayzor just before the Chara penalty early in the 3rd? A shot trickled by the left post and he actually said the puck "trinckled" by the post....maybe one too many concussions suffered by our favorite pugilist?
  12. tough to see ROR lose the draw then get worked by Galyenchuk on Les Habitants 2nd goal last night.
  13. thanks, I don't think I've seen that before ..... :flirt:
  14. there seems to be some doubt as to whether there will be any chance of indictment. This is an open question: do you think Obama as President will promote or impede any chance of indictment? Or is this a non-issue? http://nypost.com/2016/01/31/this-was-all-planned-former-ig-says-hillary-state-dept-are-lying/
  15. I just almost lost my lunch laughing; I remember that "Wipe the server, what, like with a towel?" response and thought how funny it was that HRC was channeling her inner June Cleaver in a weak attempt to appear above the technology fray - like she was trying to appear obsolete to avoid the question. I can't say I disagree - except Donald IS a character ......
  16. Pro-Clinton supports will naturally question the timing of such email information. Others, like the FBI, will express disgust at being stonewalled. There has been on ongoing release of more Clinton email information, sort of like a Whack A Mole game, due in part to her own camp's delays and wrangling. This defense of Clinton, along with many others, seems to ignore the fact that these ongoing proceedings may seem politically motivated only because she is running for the nomination. I find it amusing that the Clinton defense is centered around when something was labeled as classified or not, making this whole exercise akin to semantic . I do find it funny that the aggrieved is now calling these efforts overreach. Classic rope a dope. I am in agreement with Ne'o in that this entire debacle calls into question issues of credibility, character, competence, ...... and JUDGMENT. The aspirations of someone so overtly seeking Presidential status continue to highlight concerns over the 3 "C"s I cited, and blind this candidate from reality. ##### = masturb*****
  17. I came away thinking Rubio is the most visionary and optimistic candidate. I don't think that will be enough to win him the nomination. Cruz came off as boorish, probably thought he had to fill the vacuum left by Trump's void.
  18. I have an iPhone 6+ and am thinking of waiting for the Galaxy S7 - rumored to be released in Feb/March timefame; anyone else have a similar frame of mind?
  19. I hope you saw they were light taps - hardly the stuff of head butts.
  20. loves his strength on the puck; definitely something McDavid does not possess
  21. let's just say Jack's goal was a gazillion times better than Dunleavy's call of said goal. He's got no feel for the moment to call the goal, like it's an afterthought.
  22. Rayzor just called out Pysyk for exactly what I was about to ask here: should he be expected to do SOMETHING to clear his goalie's crease? Methinks he did not make any effort to put his body on Ryan. Outmuscled indeed.
  23. exactly what I said from my previous post. I could only hear but not see the play as I was walking from one room to another. He is awful.
  24. is it me or has Dunleavy not decided on how to call a goal ? I could hear the play as I was walking into another room and could not even discern a goal had been scored. He made it sound like Anderson had merely misplayed the puck. Geesh ...you can do better than this Dunleavy
  25. I actually didn't think they'd be this bad defensively. Clearly I was wrong.
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