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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Pretty sure that's correct. They let defensive offsides play out unless they're concerned for the QB's safety. Makes sense that offensive offsides plays out the same way.
  2. That's the hope. Really thought getting the OT winner a few weeks back was going to flip that switch for him. Doesn't appear to be the case. The next guess/hope is that getting his security blanket Quinn back on his wing does the trick.
  3. Interesting. TIL. Even more interestingly, if the O does have more than 7 players on the LOS, then they effectively remove an eligible receiver from the formation because only the 2 players on the outside of line of players at the LOS can be eligiible to receive a pass. Knew that an eligible receiver had to be on each end. Thought you could only have 5 players in between them. That's ONLY true if you want your other 3 players eligible to receive a pass. 🍺
  4. Levi played well, but not great. He'd definitely like the 1st one back. And that leads to the main thing IMHO that he needs to work on. He needs to shrug off what HE considers to be a bad goal. His rebound control right after that was much worse than it was before or after. It's when he gave up the goal to Suzuki vs. Moe-ray-all and when he gave up the 2 SO goals right after the 5 hole. He's mentally strong enough to be shrugging those off and he's done it in the past. Clean that up and he's pretty much what management had hoped he'd be heading into the season. He's already stopped (at least for now) giving up the late goal which was a major issue prior to being sent down. He'll give up a late goal again at some point. Will be interesting if he can keep that goal out of his head when it happens. That, IMHO, will be a huge factor in whether the people that want him developing in Ra-cha-cha get their wish or whether it'll be those wanting to see him helping them win games up here get theirs. If he trusts himself to keep from giving up the late goal, the team will trust him as well. He's moving well, is anticipating well (heck, the anticipation is why he couldn't stop the goal against in the Bruins game, he was ahead of the pass across and when it went off Johnson's leg he couldn't quite get his glove back the other way in time), his glove is working, and his rebounds (except right after a "bad" goal) are in general good. The rebound control could be better still, but that's a work in progress.
  5. Presumably Benson won't be loaned to Team Canada. Both are good things.
  6. It never fully closed. The Fishies end the year against 3 teams with winning records. They're 0-3 so far in those contests.
  7. That Vic Fangio is a Supra-Genius. (Just like Wile E. Coyote.)
  8. Murray doesn't play that game in Ra-cha-cha (at least he didn't last year and all reports indicate that's still the case). Not sure why Rousek didn't get a longer look. And, yes, he fits into the bottom 6 mold. But, if they aren't going to bring him up ...
  9. Not saying they should have a ton of them. But, having 1 available to step up, who knows the "system" btw, wouldn't be a horrible thing to have.
  10. Would be great were it to happen. Will believe it when it actually happens and won't expect it 1 minute sooner.
  11. You're right, they're pretty easy to come by. But you'd think it would make sense to have at least ONE in house for when a legit one gets injured. (Guess now that they have Robinson they figure they do have a spare when Girgensons is back healthy. But, when one of those 4th liners is Okposo, still say they need at least 1 more. Realizing full well the Sabres braintrust doesn't agree with that take.)
  12. Unfortunately, a 5 minute boarding call brings an automatic game misconduct when there is a corresponding head injury. That the Hab miraculously recovered a few minutes later doesn't factor into that. Still believe, at worst it should've been a 2 minute boarding, and even that's up for debate.
  13. Only if he stays up for 10 games or 30 days. He already cleared waivers before the season started. Staying short of both thresholds lets him go up and down at will. They really truly have no legit 4th liners down on the farm. How is that possible?
  14. You're on the right track, but they need almost 11 per 8 games to get back to NHL 0.600. 7 points every 5 games works, so since they only took 1 in the 1st game of this cycle they need 3 W's in the next 4.
  15. That's a huge pet peeve and the biggest reason why they shouldn't have Olofsson on one side with Thompson on the other. They go from a nearly stationary PP to a completely stationary PP when both guys are waiting to get fed one timers. Peterka should be opposite Thompson with Mittelstadt (or even Benson) in the bumper and Tuch down low. Let Mitts and Tuch move around and even have one drop below the goal line looking to get the D to have to completely turn to react to a pass in front. (One of the things the Liger consistently calls for. He wants it to always run from below the goal line which is too much, but considering it never runs through there unless a pass is missed or a rebound deflects back there it is ridiculous how they DON'T work it there.) Wonder if part of the problems with the STs is the 2 poorly set up units practice against each other every time they do run throughs. Stuff that works against these units isn't going to work against a well organized opponent.
  16. Is that the same cancer Don beat? Wishing him the best in his fight.
  17. Would be very interested in knowing what sort of cross-promotional marketing deal the league and her people came up with. It can't be a coincidence that after she starts dating Travis that the 2 brothers are friggin' EVERYWHERE. (And, yes, realize they both were in the last SB, but who is the last offensive lineman before Jason to get ANY national TV commercials much less as many as he's gotten.) And, am not even suggesting that the relationship between T & T isn't legit, but it sure does look like both organizations' marketing departments decided to milk this one for all it's worth.
  18. Except for the 6 or so weeks from late October to mid-December last year, the Sabres PP was well within bottom 1/3 of the league. Through 10/27, they were hitting at 15.4% which was 24th. And from 12/19 through the end of the season they were hitting at 18.1% which was 22nd. They were 1st by nearly 3 full % inbetween at 34%. There were only 4 teams in the entire league that hit at 30% or better over that stretch. The PP was trash MOST of last year, and 1 completely unsustainable stretch where teams couldn't cover the Thompson 1 timer made it look a LOT better than it was. The lack of success on the PP most of the season should've been addressed in the off-season. It wasn't.
  19. Was referring to the place/mindset @CallawaySabres usually is. So, no, you did not ftfm. 😉 And that ISN'T a swipe at him. He wears his fandom on his sleeve and is very open about how much this futility eats at him.
  20. With every additional loss, find myself entering your world more and more. Wow, is this place ever depressing.
  21. Except for a roughly 6 week stretch last year when the PP was world class, the PP has been trash for 3 seasons now. (It was middle of the pack 2 years ago at just over 21%, so calling it trash for 3 years (minus that 6 or so week stretch) is a bit of hyperbole but not by much. Didn't understand keeping all the assistants over the summer and still don't understand it today.
  22. He wanted them both back. His body language after the 1st show he thought he had the deflection goal and pretty sure he was still thinking on that one (which is something he hasn't been doing much of/ at all in the past) when Suzuki got his shot off. He got his head back after that, at least until the 5 hole in the SO, but he did lose his focus briefly. MHO.
  23. No. Regier's 1st order of business was making the 1 year offer to Nolan which was rebuffed. Had Muckler won the battle to outlast Nolan, he likely would've tried again to hire Tortorella. Ownership might've eased on their stance against John.
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