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  1. Past hour
  2. It looked good to me. Though it did pop out rather quickly.
  3. WTF, the refs are definitely betting against Florida for this game.
  4. You need to look at the positive side: if the Sabres South win the Cup, it's an indicator that we're this close -> <- to being a contender.
  5. Exactly what I’m poking fun at
  6. Which points out just how important bodies of water and currents are to climate. NYC and Rome are essentially at the same latitude. London and mid-Labrador are at the same latitiudes. By rights, it should be even colder in the British Isles than it is; especially in the winter.
  7. Like Okposo, don't mind the Swamp Cats, and know Swamp Cat STHers. But somehow the idea of 3 Sabres captains in a row winning the ST within a year and a half of escaping this team is just too friggin' depressing for words. Dislike to varying degrees the other 3 teams remaining, so SHOULD want Fla to win it all, but can't get onboard the 3rd time being the charm.
  8. No clue if the Brady Tkachuk rumors are valid but he’d be a fantastic addition. High character player that can play playoff style hockey — something this team is sorely lacking. My offer would be: Quinn + 11OA + Rosen
  9. Is it just me, but I don’t think that puck went in the net. Looked like crossbar, post and out.
  10. Today
  11. There Okposo looking just terrible.
  12. ..... I've never watched star wars....
  13. Cool and rainy,and that's the good time of the year. I mean the average summer high temp for July is 73 in the warm places like London...if you are in Ireland or Scotland, likely mid to low 60s for highs.
  14. Fox with yet another playoff stinker.......so far.
  15. I’m fully prepared for a knee-jerk “not another small, skilled forward”. He’s a better prospect at 18 than Savoie was and goes 3-8 in most drafts. You take him at 11 without hesitation.
  16. Yesterday
  17. Ok. Just my opinion. I’m sure it’s a great memory for you.
  18. Who the better team is has never mattered. Only the team that wins matters. Cant wait until it matters to Sabres management.
  19. Run to the podium to draft Catton at #11.
  20. Right - though EDM is just further north making up the diff.
  21. I wondered this too. It's happening. It's one big ass diagonal line across North America.
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