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  2. Truth is the truth. If people want to be told they have to be fat, out of shape dudes with beer bellies who have to be hunched over for 2 minutes to catch their breath after walking up a flight of stairs and be on 10 prescription drugs at that age then that's on them...I am not one to let society dictate what I should be, nor what I am capable of. While they sit on the couch drinking beers watching TV with a big bag of chips next to them, I'm out with a 60lb weighted vest on pulling a 200 lb sled for 45 minutes.
  3. What would the effect on junior and/or NCAA hockey be? It seems like it could have a big effect there (as would changing the draft age to 20, but I only see that suggested in this thread, not elsewhere...). Are there parties lobbying for this?
  4. Never said movie star looks, just said I have a great physique that I worked my ass off for. yeah...so does the people in their mid 30s and early 40s with beer guts that make them look 11 months pregnant...
  5. Buffalo Sabres met with Ivan Demidov for about 10 minutes at the event this morning. "For example, after he sat down with me for this story, the Buffalo Sabres chatted with him for about 10 minutes." https://eprinkside.com/2024/06/18/ivan-demidov-happily-shocks-nhl-teams-as-he-meets-with-them-for-first-time?s=09
  6. I think the point is that making the argument that something is idealistically the "wrong reason" doesn't prove that it isn't a significant factor in the real world
  7. Movie star looks. CEO ambition level. Super parent. Top performing kids. We are in the midst of greatness.
  8. I'm just tired of people comparing him to Gretzky when he hasn't even surpassed Crosby once he starts winning cups then it can start . All he is right now is the greatest regular season player
  9. Let's go, Guelli! Clap clap clapclapclap
  10. Anyone still taking what KA says in a public discussion at face value is doing so at their own risk. He’s already shown that he is willing to say what he thinks the crowd wants to hear instead of what he’s really doing.
  11. We are a beleaguered franchise that has existed on hope for the last ten years. We performed another moving tank exercise to replenish the farm; Adam’s didn’t know any other way. Naturally the players sent away are better than what we have. The comparison however, is one of established players to younger developing talent. The key difference is the quantity of young players under development now compared to four years ago. There is an ownership and budget dynamic at play here that remains somewhat mysterious. A situation further complicated by Mrs. Pegula’s very unfortunate illness. It all plays into the nostalgia hire of Lindy which made 40% of the ticket base instantly happy. In the final analysis it all comes down to playoffs this year or Adams will cement his performance as the worst GM in hockey. History tells us Lindy will end the trend of collecting the same types of players. A change necessary to the advancement of this team. So here I am, hoping.
  12. The biggest challenge for the GM to accomplish his offseason to do list is adding a 2/3 C to the roster. The issue is what is he willing to give up and who is available. If he gets a good 2/3 C, it will create a lot of line flexibility. Interesting offseason for this GM. Action should be happening soon as the draft approaches.
  13. I can’t access the article. Without having read it, sounds like he thinks the core group is ready and does not need to be upgraded and that changes in head coach and to the “make-up” of the bottom of the line-up are what was and is needed. Is that a fair assessment or am I being too simplistic in my interpretation.
  14. Meh. My son started working on a farm when he was 12. Continued to do so for a bit after college ended and career started. The doors he had open because it said “farm worker” on his resume…. He’s a good kid. No, a great kid. You know else he is? He is representative of the bell curve of any population. He’s not special in any meaningful way other than how he is special to his family. The difference is I haven’t convinced myself that what I did, and what he’s done is anything more than typical.
  15. I really like the interview as well.
  16. Yeah, probably because I am different from the other 95%. Case in point, how many 49 year olds do you know that look like an NFL linebacker and have a full six pack? Of abs...not a 6 pack of beer sitting in their fridge so they can drink it. Probably not many. If I had to guess, it would probably be well under 5% actually. Probably not many 49 year olds that have 25 year old women checking them out at the beach while their husband who looks like a beached whale laying next to them is oblivious, either. Sometimes I almost think I am going to have to call 911 from someone having a broken neck the way their head snaps around. Probably not the right guy to be talking about being part of the 95%. I'm not.
  17. Not sure how much of this is new, but if you want an idea of the game plan, I don’t think Kevyn can spell it out any more plainly: Upgrade the bottom 6, add a centre, make sure there’s depth on D, give Lindy the situational tools he needs. https://buffalonews.com/sports/professional/nhl/sabres/buffalo-sabres-kevyn-adams-q-and-a-zemgus-girgensons-ukko-pekka-luukkonen/article_523767c2-2cac-11ef-9f0b-a31a30eb32c8.html Girgensons, Jokiharju, pick 11, it’s all touched on.
  18. I didn't raise them...my kids work their ass off and if they want something they have to earn it. They damn sure didn't get any participation trophies and I never let them win at games when I played when they were a kid either...mainly to instill the lesson that you don't always win in life and you have to learn how to lose. There were a lot of tears and lessons taught during those years about that. These hands off parents who want to be their kids best friends instead of their parents and are afraid to actually parent them because they don't want their kids to be "mad at them" are the ones that need to be talked to about that, not me. There have been plenty of times my kids have hated me and probably more so my wife I am sure over the years, but we were more worried about teaching them life lessons during those years and making sure they would be ready for adulthood than being their best friend. I can confidently say we did our job as parents and taught them what they need to succeed in life. Now they have to choose to use those lessons when they start their journey, we can't force them to. But that is a far cry from never being taught those lessons in the first place like is the case with so many and having to learn it all on the fly and making it up as they go.
  19. Today
  20. You are pitchforking the generation you raised. You realize that, right? Ive spent a good chunk of my career managing people and projects, including hiring. I’ve hired from all age groups. Do younger folks have different values? To some extent. Are they lazy, entitled snowflakes that can’t handle work, stress, and emotional hardship? Get over yourself. Like I said, this is the generation you raised. If you don’t like what you see, it is because it is a reflection.
  21. I'm not into fighting. In fact, I believe it should be banned because of the player safety issue. (I usually get booed when I say that.) 😀 As you smartly point out, there is a big distinction between playing grittier/tougher and fighting. It's indisputable that this team needs to get grittier. You accomplish that by bringing in some players who add that element to the roster.
  22. The difference is by and in large we were taught that if you want something in life you work hard and don't expect it handed to you and didn't get participation trophies when we lost, learning that losing is part of life and that you accept it, are gracious about it and work hard to come back better next time. Case in point, I was a paperboy starting at age 12. How many kids these days actually work while in high school? Not very many. This generation expects to be treated the same on Day 1 as the employee who has spent 10 years at a company and put in blood, sweat and tears to see it succeed. They are simply delusional and it's precisely because they have been handed everything in life and for the most part never had to work for it. When you expect things without having earned it, it's a problem. Not sure who you work with, but I have worked with at least 100 younger employees during my tenure at various places and 95% of this is true for them. The other 5% actually had a work ethic and understood how the real world works. Last time I checked nobody our age was posting tik-tok videos literally in tears because they are 3 months into their first real job and can't handle the "stress" of having to work 40 hour weeks and having "no free time to do what they want" and having Mommy and Daddy calling in because they are "too stressed" to work today and have to take a mental health day. Give me a fvcking break. This generation is the softest, most mentally fragile generation in the history of the human race. The Pillsbury Doughboy and the Michelin Man have less softness than they do.
  23. A lot of Canadians drive to Buffalo and fly out of our airport because the flights are significantly cheaper. As you point out, if you want to experience the benefits (entertainment etc.) of a Big City it is a positive to have a city such as Toronto within a reasonable distance. In essence, each location feeding off one another. The best of both worlds.
  24. And this was very much the context of what he said. Interviewer asks what the priorities are over the next month, Lindy brings up toughness, interviewer follows up with question about tough guys, Lindy says it’s a tool he likes to have. Starts just after 23 minutes. Interesting interview overall.
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