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Odd man rushes are a hot disaster for this team


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I cannot believe how bad of a goal scoring position our shooters end up on odd man rushes most times...


I mean how many times are 2 on 1,or 3 on 2 breaks ending with our shooter halfway to the boards down by the goal line?? How the heck do they think they are going to score from there?? Maybe 1 out of every 100 goes in from there...


I was watching last night wondering if it was possible for them to put shooters in a worse position to score and determined it would be damn hard, lol...


Need to work on this, hopefully easier to correct than their God awful power play...


It's going to a long, boring, low scoring season I'm afraid...

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Throw in the fact that we either can't or won't forecheck, we pass like ######, and less than 25% of the team seems willing to take or lay a hit to make a play and that adds up to the suffering Darcy predicted. Strap in folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. At least Miller is keeping us from getting blown out for the time being.

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Throw in the fact that we either can't or won't forecheck, we pass like ######, and less than 25% of the team seems willing to take or lay a hit to make a play and that adds up to the suffering Darcy predicted. Strap in folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. At least Miller is keeping us from getting blown out for the time being.


So you didn't watch any of the game last night then?

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So you didn't watch any of the game last night then?


I watched the game and while they looked a whole lot better than they did against Detroit they still have a long way to go. I don't know why we either don't fore-check or we only have one guy do it, but we seem to be moderately successful at it on the rare occasions that they actually send 2 guys out there to give it a shot. We still can't pass and we have maybe 2 of our 6 defensemen that play with any sort of physicality on a regular basis. On the bright side they did manage to drive to the net and create some scoring opportunities in this game. Having exactly zero veteran centers capable of playing defense doesn't help the fact that half of our defensemen are more interested in scoring with the puck than keeping it out of their own net.


I hate being this pessimistic about the team at this point, but playing poor defense and worse offense with a horrible power play while relying on your goalie to work miracles night in and night out when his last name isn't Hasek isn't the best strategy to win. On the other hand we can probably expect both Detroit and Ottawa to make the playoffs again this season so maybe me expectations were too high for them to play well even though I wasn't expecting wins in either game.

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