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Comic Greg Buck Calls the Tying Goal Against Toronto


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My God, he's so UNFUNNY. How do they allow this tool a free hand? Oh yeah, look at the station he works for. Between him and that stammering fool Bulldog, it's unlistenable.


The different likes and dislikes of people are truly interesting. I actually don't mind Bulldog. Mostly it's because he's got that "regular guy" feel (meaning he doesn't try to come off as an expert on all things related to sports), he's typically friendly to callers, and he's somewhat humorous when he gets really passionate about a particular topic. So we agree on some forms of talent and not so much on others.


Of course, we can agree that the Sabres need to do some real damage tonight, and no matter how much we complain and b_tch about them at times (and sometimes often), we really do love them!

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When I heard this I just kept wishing it would end. Humor is just one of those things that comes down to very personal taste I guess.

Thank you. It was unbearable. I think people are getting caught up in the emotion of the moment.

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I finally got to listen to this. Kept seeing the thread at work and it was blocked. Finally remembered to check it from home.


Maybe it's because I don't hear this kind of stuff all the time, but I think it's pretty funny.




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I finally got to listen to this. Kept seeing the thread at work and it was blocked. Finally remembered to check it from home.


Maybe it's because I don't hear this kind of stuff all the time, but I think it's pretty funny.






that...and because it's freaking hilarious. I can't believe people are ragging on Greg Buck calls now. I think the majority of them are very funny, and the "scrum" one was top-five all-time. But I realize that humor is subjective, so to each his own.

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