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Regier was extended last fall!


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OK X......


How does the record:




Look to you? I mean, that's more victories than losses, right?


Can you guess the team?



That would be the record of your Toronto Maple Leafs since the lockout. 6 straight years of missing the playoffs...and according to you, they should be credited for points in 262 versus 197 games.



200-197-62 is more accurate than 200-259, yes.

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This is probably one of THE best threads ever on Sabrespace.


If only we had an actual insider to all this.


As fans, we all want to know if DR was operating within a dollar amount or not. And if so, was a Dominic Moore all he could afford.


The truth would be so enlightening.

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Given his massaging of the numbers, he's a happy ending fan

Now stop it.


If there is anything empiric it is the record. Is it not? I didn't create it.

It is just a record. In hockey OT losses (or regulation ties, are still worth something)

(as if I'm making it up :lol: )


BTW ....Burke in Toronto 76 - 89 - 26 (or pretty close).

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Bucky's latest column, on Darcy Regier-





This time I have to agree with everything Bucky says. Why the secrecy and if fan revolt was the reason why would a guy sign the extension to begin with? Its greasy and shows a lack of integrity. Regier has to go. We need new blood and a new vision.

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Bucky's latest column, on Darcy Regier-






Looks like Bucky came to take the temperature of the fans, then shoved the thermometer right up Darcy's tuchus.


I'll take the GM post under these terms.....$100K a year, with a $500K bonus for making the playoffs, and $500K each for making, then winning the cup.


I'll even throw in doing DiPofi's job for free.

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Bucky's latest column, on Darcy Regier-







Just finished reading that column. -- ouch is right.



This time I have to agree with everything Bucky says. Why the secrecy and if fan revolt was the reason why would a guy sign the extension to begin with? Its greasy and shows a lack of integrity. Regier has to go. We need new blood and a new vision.



Looks like Bucky came to take the temperature of the fans, then shoved the thermometer right up Darcy's tuchus.


I'll take the GM post under these terms.....$100K a year, with a $500K bonus for making the playoffs, and $500K each for making, then winning the cup.


I'll even throw in doing DiPofi's job for free.


I call BS!! Tell me that Bucky wouldn't take a Golden Parachute if the Buffalo News was about to sold. Tell me you wouldn't.

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I call BS!! Tell me that Bucky wouldn't take a Golden Parachute if the Buffalo News was about to sold. Tell me you wouldn't.


It really is a silly article.


Pegula knows exactly what he's getting. As many owners hit it big with one company, Pegula made a living out of doing due diligence and buying others assets. That's his stock in trade.


In the friendly takeover world Pegula can look at Regier's contract as a poison pill, or an asset. I wouldn't be surprised if Regier is named president of hockey operations and a new GM named.

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Awesome article by Bucky.


I must say it's pretty much spot on with my analysis of the situation.


They offered Ruff the same golden parachute I'm betting, but he's a man with integrity and character. That's why he shot down the contract extension in the fall; he knew it wasn't right.


I firmly believe that Ruff wants to win a Stanley Cup for Buffalo with all of his heart. However, I'm not entirely sure he's the man to do it.


Darcy on the other hand was always LQ's loyal little soldier. He did as he was told, and he was rewarded for it with his ridiculous secret extension this fall.

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It really is a silly article.


Pegula knows exactly what he's getting. As many owners hit it big with one company, Pegula made a living out of doing due diligence and buying others assets. That's his stock in trade.


In the friendly takeover world Pegula can look at Regier's contract as a poison pill, or an asset. I wouldn't be surprised if Regier is named president of hockey operations and a new GM named.


I don't fault Darcy for taking the extension. He knows he has few options after the Sabres.


Where it gets interesting is that Ruff turned it down. The whole, "we're all in this together" thing doesn't fly now. By Ruff turning it down he either shows..


1) That he doesn't need a pity payout, since it is obvious this was done well into negotiations with Pegula given word went public a few weeks later he was hot to buy.

2) That he was not happy with his current situation and was keeping his options open even though his buddy was in for life


3) He has enough confidence in himself to leverage the situation and either make Pegula pay up for him, or he can move on to greener pastures if the deal fell through or things headed in a different direction.



I have no doubt Ruff would find another job and that he is an adequate to good coach. I just feel he has been part of the group-think culture of failure with this crew by supporting them in every thing they have done. I also wasn't happy with his little dance of "We are a Stanley Cup contender....to, we will make the playoffs...to, I never said we would make the playoffs." This along with the way he has mishandled Miller and some of the bigger forwards, and the overall lackluster time-clock attitude of the team over the years leads me to believe there are better options out there for this team. You can look at Ruff much like Vanek. He's good, but out of panic has been overvalued.


Regier on the other hand.....what's he going to do after this? Be a hard hitting analyst for TSN? Is Chicago going to go, "screw the Bowmans, Darcy's available!"?


In reality Regier will go the way of Dick Jauron. Probably out of the league next year as he collects his Pegula Parachute, then take a VP or scouting job in a downtrodden franchise.


I want Darcy out more than ever after this. For anyone that claimed he "had his hands tied".....this move and Ruff's lack of it shows you where loyalties lay. Regier was the "awe shucks" frontman to protect the penny pinching and misdirection from his cronies. Who with a clear concious could deserve an extension in the midst of a probable ownership change while being ranked last in the league and a winner of Zero playoff series in one appearance in the 4 years after disassembling a President's Trophy team?


I wouldn't have taken the golden parachute. Why? Because I couldn't stomach working for Larry Quinn for the better part of a decade and would be nowhere near the team by the time of the sale. If I was a key member of an honorable group, I would have my salary and equity in the team tied into my performance....like I do in the professions I have been involved in. If you notice, as much as I dislike Quinn, I haven't made a peep about him cashing out. He did his job more than anyone in all of this. Do I respect him as a person and as a truthful custodian for the city of Buffalo and it's assets? No. Do I think he is an intelligent business person with different ways of doing things that he leverages in a positive fashion for himself. Yes.


Awe shucks!

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I seriously doubt that Ruff turned down an extension because of some amazing level of character. He almost certainly discussed the offer with his agent, who told him a better payday could be had by waiting it out and seeing what the market would show him to be worth.


Noone with any sense of reason turns down several miilion dollars of guaranteed money in a job market as small as the one NHL management works in unless they are very confident they can do better elsewhere.


Come on folks. Common sense.

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I seriously doubt that Ruff turned down an extension because of some amazing level of character. He almost certainly discussed the offer with his agent, who told him a better payday could be had by waiting it out and seeing what the market would show him to be worth.


Noone with any sense of reason turns down several miilion dollars of guaranteed money in a job market as small as the one NHL management works in unless they are very confident they can do better elsewhere.


Come on folks. Common sense.


Thank you!


This is all business folks. Fans want altruism. These are calculated business decisions. Maybe Ruff was insulted by a low ball offer...

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Thank you!


This is all business folks. Fans want altruism. These are calculated business decisions. Maybe Ruff was insulted by a low ball offer...


That is fine, and the fact he is going public now with comments shows he is playing the game as well.


The difference is, the crow pounces on the first crumbs of food he comes across while the hawk circles 'til the fat rabbit comes up from his hole.

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