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Portland @ Manchester Fri Apr 9.


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I know we have some fans here in NH. What say we all meet up for a Pirates game at the "Big V" in Manchester? I'll even pick up the tickets. I have 4 vouchers for Silver (upper deck) seating. So PM me if you want to go.


EDIT (3/21)- The last Monarchs home game is vs the Pirates Fri Apr 9. I have one extra Silver ticket voucher.



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I'd take you up on this, but I've already got Hockey East tourney tickets for that night. Oh, and by the way, the 20th is a Saturday. People might not be sure which night you're talking about.


May bad. Of course it's the 19th.


I do live in Manchester but can't go due to work commitment. There is one more game with Portland in Manch this season and I'd be up for that one for sure!


That game is the home season finale April 9. I may not be in town that weekend. But if I am then let's go.



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