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I think many of u would have a different opinion of the team if they had won.

I agree. I thought they played well enough to win and was simply stunned when they lost. I'll take a 2-1 advantage in SOGS and holding a team to 1 SOG in the 3rd and less than 20 for a game every night.


But having said that, it was a weird game to watch in person. There was no flow. There were no break outs, odd man rushes, and the like. It was odd. The crowd wasn't loud or really into it. I spent a good deal of time worrying that the drunk next to me was going to spill his beer on me.

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After a few days to reflect. Ohh and believe me I have reflected. Saturday nights game wasn't all terrible. Its always tough to lose after dominating. The first period they looked like world beaters. Most of the 2nd and 3rd not so much. Then again I was starting to get hammered at that point. It was a little frustrating to see the make the same errors this year as last. As is customary for the Sabres I'll give them a mulligan for this game.

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As I said earlier, it was a highly defensive game. I think that perhaps a lot of people here, and behind the bench on game day, aren't used to seeing the Sabres compete in a defensive game. The East has come full circle from where it was three and four seasons ago - even the Habs' first goal wasn't scrutinized on the ice.


Last season we started to see the trend of "tight" games - games won by a goal, with the odd blow-out thrown in there. The density of that trend may very well increase if the way a lot of teams in the East have constituted themselves is any indicator.

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I REFUSE to believe that the Sabres played a purposefully defensive game, or that the league is "tighter" than ever before.


Point blank, the Sabres played a sloppy and lazy game and don't have enough hungry skilled players to compete.


Im watching the Flyers and Caps game right now, and it stands in DIRE CONTRADICTION to what everyone in Buffalo is claiming. I'm shaking my head at John Vogl and some of the Buffalo media right now.

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