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Vanek Not On The Ice At End???


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And Stafford was sitting, too. As Was McArthur, who has been playing well lately.


Just saying, it looked really strange when you season was on the line and the goal scorers were sitting. What does it say about their worth, or Ruff's decison making. Something was wrong here


What do you think Golisano thought of the scene, if he was even watching?

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And Stafford was sitting, too. As Was McArthur, who has been playing well lately.


Just saying, it looked really strange when you season was on the line and the goal scorers were sitting. What does it say about their worth, or Ruff's decison making. Something was wrong here


Not sure if it is correct, but this was my perception.....tons of guys getting kicked out of the faceoff circle

last night...I think Pomminstein might of had 8 or 9 draws. Putting Guastad, Moore, and Mair, Roy, and Connolly

out there has its own logic....can't win without the puck as we saw the previous game. All can center and wing.


edit: okay, just checked...Pomminstein took 7 draws...Connolly O......beats me.

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Not sure if it is correct, but this was my perception.....tons of guys getting kicked out of the faceoff circle

last night...I think Pomminstein might of had 8 or 9 draws. Putting Guastad, Moore, and Mair, Roy, and Connolly

out there has its own logic....can't win without the puck as we saw the previous game. All can center and wing.

Pominville won 3 of 7. Lindy said something about Timmy having a problem and having someone else take draws (he took none last night.)

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What do you think Golisano thought of the scene, if he was even watching?

My theory--just a theory--is that he could care less about the team and has just left his three guys in charge and they are basically running the show for better or for worse. And I'd say for worse right now. It seems like we have an absentee landlord that doesn't want to fix the leaky plumbing.

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Not sure if it is correct, but this was my perception.....tons of guys getting kicked out of the faceoff circle

last night...I think Pomminstein might of had 8 or 9 draws. Putting Guastad, Moore, and Mair, Roy, and Connolly

out there has its own logic....can't win without the puck as we saw the previous game. All can center and wing.


edit: okay, just checked...Pomminstein took 7 draws...Connolly O......beats me.

Oh my mistake then, I though Paille was out there, not Moore. That makes a little more sense

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My theory--just a theory--is that he could care less about the team and has just left his three guys in charge and they are basically running the show for better or for worse. And I'd say for worse right now. It seems like we have an absentee landlord that doesn't want to fix the leaky plumbing.


Quote of the day.

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I watched the game twice(once last night and again this morning...just wanted to see how far this team has fallen off or need to punish myself for still watching the games, you decide.


I think it is easy to constantly blame TV but the golden line last night had many turnovers that should have led to goals. Also our useless and emotionally unstable and no confidence D gave away many pucks.


Really this team has a serious lack of IDENTITY...a bunch of offensively gifted player forced to play a system they have never been asked too.


Please tell me the last time any of our top 10 forwards played a defense first mentality. Timmy and TV have been more the first forward back most of the season




Just my opinion but what the hell do I know

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Thats interesting though, because that's what I asked in my thread, "Heads Should Roll?". If Ruff tried a play style the team was more comfortable with, would we have seen better, consistent results? Or would a open style, offensive minded game result in certain death in the current NHL?

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Thats interesting though, because that's what I asked in my thread, "Heads Should Roll?". If Ruff tried a play style the team was more comfortable with, would we have seen better, consistent results? Or would a open style, offensive minded game result in certain death in the current NHL?


Today, when asked what his team's identity was (not necessarily system), Lindy said the Sabres play an up tempo, puck pressure style.

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What do you think Golisano thought of the scene, if he was even watching?

Golisano has been a no show for quite some time.


He didn't even make the team picture the other day.


Guess he doesn't want to be on the side of that milk carton.

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