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Thank god. For a second I thought Andrew Peters was traded :rolleyes:




I actually saw someone at HSBC during the Rangers game wearing a Peters 3rd jersey...and it was definitely not Andrew Peters himself...


What a waste of cash that jersey was.

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I actually saw someone at HSBC during the Rangers game wearing a Peters 3rd jersey...and it was definitely not Andrew Peters himself...


What a waste of cash that jersey was.

Maybe by some freak coincidence the persons last name was Peters and their favorite number was 76.

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Maybe by some freak coincidence the persons last name was Peters and their favorite number was 76.

That seriously has to be it. Because anyone that says, "this is a good idea" as they pull the trigger on an Andrew Peters jersey needs kicked in the pills.

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This is so disheartening. I really thought they would come out and play hard tonight. They just look like they could care less.


How can they not get jacked-up after the PA blasts the 'Hot for Teacher' intro??? (good choice of tune for a hockey game).

Unless the metrosexuality of this team is too overwhelming a force.

Losing Gaustad for ten or more doesn't help us at all.

We need him on the ice, on a regular rotation for the entire game.

He will be well-rested for the third.


Kill this penalty and then WAKE-UP offense!



Random thought before I forget:


The no vocal/ organ national anthem was wonderful. Nice change-of-pace.

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Aside from Miller, there isn't a single guy on this team who hates to lose. Pomminvile, Hecht, and Roy will never develop into the type of leader who holds his teammates accountable and call them out for lackluster play.

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