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Guys That Would Fit At The Deadline

Lethbridge Broncos

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Dude, a guy who has 13 posts shouldn't be blasting one of the boards more respected posters, that is problem number one. Esspicially since out of his 1300 or whatever posts, most of them made sense, unlike yours.


d4rk is respected now? :P

What does that make someone like TaroT.


And yes, this is all that I see worthy of discussion in this thread.

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haha, agreed man. no hard feelings and i liked the video -- jsut wanted to bust your balls.


lets go sabres tonight!



Highly unlikely but not impossible. I've had a few arguments with him too but I take it for what it is, a difference in opinion. Whether he agrees with me or he's wrong, I'm fine with it.
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haha, agreed man. no hard feelings and i liked the video -- jsut wanted to bust your balls.


lets go sabres tonight!

No problem. I just can't recall seeing any of your post until this thread started so I couldn't tell if you were bustin my balls or try to be a d!ck.


Lemme know when you want some more youtube posts! :thumbsup:

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This isnt how DR thinks? Hah, are you a mindreader? Oh, no, I suppose you base that comment on the fact that you have seen him act as GM for the Sabres for 10 + years and then as assistant GM with the Islanders, right? You then watched him play junior for Lethbridge and eat dinner with him ofter, right? Haha, the way DR thinks.


Your a clown. On March 4th, you come and send me an email about the moves they make and the sandpapering they do the lineup. Your the brain-child, who last week, said that the Sabres would be sellers at the deadline. And you think you have standing to comment on anything ever again after that comment? haha, yes, b/k the "Sabres will be sellers". Do you still think that? No, you dont do you, b/k you saw DR news conf yest about BUYING and you read my posts about having stock piles of prospects to deal away safely.


Don't let your mouth write checks your brian can't cash, kid.

Son, I was trying to cut you a break. That's what I get. I forget this site is available to children.


You really need to spend a little time doing your research before you spout out your bullzhit. You can hold on to one Regier Q&A and hope it answers all of your questions. I am going to take into account all the Regier Q&A's I have seen since he became GM of the Sabres. That's the difference between you and I. I will look at the Sabres in a big picture sort of way. Looking towards the future while keeping in mind the past. Like most children today I will guess you have A.D.D. and are unable to grasp the Sabres completely.


Here are three things you need to remember. Write this on your Sponge Bob post-it notes so you don't forget.


1) Regier will not give up any prospects/picks unless the return is a long term solution.

2) Regier will not go after rent-a-player types unless it is to fix a short term need like back-up goalie.

3) If you are going to say "Don't let your mouth write checks your brian can't cash, kid." You have to spell brain right or it makes you look like an ass.

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whatever boy. your talking to a pro now -- so you better bring your "A" game. for far too long around here, you been pushing the less well versed posters around (see labatt blue) -- kind of a like a big dirty carp swimming in a small pool. now listen up slick, you can backtrack all you want. shall we calll you Nixon or Clinton? you got busted b/k you said DR would be a SELLER -- now your backtracking. jsut say sorry and we will all forget the mistake. hey, i made a mistake a few weeks ago about a hit OV laid on brieier -- and i was at the game -- 3rd row! i said sorry to some poster from Ohio -- and all was well. contrition man -- free yourself brother. your like a bum walking down the street kicking a can -- who stuck his head into somewhere where he dont belong (i.e., you walking to a mature post about trades and who to get rid of on the club). i welcome you to pull up a chair and discuss things -- but dont be telling me any b.s. about how regier is going to be a seller and how maxi is worse than Mair. you got it?

btw, i like your passion. i would want you in my army war time foxhole anyday.






Son, I was trying to cut you a break. That's what I get. I forget this site is available to children.


You really need to spend a little time doing your research before you spout out your bullzhit. You can hold on to one Regier Q&A and hope it answers all of your questions. I am going to take into account all the Regier Q&A's I have seen since he became GM of the Sabres. That's the difference between you and I. I will look at the Sabres in a big picture sort of way. Looking towards the future while keeping in mind the past. Like most children today I will guess you have A.D.D. and are unable to grasp the Sabres completely.


Here are three things you need to remember. Write this on your Sponge Bob post-it notes so you don't forget.


1) Regier will not give up any prospects/picks unless the return is a long term solution.

2) Regier will not go after rent-a-player types unless it is to fix a short term need like back-up goalie.

3) If you are going to say "Don't let your mouth write checks your brian can't cash, kid." You have to spell brain right or it makes you look like an ass.

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That is gross to talk about your #%^$#! buddy, unless your talking about Labatt Blue. This is a PG site. :)

Um, yea, Mair is washed up. Afinogenov is a Russian Olympic player. But I see you point, really... lol...haaa


Fella, your holding a pitchfork and torch just like everyone else -- in an effort to get rid of Max.

It appears that you don't know d4rksabre. His thinking can be a bit scatological at times. Same guy that said that with Miller being shaky a few months ago, he proposed bringing in Michael J. Fox to replace Miller in net (yes, that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top, and I don't agree with it. However at the same time, I don't think you have a feel for how the regulars operate on this board. My suggestion: demote yourself back down to "Prospect" since you were itching to get a "line promotion" on this board. Espo you're not.)


As for Max, I don't know why you are defending him. The guy is fast but he has a conspicuous tendency to overskate the puck EVEN WHEN he has it in his possession. It's like the other team is just waiting for him to steamroll across the blueline because they know he's going to overturn it.

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whatever boy. your talking to a pro now -- so you better bring your "A" game. for far too long around here, you been pushing the less well versed posters around (see labatt blue) -- kind of a like a big dirty carp swimming in a small pool. now listen up slick, you can backtrack all you want. shall we calll you Nixon or Clinton? you got busted b/k you said DR would be a SELLER -- now your backtracking. jsut say sorry and we will all forget the mistake. hey, i made a mistake a few weeks ago about a hit OV laid on brieier -- and i was at the game -- 3rd row! i said sorry to some poster from Ohio -- and all was well. contrition man -- free yourself brother. your like a bum walking down the street kicking a can -- who stuck his head into somewhere where he dont belong (i.e., you walking to a mature post about trades and who to get rid of on the club). i welcome you to pull up a chair and discuss things -- but dont be telling me any b.s. about how regier is going to be a seller and how maxi is worse than Mair. you got it?

btw, i like your passion. i would want you in my army war time foxhole anyday.

Just one question: How old are you?


I may be somewhat eccentric and have my own quirks, but I try to think about what to say before I post something. None of us are perfect, but some of us would at least like to try to use some wisdom before we post on here.


IMO, I think you really need to settle down and give some serious thought about what you say about others on here - especially if they don't agree with you about the Sabres organization. You don't need to let everyone know that you want to open your "mouth" wide enough to where you can chomp off your foot in one sitting. We've had a few people on here that have done that and it appears that their time here was short-lived.

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whatever boy. your talking to a pro now -- so you better bring your "A" game. for far too long around here, you been pushing the less well versed posters around (see labatt blue) -- kind of a like a big dirty carp swimming in a small pool. now listen up slick, you can backtrack all you want. shall we calll you Nixon or Clinton? you got busted b/k you said DR would be a SELLER -- now your backtracking. jsut say sorry and we will all forget the mistake. hey, i made a mistake a few weeks ago about a hit OV laid on brieier -- and i was at the game -- 3rd row! i said sorry to some poster from Ohio -- and all was well. contrition man -- free yourself brother. your like a bum walking down the street kicking a can -- who stuck his head into somewhere where he dont belong (i.e., you walking to a mature post about trades and who to get rid of on the club). i welcome you to pull up a chair and discuss things -- but dont be telling me any b.s. about how regier is going to be a seller and how maxi is worse than Mair. you got it?

btw, i like your passion. i would want you in my army war time foxhole anyday.

Again, you need to concentrate on your reading comprehension. I have said and continue to feel that the Sabres should be sellers. I do not believe I was offering a statement of fact just an opinion.


For the rest of your silliness. I do bring this on myself. Every once in awhile a newbie comes along and sees that people have have strong opinions about me. Some good and some bad. OK, some bad and some worse. Newbies think if they jump on they can gain some type of credibility. Most just end up going away when the season is over. That A.D.D. is a killer.


In the words of the Waco Kid "Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille."


Peace Brother.

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Out of the lineup should be:


Ellis (servicable /good sub);


Mair (love the guy, but he is washed up -- he does nothing of value except skate around in circles under the scoreboard 9/10 shifts);


Hecht (he is the most overpriced player in the National League -- and is fleecing the organization (salary of $4 mm) and his average efforts are not enough to

merit the cash he makes; and


Sekara (should be a sub --- needs more seasoning, in light of the soft defense, he is the logically choice to sit when they deal for a vet backliner).




Into the lineup should go Afinogenov (speed and vet presence). Players that would fit in with this team and give them the needed fiber going forward are:


Ruslan Salei (vet, solid hitter to take pressure of Rivet)


Halpren (faceoffs -- good attacker and forechecker)


Arnott (leader, leader, leader -- Nashville might be tempted to move him. Has everything a team like Buffalo needs)


Barrett Jackman (vicious competitor -- a guy that can make good first passes out of the zone on breakouts and clean up the front of the net)


I think we know who Eck is now. Just Kidding. Just Kidding.

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