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Sabres Medallions


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I stopped and got mine on my way to work this morning. If I wait until after work from now on, I am wondering if I will run into problems with availability. Anyone have any trouble? If so, please list where and what time you tried to buy them.


I stopped at Wegmans on Niagara Falls Blvd at around 7:15am. They offer them at the customer service desk, which does not open until 8am. I went next door to Tops and had no problems buying two, although I did have to buy two papers and give two coupons.

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How cheap are they? Not price-wise, but quality?

Not as nice as a coin but better than a poker chip. I know thats a lot of wiggle room, sorry. It would feel nicer if it were a bit heavier.



One question. Should I store them with my Pokemon or Yu-Gi-O cards? :lol:

I'd tell you exactly where you could put them, but this is a family board. :nana:

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i still have a set of coins they released about 7 or 8 years ago that had hasek lafontaine the french connection and a couple other sabres. Those were really nice and I am wondering how the new ones compare to those.


EDIT: come to think of it those may have come out more like ten years ago, can't remember exactly.

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I got mine at a Tops this morning around 7:15am. I got the last one and the service counter woman said they had had a total of 40.


Tom Bauerle's show this morning was about them, too. One guy said he stood outside a Rite Aid this morning for 1/2 hour and the manager came out and said they only had 20 to sell. Strangely, when they opened and sold them, there were only 16. I wonder where the other four went? ::cough::cough::employees::cough::coughh::


However, on a better note, My Dad works at the News (as the photo editor and a graphic artist). The story is this: in order to get them out one a day in time for the playoff run (the highest demand time), they had to move fast so they put them out in so limited a number. However, the News is making available a form to fill out allowing you to send in your coupons (as many as you wish of as many different medallions as you wish) and you will be contacted by phone or email of when you can pick them up.


The "rarity" is not to make them "collector's items" it would seem.

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like I said before... 11,000 coins for 30,000 albums... brillant!!



but if the News is going to let you request the coins you are missing at a later date, that is acceptable and understandable why they wanted to get out what they could now.

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like I said before... 11,000 coins for 30,000 albums... brillant!!

but if the News is going to let you request the coins you are missing at a later date, that is acceptable and understandable why they wanted to get out what they could now.

Here's a link in Today's News where they tell you what I posted already: don't buy them on ebay, you can get as many as you want.



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Here's a link in Today's News where they tell you what I posted already: don't buy them on ebay, you can get as many as you want.




And for market value! (if i could just expand on your previous point)


If you serious go to E-bay and make someone an 8 to 10 dollar profit the you are just a dumbass.


This is the reason why everyone is buy an "extra medaillion" or two and leaving you with nothing. People think..hey... i may as well buy a few extra and put them on E-Bay and make a killing on each one...

I'm sorry but if you still buy from e-bay knowing well that you can get it from the news eventually at a fair price then you are just one dumb mother-trucker.

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I wish they'd put an order form on line for those of us that aren't in Buffalo. I may have to call their hotline and ask if that is possible.

You'll still need a coupon for each medallion you want. One per day for a couple weeks, I think.

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Last week I emailed the Sabres office and asked if those of us who no longer live in Buffalo could get the medallions. To date I have received no reply. I'm guessing they have enough to take care of without worrying about pleasing fans from out of town.

Luckily my sister in Williamsville is taking care of it for my kids.

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