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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Its funny but a year or so ago everyone ( well not everyone but close ) on social media was being challenged by friends to drink large quantities of alcohol and follow it up on video by challenging 3 other friends to do the same with absolutely no benefits to worthy causes or charities. I can't understand why people would complain about this. If you don't want to contribute don't. Some people already donate to a charity or a worthy cause so if they don't actually donate to this one but take part in the fun I don't see the problem. Its nobodies business.


    Apparently not everyone because I never heard of this.

  2. I would trust a stranger making a video before I would trust a church.


    No, the church spent the money exactly as they said they would, that wasn't the problem. What I had a problem with was that they used such obvious emotional manipulation (when it normally wasn't in that particular church's normal tone).



  3. This whole business reminds me about a fund drive my church had. They hired a consultant to direct the fund drive and the consultant had members of the church get up before the church and declare how much the church meant to them, followed by, "And that's why I'm donating $25,000 [or whatever] to the campaign." It just seemed so manipulative and slimy. We no longer go to that church and the taste that left in my mouth is one of the reasons.


    This challenge seems the same way.

  4. I appreciate this stance. I donate to several charities a year. I don't need my hand forced by some Internet fad.


    That's kind of the way I see it. If the person who challenged me presses the issue, I plan on saying 1. I'm not dunking a bucket over my head, and 2. Whether or not I decided to donate to this particular charity is a personal matter and no one else's business.

  5. Darcy Regier is a Hockey Man...


    Garth Snow is a Hockey Man...

    next up on greatest jokes of the decade...


    No, it's a valid point GC makes. Regier and Snow both played in the NHL (albeit briefly in Regier's case), and both have had long careers in NHL front offices. Pegula, for instance, is *not* a hockey man. He is a fan, he had some involvement with the Penn State hockey program as a benefactor, and he bought the Buffalo Sabres. But his career has not been primarily involved with hockey; Regier and Snow's careers have been pretty much all hockey. No, they're not good hockey men at the executive level, but they must be better than most to even get the job, eh?

  6. I pretty much get CI for just the Sabres, but I'll watch other teams too. My wife likes the Red Wings so I guess we're a two team family. I bet the lawsuit fails but we'll see. I think I've had CI for about 14 years, so if there is a payout per customer per year I should do okay.

  7. Muscle is always in one of three states: building, breaking down, or atrophying.


    Which state is a superior player in when he plays inferior competition night after night?


    It's not about impatience, it's about what's best for certain players. Some just aren't best served when forced to play against inferior competition.


    It's nice that elite prospects can sell tickets in the inferior league, though.


    GO SABRES!!!


    I know this post is a few weeks old, but I just had to respond:


    Muscle is always in one of three states: building, breaking down, or atrophying.


    I don't accept this premise. What about sustaining?


    Which state is a superior player in when he plays inferior competition night after night?


    If you're talking about muscle (per the first line), quite possibly the player is building muscle. If he's personally working hard, it's not atrophying; if he's superior to the competition and is dominating, they're not breaking down his muscle.


    It's such a bad mixed metaphor though. The initial premise is flawed, and it doesn't necessarily indicate anything about a player's skill set and ability which is really what you're talking about, as opposed to simple muscle. Someone can put on muscle working out in a gym. So why even bring that into it?

  8. Per this article - I did not know that the Sabres were "famous for their terrible uniforms".


    I had the same thought. Then I figured maybe the writer is younger than me and only remembers back to the Goat Head. If that's the case and they're only looking back about 15 years, yeah, it's been terrible until just recently.

  9. And while I'm wary of false idols, that comment also prompted me to think of the way in which Drury shut off the locker room stereo, death stared guys into the weight room after a practice, and had many players change their diets on game day.


    I could easily picture Girgensons playing that role. He plays a pretty intense game, I can see him calling out teammates (including veterans) in the locker room.

  10. There is no reason to believe he won't be there with you. Not to get into a theological discussion but if you believe in that then he is probably still sharing your excitement.


    My dad passed in '95 and we used to watch the Sabres together. These kinds of thoughts frequently occur to me and I have some of my best memories of him when watching the Sabres.

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