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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Through 3 games, the only guys I see giving it their all on every shift have been Ennis, Weber and Deslauriers. That ain't gonna win many games (in our case none).


    What about Girgs?


    While we're ranting, can we get some mean defensemen. I'm getting to the point where I'd be alright with Myers going. I'm enamored with his skating for a big man, but if the mean streak isn't there, I don't see him being what we need.


    Simple. Knock 'im in the nuts before the game. Seemed to get his dander up the other night.


    This was brilliant, well played.


    Thanks. At least someone noticed....


    I swear, BFLO fans would bitch about how they got paid if they won the lottery.


    You understand the true Buffalo mindset.


    We know they weren't gonna be good but not this bad. We wanted to see improvement but still lose close games. But how can you say they are better when they are getting badly outshot every game. It's okay to lose as long as you play hard and your competitive but not okay when you are not working and getting outshot big time. This team right now looks worse than last year and I thought they would be somewhat better.


    Two out of the first three games were tied at the second intermission. Those are close games. The fact that they got away in the third is simply the fulfillment of "still lose close games."


    Yes, I want the team to look better, but they're hanging in there. The year the local high school won the Texas state championship, they lost an early game 63-0. It is way too early to write off this season as a wasted one. The body of work so far isn't so good, but the season has just started. Basically, the Sabres are an expansion team right now. You can't expect miracles and team chemistry and stuff right out of the gate.

  2. Well who are you going to put there then ? are they having tryouts ? i'll come over if they do :blink:


    Let the kid grow on the job.


    I only mentioned the "Kyle Orton era" because I saw it in a headline after the Detroit game. Era. Like, as in, a long time. Orton is never going to be anything but a stop-gap.

  3. It depends how drunk I am when I get in to drive.


    If you mean you have some kinda autostick, you have an automatic. Stop pretending.


    Those who profess to love manual transmissions are those who don't have to sit in rush hour commutes in places like DC, NYC, LA, Philly, etc. Automatic is practically required for crowded big cities these days.


    I just got back from a trip to Bristol, England, and Rome, Italy. Crazy traffic. Everyone drives manuals.


    As for my car... stick.



    Fiat 500 by doohickie@ymail.com, on Flickr

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