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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. I saw parts of it on the NHL Network. Nothing but great press for Buffalo. Interviews with the players, interview with Biron and Kevyn Adams. Really pushed the concept of what the Harbor Center is all about. Plus some great shots around town - red, white & blue lit Peace Bridge, Shea's Buffalo, etc. For the first time in years I'm kinda proud to tell people I'm from Buffalo. It seems like the city is finally, for the first time in my adult life, on the upswing.

  2. You could say that Miami didn't play very well. But even without the blocked punt, the muffed punt and even the kickoff return, I think the Bills would have won yesterday. The play calling was perfectly conservative in the first half. Sure they could have come away with more, but having a 9-point lead at the half is pretty universally considered a successful half.


    I think it's important for EJ to get that feeling that he knows what he's doing. Good fundamentals, learn the reads, learn when to throw it away, etc. Once he's got that on an NFL level, then he can start improvising. I'd much rather have a young quarterback playing within himself than to have a bit too much confidence and thinking he the next Brett Favre. (That's Tony Romo's problem - always tries to play like Favre with a Romo skillset.)


    In the second half, the defense and the special teams gave the Bills the edge and they ran away with it. It's nice when it's a team effort. You can say that the offense wasn't outstanding, but they also played error-free ball. I think instilling that no mistakes mindset is important right now.

  3. I could just imagine Tim Murray calling...


    "Hello? Is this Ville Leino's agent? It is, great." *Click* blocks number on all Sabres phones.


    Cute, except we're talking about Ryan Malone.


    Chris Nichols@NicholsOnHockey 52s

    Also on Ryan Malone: Well-placed source tells NY Post he's been cleared by NHL to sign a contract. Not likely to face fine or suspension.



    Who does he sign with?


    He's already going to camp with the rangers.

  4. The difference between a Good Team and a Bad Team is that a Good Team will win when they shouldn't. Both the Bills and Bears played well enough to win at times, but both did things that made you say they didn't deserve to win. The Bills prevailed so at least for this week, the Bills were the Good Team.

  5. As for the home opener, I am gonna say: The traditional rivals are in town (I still get jacked about talk of "Miami week"), I'm thinking Jim Kelly will lead the team out of the tunnel. If the weather's anywhere near decent -- the Ralph is going to be positively bonkers at kickoff.


    If by "decent" you mean a foot of snow on the field, I'm right there with ya. :w00t:


    I always think the home game (for the Bills) against Miami should always be in December.

  6. I was actually one of those United Way canvassers one year (our company has a charitable giving campaign, but it's more than just United Way; and you can pick your charity).


    I spoke before all the groups I was responsible for and the message was this: Whether you choose to give or not, don't make the decision by default. So even if your answer is no, please return your form to me. I then followed up with everyone until all the forms were submitted (except for a few holdouts). The result was the biggest jump in participation of any department, and the biggest jump in per capita giving. I didn't harangue anyone who didn't give; my only request was that people actually decide, even if that meant no. (In previous years, a lot of people didn't contribute not because they didn't want to, but because they never got around to filling out the form.)

  7. No hockey culture there, of course, but the size of the market is hard to ignore.


    As a DFW resident, I thought the same about here. Even thought their last run was '99, it got some buzz going for hockey in Dallas and it's still pretty well supported. I think the same could happen in Houston, and like y'all (see what I did there?) said, there's a natural rivalry with Dallas.



    Anyone ever think of OKC as a place for the NHL?

  8. It's about the same size and shape as the Bank One building in downtown Fort Worth. It was hit by a tornado in 2000, resulting in loss of almost all the glass on two sides of the building and a measurable twist in the building's structure. Thanks to asbestos used in the construction, implosion was not feasible. Bank One (now owned by Chase) built a new building a block or two over and abandoned the tower. It sat vacant for about 5 years until Fort Worth's version of TPegs bought it and remodeled the whole thing into residential. The plan was to sell some as condos and rent out the rest. In the end the whole thing went condo and is some of the most expensive real estate in the city.


    If Pegula buys this building, good things will certainly ensue.

  9. Yes , but i still would give Darcy some credit, he loaded up the 2015 draft with picks like no one else could have. And we all know the islanders are a long shot for a playoff team.


    That was the knock on DR though - he was good at "winning" individual trades, but couldn't build a good team out of the resulting assets. I think this is working out just right. DR maxed the assets, then handed them over to GMTM to build the team.

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