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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Muscle is always in one of three states: building, breaking down, or atrophying.


    Which state is a superior player in when he plays inferior competition night after night?


    It's not about impatience, it's about what's best for certain players. Some just aren't best served when forced to play against inferior competition.


    It's nice that elite prospects can sell tickets in the inferior league, though.


    GO SABRES!!!


    I know this post is a few weeks old, but I just had to respond:


    Muscle is always in one of three states: building, breaking down, or atrophying.


    I don't accept this premise. What about sustaining?


    Which state is a superior player in when he plays inferior competition night after night?


    If you're talking about muscle (per the first line), quite possibly the player is building muscle. If he's personally working hard, it's not atrophying; if he's superior to the competition and is dominating, they're not breaking down his muscle.


    It's such a bad mixed metaphor though. The initial premise is flawed, and it doesn't necessarily indicate anything about a player's skill set and ability which is really what you're talking about, as opposed to simple muscle. Someone can put on muscle working out in a gym. So why even bring that into it?

  2. Per this article - I did not know that the Sabres were "famous for their terrible uniforms".


    I had the same thought. Then I figured maybe the writer is younger than me and only remembers back to the Goat Head. If that's the case and they're only looking back about 15 years, yeah, it's been terrible until just recently.

  3. And while I'm wary of false idols, that comment also prompted me to think of the way in which Drury shut off the locker room stereo, death stared guys into the weight room after a practice, and had many players change their diets on game day.


    I could easily picture Girgensons playing that role. He plays a pretty intense game, I can see him calling out teammates (including veterans) in the locker room.

  4. There is no reason to believe he won't be there with you. Not to get into a theological discussion but if you believe in that then he is probably still sharing your excitement.


    My dad passed in '95 and we used to watch the Sabres together. These kinds of thoughts frequently occur to me and I have some of my best memories of him when watching the Sabres.

  5. If you've got 'one of those' companies, you need to find a new carrier. :)


    It's a valid concern. They don't base the higher rate on vapor, they base it on risk values based on previously paid claims for people in a given situation (such as dog owners). My wife actually got nipped by one of our dogs several years ago and decided to have it looked at in the ER. The ER reported it to animal control and our health insurance company investigated whether they wanted to refuse to pay and make us put it on our homeowner's insurance. It was a pain in the butt. As it turned out, they health insurance paid the hospital and that was that. If it had been someone else's dog, though, I think they might have tried to get payment from the other people.

  6. My neighbour has one, they still broke in twice since then.

    I got a big Dog :P


    I've got both - ADT (they're actually Broadview now I think), and two noisy dogs. The shepherd mix is more of a threat, but when he gets excited his bark gets squeaky. The beagle is much smaller but always produces a deep, threatening bark.




    You'll probably pay that much for the system and couple years of monitoring.


    But you'll spend much more than that on a Rot when you take into account food and vet bills.



    I think it was chz that first postulated Nolan was gonna be the coach to develop the young players and be a place holder until our version of Bylsma is hired.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Yeah, yeah, I remember that, but how are you going to develop the talent if your on-ice system isn't developed to an acceptable standard? How are the youngins gonna know what the right positioning is for different situations if the Xs and Os aren't worked out?


    (It's probably a false dichotomy - just because he's a motivator doesn't mean he's totally incompetent at designing and enforcing an effective system.) I've been watching dysfunctional hockey for so long I just really want to see it come together.

  8. The thing to remember when listening to classical music is that we only hear the best... maybe 5% or 1% of the music written, and by the best composers. So we never hear the Baroque Era version of something like "Seasons in the Sun" or "Come on Eileen". That drivel of that era has been lost to history, thank God.

  9. Any car insurance commercial


    Take the pig and the lizard to the BBQ pit, make sure flo is wearing her leather S&M outfit with assless chaps while basting them at the pit, get the professor from the state farm university as the gimp and have that guy from all-state do the narative


    That is deeply disturbing. On so many levels.

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