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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. My youngest had the team’s 2023 yearbook out - looking at Diggs stuff as part of his processing the trade - and I noticed the cover: Hyde, Dawkins, Milano, Miller, Knox, Allen - but no Diggs. They were keeping the guy at arm’s length, even then. (And still gassing up Knox 🫤.) And I maintain, they’d put up with Diggs’ BS if, in their coaches’ and personnel people’s assessments, he were still capable of getting it done at the level his salary (on this team) commands. Otoh, I hadn’t imagined how deliberately he was working on getting out and, even more so, the Bills’ willingness to accommodate him and rip the cap band aid off. Those elements surprised me.
  2. Disagree. It’s slow-developing, subtle, and delightful. I think modern times have made it difficult to enjoy this sort of material.
  3. I believe that was a quote from a Chiefs DB (Sneed?) after the Bills’ regular season win this past year.
  4. Not sure who's meant to be encompassed by this. I’ve spent time with the meteorologists who work at the NWS site at the Buffalo airport. Those are some of the most diligent, honest nerds I’ve ever met. And I also can’t figure out what aspect I would emphasize more: That they’re diligent, honest, or nerds. Copiously equal parts, I guess.
  5. Objectively hilarious. And deeply obtuse. Quite a trick, really.
  6. Just checked my anticipated sky cover per the NWS. Things are trending the wrong way. And now they've gone from saying high-level clouds to saying mid-level clouds. Fingers crossed, I guess. There's a cruel irony being teed up.
  7. I agree. It's a little maddening. I guess it goes to show how tricky it is to forecast cloud cover when presented with certain forecast conditions.
  8. I think he's more than that, especially because he can move inside and play guard. But I agree on your ultimate conclusion here.
  9. Re the clip from Pro Football Talk: I respect Florio for carving out his place in the sports talking ecosystem. But the guy is so often just a troll and/or a tool. His broadcast partner there - Simms, I guess - has it exactly right: Florio's criticizing Allen for not being more assertive with Diggs, for just eating sh1t in his relationship with Diggs, but if Allen had engaged with, pushed back on, and thereby contributed to any Diggs drama, Florio would have been all over him for that as well. Allen handled Diggs about as well as anyone could have hoped for.
  10. Yeah - he’s most likely not getting a big deal next offseason. He’ll be in that mercenary veteran WR mode. Akin to OBJ, maybe. As @seltzermom speculated on Twitter: Cowboys or Chiefs will likely be on his 2025 wishlist. And as Ross Tucker remarked: There’s downside here for the Texans if Diggs doesn’t get the targets he needs to tee him up for his next deal.
  11. Just a great post -- this middle portion is especially incisive. I'm quietly hoping for a boi-oi-oi-oing moment when Big Baller Beane goes all in, all in by moving this year's first, next year's first, a couple seconds (?!), and grabs one of the prized WRs in this year's draft.
  12. I'm mostly just clowning around. I was giving a big chuckle to the apparently non-ironic invocation of hope as a reason to prefer the Sabres as currently constituted. "Hope" has become a bit of a four-letter word among the Sabre faithful.
  13. Can I get a hell yeah. It's just a thought experiment, after all. This would depend, btw, on lottery rules and whether there are elite players among the top amateurs. (Not because I'd want us to have that player, but because we'd probably be able to trade back and acquire a boat load of more assets.) And, of course, you need a good team doing the work. Goobers who played in the NHL and then ran a fancy hockey rink need not apply.
  14. Lol - do you recall the report about him giving a hype speech about how coordinated the 9/11 terrorists were? Dude's just sort of weird in general. Recall the Tyler Dunne piece on this topic: "I don’t know why he’s that awkward but his social skills are lacking,” an unnamed player told Dunne. “Maybe he’s just wound-up thinking about ball. You’ve got to talk to the team every day. That’s one where maybe he heard it on a podcast. Next episode! That’s not the one to lead with. He was trying to bring the team together. It was a horrible, horrible reference. He missed the mark.”
  15. Hear, hear. Nothing is known, nothing is assured. The Bills will, of course, need to compete to win games. The idiocracy out there hive-minding the "WINDOW CLOSED" stuff is just the laziest, dumbest, click-baitingest hooey imaginable. Whatever. Those folks have livings to make. Clicks and eyeballs to attract. And lord don't let me be misunderstood: The Bills may have a down year as they work through this pain. Sheeyit. The Allen-led Bills may never make it to a Super Bowl. Who the eff knows? @nobody. Actually, strike that. I mean NOBODY knows. The future's not written and can't now be known. Go Bills.
  16. This is a great post. I can't bring myself to disagree -- not strongly anyway -- with the sentiment that part of the puzzle here was Diggs' desire to leave (and how he evidences that desire). As others have stated -- including that Stadium Wall poster you quoted (and fair play to you - I can't/won't sift through the noise over there) -- the bottom line is that Diggs' ability to produce as a WR1 had declined to a point where the engagement was no longer tenable. You abide and endure the other stuff if he's still capable of being a WR1. He isn't. So he's gone. That said, if he were a good soldier, then he's possibly (probably?) still here for 2024. This is a change in thought compared to what I posted above (that, even if he were a model citizen, he'd have been dealt now). Because $31M on the books for a guy not on your team is a wallop.
  17. Diggs steadily became irrelevant as 2023 wore on. One thing that caught my attention: Brady asked him to run bubble screens. I've never seen a WR1 less committed to a route than Diggs was to those bubbles. He fumbled on one of those plays against KC in the divisional round. So, his production declined precipitously and he wasn't a fit with what they're trying to do. That's how and why you can remove a guy like that, when they did. What on earth. Shut the f**k up, lady. that's not how dead money works in the NFL.
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