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Posts posted by Campy

  1. It is! I live right around the corner from CNU. I have exhausted my search and while there was talk of putting in a Weight/Recchi/Tkachuk rule it has never happened. The Players Union would never allow it and Unrestricted Free agency is just that.... UNRESTRICTED


    Cool, thanks! :thumbsup:

  2. These appears to be facts based on published accounts on the 'net:


    Ott used to be married to a woman named Candice.


    Ott and his wife Erica have an elementary school aged kid named Layna (with whom they are frequently pictured on social media).


    Tim Gleason is married to a woman named Candice.


    Gleason said in a report that he has a step-daughter named Layna.


    Given all that, it appears that Gleason is married to Ott's ex-wife, but that Ott and his current wife (Erica) have primary custody of Layna.


    I hate myself more than I can say for getting into this, but my OCD tendencies toward disambiguation left me little other choice.




    I used to be that way but over the years I just kind of gave up and decided it was easier to shrug my shoulders.


    But I do appreciate you taking the time to clear that up - thanks!

  3. I am nearly positive that only applies to compliance buy outs but I will do some digging


    I did a quick google search but found nothing but returns speculating on rentals and trades. It would be cool if you can confirm or deny it.


    And you're in "Bad News" Va? Is that Christopher Newport's bad news?

  4. Unless Ott, who seems to be a stand up guy, has told the Sabres he will re-sign with them in the off season. It makes sense right? If you want to play on a team and you want that team to improve then why not tell the team you'll take a trade that will bring talent back the other way. Then you turn around and sign back with that team and boom and you're improved. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.


    I heard from a coworker of mine that there is a component of the CBA prohibiting a rental from re-signing with the team that dealt him. Do any of you know if there's any truth to that?


    Hockey History@HistoricHockey1 Jan

    Gleason trade should make the Leafs/Sabres rivalry better. Rumour is Otts wife cheated on him with Gleason, and Gleason had a baby with her.


    Woah, not sure how reliable this is?


    Here's what we know: Gleason and Ott were best friends from Junior days and now they can't seem to stand each other.


    The rumor is Gleason hit it and Ms. Ott had a baby daughter from the affair. I've heard Ms Ott left Steve, and I've heard she and Steve have full custody. Who knows how much of it is true? Who cares?

  6. I'm not a fan of our "franchise" qb having what 3 knee related injuries in the equivalent of 16 games (pre and regular season).... In the standings it doesn't matter too much at this point, however it leaves me feeling uneasy knowing this news... Sure everyone gets injured over their career, but this seems a bit too early on


    The bills need to take another QB in the draft by round 3, not to name starter, but for some healthy competition and the chance of maybe lucking out


    Instead of drafting a mid-to-late rounder, I'd rather see them sign an experienced - albeit not spectacular - vet. Another rookie will have limited value in terms of what he can do to advance EJ's development whereas a vet can play a huge role in helping him along.


    At the end of next season, we'll have a much better idea of what kind of QB EJ will be in the NFL, and we can draft another rookie then. Just my take...


    If the NHLPA is truly there to defend the players then why don't you ever hear them refusing to defend a player in the appeals process? In Thornton's situation the offense is obvious and indefensible. Who is defending Orpik here? Is the NHL the protector of the victim while the NHLPA is there to defend the offender? To me it seems like the NHL is the real defender of the players here.


    I think they view lengthy suspensions as more harmful to their members than the events that precipitate them.

  8. I believe he can uphold or subtract I don't think he can add to it. My guess is Bettman would uphold 99% of all decisions. I have a suspicion this will go to independent arbiter. Either way I now think less of Thornton than I did... which was already pretty low.


    I don't know for sure - it's not like I ever really looked it up - but I did read an article read somewhere (TSN maybe?) on Kaleta potentially appealing. It was kind of a throw-away line at the end, but it said something along the lines there was a possibility the suspension could be extended...


    Kaleta took his last one to Bettman too. My guess is that the PA doesn't really get too involved unless they (either the PA or Thornton's people) want to take it the next step to the independent reviewer.


    Kaleta appealed his most recent suspension? I thought he decided against it.

  9. After skating on the first line with the Sedins in preseason, Torts won't put Kassian back out with them.


    When I use Danny and Hank, it's usually against a top line, or at least the top six. With Kass, I don't think he has processed and learned that part of the game well enough to be put in those situations.




    If he hasn't yet, when will he? Or won't he?

  10. I've noticed it too, and I have a theory:


    It's to remind fans, media, and prospective GMs that Nolan truly is interim. This would allow the GM to say it was his choice to remove the interim tag and that his hand was not forced by Patty or TPeg - even if it was. Don't know if that is what's going down, but it would go a long way to prevent the new GM from being publicly emasculated.

  11. No, that's a great example of non-intent. The driver in your example (presumably) didn't *intend* to crash his car into other people. He's guilty of gross negligence though.


    I'm no attorney, but I think that might be the difference between homicide (intent to kill) and manslaughter (no intent to kill but behavior stupid enough to pull it off).

  12. He had 3 straight 70+ catch, 1000+ yard seasons prior to this season. Like it or not, he is the only receiver on the roster with any history of success in this league.

    No argument with the stats or his history, I'm probably nit picking, but I wouldn't use any form of the word "great" with Stevie. He's just too inconsistent and seems to disappear in clutch time more often than not.


    I do think he'd be a very good # 2 on a team with a bona fide # 1.

  13. McKelvin just isn't very good. Johnson has his moments of greatness, but his inconsistency (e.g. big drops at key times) is infuriating. I'd be down with replacing both. This year's draft has a bunch of good WR and CB prospects.


    I'd love to agree with you, but I don't recall ever seeing "greatness" from him. He is an effective #2 or 3 possesion WR that is asked to be a #1.


    He simply isn't good enough on Sundays.

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