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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. Gallant or Berube, but both of those guys will probably have jobs if/when Adams ever decides to move on from Granato. Hell, I'd say take a good look at the Oilers former coach, Jay Woodcroft. Yes, they were awful out of the gate this year, because they tried to implement a new defensive system that totally blew up in their faces, but before that Woodcraft turned them around when he was hired in February 2022, went 76-32-12, and won 3 playoff series, including taking them to the conference finals the year he inherited a near .500 team in February. The Oilers are my "second" team, Woodcroft is a good coach.
  2. They're dressed and skating around. "Playing" is such a subjective term.
  3. It's astounding how these guys just cannot put 2 wins together. I've wasted enough time on these humps tonight. Merry New Year, all.
  4. Power play has been abysmal for 37+ games and no effort is put forth to change anything significant. Like I've said, this isn't a serious hockey organization.
  5. This team is absolutely brutal to root for. Going to pass 2 calendar months without winning two straight games.
  6. Not only are we going to Ottawa, we're going to Montreal and Pittsburgh and Toronto and Detroit and Chicago, and we're going to Columbus and Carolina and Tampa...and we're going to Washington and Philadelphia and Minnesota and Winnipeg, and then we're going to Vegas, to take back the Stanley Cup! HEEEEEEEYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!
  7. I think they both want to win. Problem is, Granato doesn't know how to get these guys to play the way they need to to win. I think Adams believes in his plan and it eventually will win, but when? It seems pretty clear he's all in on building the roster with homegrown talent. Problem is, that will likely take years and you have a fanbase that's staring down a 13th consecutive season without sniffing the playoffs and there is no patience for a further prolonged rebuild. Personally, I think the current roster, with a few tweaks, absolutely can win. Unfortunately, right now, they're saddled with a coaching staff that has no idea how to get them to play with the effort and ability they flash occasionally. We see the same ***** issues almost every game and nobody is held accountable and few changes are made...the ones that are made amount to shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. This team is going to pass 2 months without winning back-to-back games. The special teams are a sludge fart. They come out listless and uninspired almost every game. They make the same boneheaded mistakes pretty much every game. Almost the entire roster has regressed significantly from a strong finish last season. These are all coaching issues. But, it seems like Adams is "all in" on Granato and crew. I don't see them making a move any time soon. We'll hear the same platitudes after every loss. We'll hear them blame injuries. We'll hear them say they just need to get back to work. And they'll keep taking one step forward followed by 2 steps back. What this organization lacks is a buffer between the owner and the operational side. They have nobody to hold anybody accountable. A serious hockey organization would see this season slipping away, judge it a failure and hold the GM's feet to the fire. A serious organization would move on from Granato and be looking for a coach that can get these guys to actually play hockey. This is not a serious hockey organization.
  8. Meh. He was a useful dumpster dive last year providing some decent bottom 6 minutes. But he's been dreadful this year. Another JAG.
  9. Any serious hockey organization that came into the season with playoff aspirations would have canned this coaching staff by now. Probably after the CBJ debacle. This is not a serious hockey organization.
  10. The most maddening thing is the inconsistency. How is this the same team that shelled the Laffs for 9? Or punched VGK in their mouth in their own building. If they just played like drunk cows every game I could just accept that we suck and there's nothing we can do about it. But, we get teased with what they're capable of, but we're saddled with a LOLCow coaching staff that cannot figure out how to get these guys to put in effort each game. It's like they get a nice win then decide it's cool to take a few days off.
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