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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. Shouldn't have taken 30+ games to figure that out. I mean, NOPE, NOPE, not gonna dwell on stuff like that. I'm staying. I'm enjoying this win.
  2. Worry about that tomorrow. Enjoy the dominating win over the Laffs tonight.
  3. Did Ryan Johnson criticize Meatballs' Sunday Gravy or somethin'?
  4. When I watch this team play, and it's becoming a slog, I see a poorly coached team. They look like absolute world-beaters at times (dominating wins over NYR, VGK), then look like the worst team in hockey the next game. There's no consistency. The head coach won't bench guys to hold them accountable for poor play and/or effort because it seems like he's more interested in being their friend or afraid of hurting feelings. Get an experienced HC who can whip this soft-serve group into something resembling the bill of goods we were sold. This team is not responding to Granato's methods anymore. There's regression nearly across the board. Now, whether KA will do it...doesn't seem likely. Accountability is lacking throughout the organization. We'll see how Pegula reacts when they're skating in front of 3000 fans in February. I know if I lived in/near Buffalo I wouldn't piss away my hard-earned dollars to go watch these guys trying to play something resembling real hockey. This was supposed to be the year they ended the drought and instead, they're peeing down their leg. We deserve better.
  5. On the plus side, Mrs. Slinky got all the presents wrapped as I sat upstairs running the gamut of Sabres fandom emotions for 2.5 hours...devolving into an angry beast by the 3rd period. I think I just sat and chuckled for the last 10 minutes Really, though, in retrospect, wrapping presents would have been more enjoyable. My youngest, bless her heart, loves the Sabres, too and asked me sometime during the second period: "how are the Sabres doing, daddy?" All I could respond with was... We took a weekend trip up to St. Paul to hit the Mall of America this past weekend. Took in the Wild-Canucks game Saturday afternoon. Two solid teams that play real hockey. My girls got some Wild swag while we were at the arena. That might be an easier path for them, even in salary cap hell.
  6. Gallant Berube Vignault I'd take any of those three guys right now over these guys we have now that have no answers. Hell, give me Boudreau short term.
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