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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. Yeah if only we all knew the future lol. Ratner trade the pick for a legit player then have a lottery ticket
  2. They went above expectations he should have made a move that showed he believed in them. But that's just me
  3. I wouldn’t trade jj at all he's going to be important . Trade the 13th
  4. You don't tr a de jj he's going to be Pominville 2.0
  5. I'm obviously a little under the beer but There was quite a few defenses that we probably would have taken that could have helped the playoff push
  6. I understand he will probably be in better shape and perform better . My problem is they knew Some people only have a short time to live and that's why I'm upset
  7. Ok I understand but the playoff experience is the most important part its a different game
  8. They didn't though let's say they got Embarrassed on national TV during the playoffs that's a failure and Learning moment That's gives you more fire
  9. You're correct. But they could have easily made it last year also to be more ready for what's to come
  10. You do realize he doesn't have any speed or skills to make plays at center .
  11. The fanbase has been waiting for a decade for playoffs so we have something to cheer for and the players deserved it and a out of shape Greenway was the answer. That's unacceptable
  12. Ok our they could have gotten a taste and maybe went on a run . Like I said anything can happen in the playoffs
  13. First of all things change when they go beyond Expectations you want them to go all the way . Buffalo would have beaten boston and If they didn't who cares It gets the players playoff experience and a taste. That's loser Mentality anything happens in the playoffs
  14. He did nothing to help a playoff push got a player that wasn't in Shape Good move
  15. Give me a break he had a plenty of opportunities to help out the players during the year he did nothing . and could have gotten help at deadline to make the playoffs.
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