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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. I thought he didn't make the pick ?
  2. 7 Replies for our 1st overall pick? Hes the best player in the draft and when hes scoring up a Storm watch out .
  3. Yikes people are really Taking that power hype in. Went from loving beniers and now this lol I dislike beniers but theres no one like him in this draft
  4. I have power being colton parayko Not some unrealistic Comparison like Victor headman
  5. This isn't lindros and He could just sit his happy ass in college and just go to free agency
  6. These kids need a reality check spend 1 day in war and you'll be Grateful for 1$
  7. I think he wants to pick the team he wants to get drafted to
  8. Who's ready to solve this mystery lol
  9. I dont see jack eichel playing another game for us which sucks.
  10. It feels like this organization is going backwards you're about to trade your franchise center and sam . You're only left with casey and cozens who knows if he will Regress. They cant draft A guy that will likely take 3-4 years to be an impact player
  11. Probably the dumbest thing I've heard does no one remember how good bouwmeester was ?
  12. No according to everyone they took the best available player . This went to a week draft to a Borderline Hall of fame defensemen? Man these people need to pick a lane
  13. I just think its a Silly pick when we have other needs .
  14. I've only wrote them a letter every single day they haven't wrote back..
  15. So we're going to invest millions of dollars to sign him this summer and place him at spot we haven't seen him yet in the nhl.
  16. No apparently one is gonna win Norris other Selke Signed every buffalo Homer
  17. No you guys are saying take best player available if Hughes played this year power would be 3rd best in this draft People are getting sucked up in this power hype
  18. We did that years past worked out great. Hughes is better and you all are getting sucked in.
  19. Did you forget about all the LHD we have ? Look at our wing and centers we have nothing
  20. Hopefully ryan johnson doesn't leave now hes going to be very good.
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