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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. Might be the first full 60 minutes a Buffalo Sabre has ever shown up for.
  2. And this team manages to piss away another great effort by their goaltender. Typical Sabres ######.
  3. Could be one of those games where the last game would make you think it's gonna be dirty. I wouldn't be surprised to see a pretty tame game.
  4. Prelude to an Epic by Eighteen Visions. No lyrics, but who needs lyrics during an intro. http://youtu.be/IYdtdCsPLsU Or Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold (with a little censorship of course) http://youtu.be/94bGzWyHbu0
  5. Maybe Ott shoulda been out there for that faceoff. It's like Ruff hasn't left. Can't win when you spend three quarters of the night in your own end.
  6. Isn't he usually under it along with Gerbe, Hecht, Enroth and Stafford???
  7. This is a huge problem right here. Definitely would like to see some PP goals. They've been moving the puck well, just not finishing.
  8. Did you see him in the movie "Go" where he played the gay detective? He was hilarious. He was great in Drowning Mona as well.
  9. I would agree, Stafford has been snake bitten, but so has Foligno. He has put himself in some good positions to score, but just isn't finishing. Well it is a four letter name beginning with R. :rolleyes:
  10. I think you can throw (no pun intended) Fitzpatrick's name in there as well. And the way the Sabres are playing, anyone is fair game to be benched IMO. Even Pommers and Vanek have cooled off.
  11. I'll admit Foligno has not been nearly the same as last year, but he will hit and drive to the net unlike Hecht. Even Gerbe will throw a hit now and then. But I see now reason for Hecht and his weak wrist shot to keep getting playing time over certain players.
  12. RR coached Foligno almost the whole season last year, so I think he would know how he plays and what to say to him instead of benching him. I don't get the move when you have other guys like Hecht, Stafford, Gerbe who have been terrible all season. Still a dysfunctional organization. But I do agree with Scott playing seeing how porn stache Parros in on the Panthers.
  13. Just like the Bills. Always win just enough games to screw them in draft position and miss out on the franchise QB. Of course they usually screw themselves with horrible drafting anyways. Go Sabres.
  14. This team blows ass, i dont care who the coach is. Oh great here comes our 2 for 217 powerplay.
  15. This team blows ass, i dont care who the coach is. Oh great here comes our 2 for 217 powerplay.
  16. Ahh, I missed that. Should be interesting to hear this.
  17. Mike Wilson is coming back?? That should toughen these guys up.
  18. Pegs doesn't talk to the media. Gonna be hard to know what he thinks.
  19. Deep, but a pretty short presser.
  20. Why yes, yes it is. Brings a lot to this thread.
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