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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. This coming from someone who has probably never even seen Roy play his first ten years in the league. Lol, classic. Stop with your idiotic replies and I'll stop with the bro....Bro!!!
  2. That's what I did, I "championed" Roy. You are ridiculous bro. Roy played in the NHL for how many years and under how many great coaches? Rolston played for 0 years. I'll take Roy any day with his experience. Wake up.
  3. One thing the players in Rochester have mentioned that bothers them is that Rolston switches up the lines too much. Does that sound familiar?
  4. Roy has been coaching in the juniors, which is a hell of a lot more like a professional coaching position than the under 18 USA developmental hockey team.
  5. Let's bring in that as clown Mike Milbury. He coached the Amerks at one point. He would definitely toughen this team up and make them accountable, but would probably rest all the starters against Boston each game.
  6. I seem to have misinterpreted myself. The hockey God quote was for the firing of Ruff. But Rolston replacing him is not anything special IMO. The guy had absolutely no professional coaching experience before Rochester hired him. And now he has a year and a half in the AHL and he is the answer? I don't think so. I woulda rather seen Patrick Roy brought in.
  7. There is a hockey God after all. Ron Rolston has left Rochester and will be the Sabres new head coach. Not sure how I feel about this.
  8. Lindy says he is embarrassed and completely understands how the fans feel.
  9. Miller just basically ripped the team and coaching in his post game. Said we need to show more will and something about the system as well.
  10. Or expect to win with the same coach for 20 years. Miller just said we deserved to get booed. Boo your arse off!!!
  11. Well just like last year, he is getting paid way too much to not show up and play.
  12. Worst PK in the league and we can't score during three PP chances.
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