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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. Looks like Rinaldo was paying attention in the meeting. Gotta give Weber ton of credit for standing up to that dude.
  2. Flynn now with twice as many goals as our superstar rookie Grigorenko in about 15 less games.
  3. NBC Sportsnetwork switch to channel 220 on Direct TV. They used to be in the 600's.
  4. Fugly start. I sense a blowout coming. Sabres can't even get a shot on goal.
  5. The Filthydelphia Flyers....oh yay. Can't stand this team, especially Hartnell and Giroux, and Simmonds and anyone else in orange and black for that matter. Only thing that worries me is how struggling teams tend to get well against the Sabres. Not sure what to think about this game. Just win baby.
  6. I hope not, but it did kinda look like that's what he was doing. He may still think Foligno is wearing 71 from his days in Rochester.
  7. The last game against Carolina, it actually looked like Rolston was looking at the backs of the players jerseys trying to match names with numbers. Didn't notice it so much tonight.
  8. Long ago when I was a mechanic, on the hungover days we would hit the oxygen tank from the torches to get some pure O2. It actually helped a bit.
  9. That's why I would much rather post from the computer. Smartphone + sausage fingers makes for some frustrating posting. And watching the Sabres lately is frustrating enough.
  10. That must have made for some ugly karate nights and some dirty laundry. :P
  11. 2 goal lead in hockey, the most dangerous lead in sports.
  12. Ok, with some of the "women" I have, I need some strong meds. :flirt:
  13. This will be the last time I post at 4:30 a.m. on a game day. Damn medication.
  14. Yeah letting my kids play on the computer before their 9:30 bedtime is apparently illegal in Sabreland as well. Love some of these posts.
  15. 9:30 smart ass! I also have other things to do outside of posting 12,000 times on a message board.
  16. Oh sorry, I didn't know my kids weren't allowed on the computer during a Sabres game. Classic.
  17. I hope the search for a permanent HC is on for next year. This is the same exact team with Rolston coaching.
  18. They don't deserve 2 points after this classic meltdown. And Rayzer says they played a nice game???
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