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Everything posted by steveoath

  1. For all he seems to be a great shot stopper. Levi makes some horrible decisions when playing the puck.
  2. Ryan Johnson isn’t going back to roc is he? He just seems so calm and poised.
  3. Whose picture was that for UPL? Didn’t they use that for Levi earlier I. The year?
  4. Dunno if it’s been mentioned, but Slow Horses is excellent. Series 3 coming up in December.
  5. Posted before but here’s my first show with newest band Lyric video for first “single” Broken Oath - First band playing 17 years ago…. And again somewhere in Belgium in 00s Best looking us up on Spotify as no good audio of us playing live exists. I miss playing. Dying to get back playing live more regularly, even shittty dive bar shows were great.
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