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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. We dominated right up until Dahlin got hurt. Since that exact moment the Bruins have controlled the play and get a late goal.
  2. We had a possible 3 on 1 but Looby roughed up Toucan
  3. $325 fir a kids stick. I bought my own, much more affordable in the Stone Age.
  4. Probably not the night for this conversation. This game means a lot to some of us.
  5. Let’s Go Buffalo! πŸ‘, πŸ‘, πŸ‘ - πŸ‘ - πŸ‘, We Want One! Hockey Fights Cancer. ❀️ Muscle Weight boys.
  6. There have been a few veteran players that clearly did not want to play for Buffalo. Hall is one of them. Slava Kozlof is another one that comes to mind. The bigger problem with Hall is that he chose to come here, collect $8M, and then quit on the team.
  7. Despise? Wow. Some folks here have suggested that UPL looked better on his last call-up to Buffalo last year, than he did in Rochester. Is that what causes your reaction?
  8. Cool stats .... But who decides what is "expected"? Seems subjective to me.
  9. His reason of "not blocking" his prospects is not looking very good right now. Not sure he could have signed him to a cap friendly deal, but he really did look like a rookie GM when this all went down. If UPL does not emerge this season this error gets even bigger. Let's also keep in mind that while Uhlmark is a loss, he would not have those numbers on this team playing behind this depleted defense. Probably KA's biggest mistake so far. His handling of the goaltending in general.
  10. I am not so sure about that, counting on the odds that is. I like a lot about what Adams is doing to bring in talented prospects and stick to a plan to develop them. However, his reluctance to improve the roster by not adding "blockers" in front of his band of prospects is curious. Unless a prospect beats out a real NHL player you may not have improved the team by moving him up. He can improve the roster without hurting the cap. Granato looks like a decent developer of young talent. As far as him winning on game day in the NHL, that is still TBD. When I read the comments here about him waiting to teach winning hockey versus developing players, I get perplexed. Winning breeds winning. At the professional level winning what this is all about. I am not an advocate for change right now, stability is what this program needs. I am not anointing either of them as savior either.
  11. The bold is BS. Ted is not a tank guy, and he probably didn't buy into do the fully destructive tank that Murray oversaw, and neither did Pat LaFontaine. LaFontaine fled the scene and left Ted hanging. In 2014-15, every time Ted got the team playing better and risking the bottom of the league standings Murray would go off and trade another goalie. It was sickening. Or unless Power is struggling playing with the others. ?
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