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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I like Fitz better as well. We eventually need to upgrade everyone but Dahlin, Power and Muel. Nothing in the pipeline, trades can be made as we have assets.
  2. Uncanny. Another player getting his first of season on Buffalo. Are they playing their backup too?
  3. I wish Cozens was the young guy on a line with solid veterans. He literally has to learn on his own.
  4. No on the bolded. You not tracking me at all. Of course the schedule is independent of weather. My thought is make all Saturday matinees “kids day” with special pricing, giveaways, and special events. Grow fans. The rest of your tome is about counting tickets. I am pointing out that the people in attendance is typically much less than actual seats sold. Thus is a problem. Paying for a seat and not using it, or being able to re-sell the ticket, or even give it away - these are problems. These are list opportunities at best, snd detachment of the potential fan base more importantly.
  5. Your classic avatar of Eddie Shack riding Gerry Ehman already puts you in the dinosaur category whether you like fighting in the game or not. Shack electrified the crowd in The Aud in those first 2 years. Not in the way that Gilbert did, but he really was just so painful to play against. He could score, check, instigate, fight - you never knew what he was going to do. Add in the fact that we traded him straight up for Rene Robert. I like to see a good scrap every now and then but those days are gone and not coming back.
  6. Your track record for predictions is about the same as the Sabres record in November.
  7. Paid attendance figures are much higher than who actually shows up. I went to the Florida Saturday matinee game. They sold over 11,000 seats but had maybe 8,000 show up. I was expecting to see a lot of young hockey fans and I was wrong. It wasn't even a kids day matinee, so why bother having the game in the middle of day on a Saturday when people were out enjoying the last good weather of the Fall season. Tone deaf marketing, or maybe no marketing at all.
  8. It may be early but he said the place was empty and quiet, especially with a Canadian visiting team n the house. He has 20 games, split with his son, and they are already frustrated to be losing 6 straight, 4 straight at home, and it’s 2 weeks to Thanksgiving.
  9. it gets dark early. Too cold to golf or work in the garden. I will watch the game this evening. Two equally bad teams. It will be interesting to see which one wants to win the game. The “pressure”, or embarrassment, or guilt, of playing at home is gone. I am looking for players that care.
  10. Not long ago, Just weeks ago, people were happy with close losses to good teams. Losing has become unacceptable to our fans but not to our ownership and front office.
  11. Thanks for loving my hockey team Terry.
  12. My brother took this last night. Real attendance is about half of paid. I never thought I would see this in Buffalo. What happened to the optimism?
  13. I am told that DG had them playing a freewheeling and open style to “help development “ of their skills. It is time to instill a system to help keep goals out of our net. The team is better than what we are seeing.
  14. No shots with the goalie pulled. None. With all those face off in Vancouver zone. Terrible. 6 L’s in a row. My brother sent me a picture of the building. It was empty tonight.
  15. Finally Win the draw and we still lose the puck. No shots so far in final 2. get shots.
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