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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Ok. Who thought that Clague would be our #3 defenseman at any point in the season? When we signed him I never expected to see him up with the Sabres.
  2. I think we can break through but we need to shoot more. One hit post plus some opportunities with no shots. Fire away boys.
  3. Vegas average size is 1” bigger and 10 lbs heavier than Sabres. Yes, 10 pounds. The Sabres are not small, but Vegas has a lot of big guys.
  4. I am ready to achieve the grand, yet mythical, status of Deluca 0.500 Muscle Weight.
  5. The only large hole that I see is goaltending and at least they have two prospects coming (both unsigned unfortunately). The help needed on Defense is more critical and they will have to trade some of their forward depth and prospects for D. The help they need at C might resolve itself with their own depth/prospects. Whoa! I do not believe in building a regular season team and a playoff team. I think you have to make the playoffs just to find out what you are really made of and what else, if anything, you need to go all the way. We are realistically shooting for a 7-8 seed. If you are lucky enough to have everything the first year that you break into the playoffs, then that is great (and rare). You have to be honest with your self-evaluation after you make the playoffs and get eliminated to get better the next year. Once you get to playoff level you then realize another level of detail about your team. That is where cap room comes in. The Leaves have not been able to fine tune out their flaws because they are up against the salary cap. Either that or they are not honest about what they have. So maybe KA being frugal with his cap space right now will pay benefits later?
  6. As a former first rounder i am not surprised that he can play. Sometimes players find new life in a different system, with new coaches and with new players. This is a fresh start. I am sure Adams told him that too.
  7. All tough games, you can all laugh but the Columbus game might be a tough one after way we blasted them in their rink.
  8. This is true, and same with Samuelsson. I was surprised that Adams locked him up long term with only 50'ish games on his NHL resume. Bottom line is the guys in this FO know more than we do, and more than we think they do. As for Granato, Thompson's work ethic and his skills have been known by the Sabres since he arrived, it took the right coach to move him to center and give him the time to figure it out. ... you beat me to this by a few minutes.
  9. I agree with you on regular season play. Maybe not for playoffs, we don’t know yet Playoffs will require another level of “grit” - which is why Maroon was picked up by St Louis and then Tampa. Which is why I think we add that piece last or close to last- because it has to fit and not be a liability.
  10. So you wanted more moves like Detroit and NJ made.
  11. Skinner is showing he is a team player. Just like answering Guentzel on the slash of Anderson - even though Skinner took it too far. Players playing for each other is a good thing.
  12. I think Adams has already past JBOT as a GM, just by the solid definition of his plan forward and the execution to date. Not perfect execution, we can all talk about the goaltending and the remaining holes, but he has many more good moves than bad. The team is better now than when he started. They are on the right trajectory. The young talent is thriving, and their games are exciting. They all get along and play for each other. Their player pipeline is highly regarded by league experts. The FO has some talented people in it that he brought in. JBOT is a smart guy, but he never seemed to set a tone for his organization - excellence, hard work, pride - you never heard or felt any of this. Leadership was always a question on his teams (and on Murray's). Being a good GM is more than hitting on draft picks and trades. I think Adams is taking pages from Brandon Beane and applying it to hockey, and I like that a lot.
  13. Terry and Kim did not like Murray. Eichel and his cronies did not like Bylsma. The inmates were running the asylum. We had very bad leadership in the FO and on that team - Eichel, Kane, Bogo, and Lehner - that was a bad combination of personalities.
  14. Why did he not deserve it? What has he done to not deserve it? To me he is bringing out the potential in our players, especially our best players. What more can he do given what he inherited and the circumstances at the time (Covid, Eichel injury/trade, another rebuild, cap floor player acquisitions, etc). Who would you have hired?
  15. Looks like Maroon held on for dear life. What you are looking for is probably the last ingredient in the puzzle.
  16. I finally got to watch the replays. Yotes were playing hard but Sabres have better talent and they prevailed. In the off season we talked about what Thompson's ceiling is. Can he routinely get 30 or 40? It looks like Thompson has a ceiling that we can see - leading goal scorer in the league. It can happen. Great to see Skinner come back strong. Dahlin had another strong game.
  17. Great win tonight for Bills. Fun game on national TV
  18. OK Teammates, I will be watching he Bills live (NFL is only one game per week) and then I will stream Sabres on ESPN+ This is a winnable game, and I am surprised we are playing against their backup. Let's light him up, especially with the state of our D tonight. Muscle Weight
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