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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. He scored 40 the season before Ralph. He has 300+ goals in his career. Best in his draft class that includes Seguin and Hall. The bad period you reference was all under Ralph’s 97 game regime. I looked at his career stats. He is a consistent scorer with the only exception being The Ralph era. I will give a ten year vet with 300+ goals the benefit of a doubt over Ralph, a guy who had no business getting a second NHL stint. Skinner is not a perfect player, he needs to be on a line with someone to drive the play, but he is definitely a goal scorer.
  2. I lived near that region for about 6 months. Baden Baden, West Germany (as it was known at the time). Great food and drink, and lots of pretty girls. Ahhhh, yes indeed, I had a lot of fun. 😊
  3. Good one. Rehashing the more relevant Risto and Rhino. I am happy we moved on.
  4. At least we don’t talk about Morris Titanic anymore.
  5. I would love to know what this means? I’ve have never seen the word Mohawk used in this manner.
  6. What else do we have? Portillo? A very young Euro-goalie? We need to get. Levi into the system very soon. A one and a prospect.
  7. ‘44. France was liberated then. Sauerkraut no longer required.
  8. Do you think he knew Ralph was a phony?
  9. Well back in the day they smoked cigarettes and drank a lot of beer, so video games do not seem so bad.
  10. Doesn't matter how the lines are numbered. Granato has said he did not like the matchups with The Kid Line versus both AZ and LV - he did not have the last change to address it. If LV wanted their top defense on The Kid Line and not The TNT Line that would have been a good thing.
  11. Detroit is right with us in the standings, but we sure look like the more talented team when we play them.
  12. Because I think Adams will stick with Comrie and Andy and UPL for this year. Comrie will definitely get another good hard look because he committed to the team and Adams will be loyal to that. Next year Andy will be gone, and I think we will have Levi in the system and maybe even Portillo. I just don't see him making a move for a goalie if we sign Levi. He is trying to establish a culture that every player that comes here and commits to the organization will get a fair look - just like McDermott/Beane do with the Bills. Adams talks to Beane and that is one part of what changed the Bills culture. Being fair and decent to players (and alumni) spreads throughout the league. Commit to winning, install a good coaching staff, be fair with the players - do those things consistently and other players around the league will change their opinion on Buffalo.
  13. Some of what you’re saying I can certainly agree with. However, If we can still add 2-3 rookies a year over the next two years we probably are not challenging for anything significant. At some point we need to be too good to absorb that many rookies. We shall see. I for one want to see a veteran top 4 RHD added and another quality vet forward that can help shut down good teams. I gave up wishing for a goalie. Next year will likely be Comrie, UPL and Levi competing for the 2 NHL spots. Portillo maybe.
  14. I didn’t say they would be. They will still be rookie-like. Sophomore seasons are often difficult.
  15. Second year players like JJP and Quinn will still have a lot to learn. It is just a matter of one team digesting three rookies this year (plus Samuelsson, Krebs, and UPL who are not technically rookies but also have not played a full season in the NHL at the start of this season). Then add two more rookies next year that makes me a bit nervous when you compare us to the top 8 in the league. We shall see. If they earn the spots then fine, no problem. If Mitts and/or VO get moved, and no veteran forwards are acquired then that is almost giving them a spot. Savioe is interesting, he might be better off with Buffalo rather than back to the WHL - the fact that he isn't eligible for Rochester means we may decide to keep him. I was hoping he would take over 3C but he is not lighting it up in the WHL this season.
  16. Can we really absorb two more rookie forwards, Kulich and Savoie, on top of JJP and Quinn? Are they even good enough next year to beat out NHL incumbents - I hate giving spots to players based on draft status. Look at the Vegas game when DG benched the rookies. If we are going to be a serious playoff team, and hang with the big boys, then I think the above roster has to have more experience and maturity at forward. As for Kane to Buffalo, I’m not sure he is what we need in the room. I can live without Kane.
  17. Not necessarily against better or worse teams. DG did not like the matchups in Vegas because he didn’t get the final change. Asplund plays a solid 200 foot game so dress him in games with these unfavorable matchups. Hinostroza, I’m not sure about. I am telling DG to think ahead on his lineup so you don’t have 2 forwards on the bench providing no support.
  18. No he would not. Risto is big and strong and nasty with his stick but he never knew how to fight, to actually use fists and trade punches. Reaves would win on and off the ice. Reaves actually knows how to fight with fists, Risto was expected to play defense, and he could hit hard, but he did not fight with his fists.
  19. I think Mitts will play his fair share of minutes and continue along as is. He will then will be traded at the deadline. Before they trade him they are going to be giving him every opportunity to show he fits before they decide he doesn’t. He is getting every chance possible because they want him to work out.
  20. The kid line works at home because Granato gets the matchup he wants, and he lets them fly. Conversely, on the road and against stronger teams the matchups became undesirable. So, the rookies have their butts stapled to the bench. Our problem is Mitts and VO do not have a two-way game either. My question, why not play Asplund more? Especially on the road games.
  21. So looking like an angry Viking on the ice doesn’t really matter? I never understood why he didn’t get any better with experience, but he didn’t.
  22. Not buying that and I understand that in Rochester UPL is the #1 and he will play a lot. Every goalie this club ever developed did better in the AHL when they started their careers. His numbers are nothing special in a lower league. There is no comparison in the game speed and in the quality of the shooters between the two leagues. I am thinking he might respond to the coaching better? Or maybe with Anderson there to help him? Andy is known to be one of the leaders on the bench. It is just odd. Since he is only 23 and has only 22 NHL starts it is not worth pondering too much. He is still developing, and it looks like he is getting better, even if his AHL play does not necessarily reflect it.
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