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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Lots of blame on the goalie but a lot players are dogging it tonight. Dallas has no trouble getting around Comrie in the slot and in high danger areas. Meanwhile Sabres playing perimeter hockey, no shooting lanes, no screens, no rebounds. Just like the Islander game, the Boston game, etc . The league knows how to play Buffalo now.
  2. We have 2 shots this period. Dallas has 30 this game with 7 left in the 2nd
  3. I think there was a certain sentiment about UPL recently. Having three goalies means you don’t have one goalie.
  4. Dahlin is playing good again but he looks more like 90% to me. Power also feeling the minutes.
  5. Ok, so we were out scored, out shot, out chanced, out hit, out face-offed, and out hustled. We got them right were we want them.
  6. It’s that time after the whistle to the start of play. Most arenas are going crazy with music, score board theatrics, fake noise. In Buffalo the crowd reflects the home team play more than most places. So many barrage you with constant, very loud distractions in between the play. Buffalo is old school in the game day experience.
  7. What is it, real GM? What are you 8 years old? We were talking about next summer needs versus last. Stop interrupting the conversation with extraneous information.
  8. We were talking about the past summer off season acquisitions, nothing else. Follow the context of the conversation if you are going to jump in. I am well aware of all his accomplishments. A summary is not needed.
  9. Canadians. Friend and family of certain players maybe. There are way more than expected.
  10. Sure, swallowing the whistles is dumb. Its the NHL. Games are officiated differently now. Watch and see. They will call tripping, even minor or accidental. Last night was another bad one, this time on Thompson. Before that it was Samuelsson against Tampa - terrible call. Holding and Hooking will vary from night to night, depends on who is playing. Playing the Islanders, holding and hooking was basically legal for the night. All fights/scrums will get the same penalties, no matter if there is a clear instigator or not. Two Sabres came off the ice bleeding last game, one was Okposo (stick in the eye) and no calls. Do not make your number 1 key to the game the refs. If you ever coached youth hockey you would know that. You never have your players thinking about the refs either, bad juju happens when players think they are victims. The keys to the game are the things you can control. When it comes to the refs you figure out how they are calling it and you adapt. That's my take.
  11. It is my assessment. He was soft, and he took shifts off, and he didn't want to be here.
  12. This is pretty much true. Adding Comrie, Lubyshkin, Clague, and 3 rookies was not enough. I don't think they expected the team to be this good, which is something I am leery about regarding Adams. He needs to turn up the pace next off-season and help this core to take a big step.
  13. Come on man, we are talking about the pipeline, not the roster. In three drafts Adams added one starter in Power but with all his other picks - whether he picked 3 defenseman or 30, would not be ready yet. I am talking about the timing. The fact that Rochester has no NHL caliber defensive prospect is not all on Adams. Some of it is, but not all of it. Dahlin and Power where consensus (sort of) FOA's. Neither GM gets a lot of credit for those picks. Samuelson - great pick for JBot. Bryson stinks and cannot play on any other teams in this league. Miller- bum Montour - he was a soft and terrible Sabre that did not want to be here, he had a good year on a Presidents trophy team, otherwise he is average (and soft) Joker - solid, JBot salvaged that terrible Nylander pick for sure
  14. 1. Whistles get put away in these games at this time of the season. On Tuesday, the Islanders were masters of the types of hooking/holding that refs will let go. That is a part of the game we do not know how to play yet. 2. I think he will play like his last game, which was pretty solid overall. 3. Yes. Need the big players to play big and start the positive momentum. 4. Team defense. High scoring games are less likely. Winning close games requires playing smart team defense and winning most of the little battles.
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