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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Like most Bond films, it's too long, but I think it is actually underrated. Diana Rigg was terrific. The ending was sixties cool tragic. Lazenby, alas, was really a miss, but not as bad as folks say.
  2. That would be ideal, but who is out there that fits the parameters and is willing to come here?
  3. Maybe if they knew Kulich would be there at #28, they go a different route at #16. I don' t think the goalie makes it to their next pick and apparently they would have taken him at #28 if Kulich was not there, so I surmise you would have graded them below a B in that case. Just off the first round alone, they have three skilled players with solid chances to be NHL players. Savoie might be special. I think B is too low.
  4. There was more than one shooter in Dallas, JFK. Moon landing was faked. C'mon, don't ruin it. I gather the poster was supposedly in Montreal. He goes dark until after the draft. Did not claim to be on the stage. That is speculation by others. True or not, his takes are interesting to me and he does seem to know something now and again. Two other regulars over on that site who claim to have occasional inside knowledge, I've no idea if they are spurious, but they don't come off as immediately ridiculous, say that Adams inquired about Gibson, btw, and Gibson refused to bypass his NMC or whatever in his contract allows him to dictate where he can be traded to.
  5. A cake without icing is definitely not good. It sounds like the fruitcake that gets regifted so many times its practically a fossil -- which is close to Craig Anderson territory.
  6. Folks on that board make this forum appear on the whole rational optimists. They say the young fella who made that list was on stage in Montreal last night. I dunno. Personally, I like the picks, though I would have been tempted to go Yurov at #16. Maybe we just took the Russians off our board. Here's one review of our draft that was positive. https://theathletic.com/3401481/2022/07/08/nhl-draft-first-round-winners-losers/?amp=1 Personally, I prefer to try and find hope and there's enough here, imo. KA doesn't seem like an idiot, at least, though I don't know what we are going to do at goalie. I don't understand the timeline. I would pay for a decent goalie even if the term is 5 or 6 years. If Levi is any good, he won't be scared of competition and then you have a solid vet backup if a young goalie works out. Lot of decent value at #41. I'm intrigued enough by Hutson, I won't be upset if he's the choice, sorry . . .
  7. That was mainly a joke response, though I surmise I adhere to a different side of the political spectrum from you. On #2, I don't think there is reality sine glossa. Everyone interprets and everyone tells a story, even the folks who claim they are not telling a story. Happy 4th.
  8. Truth, God, free enterprise, Texas. Irritates some folks.
  9. Ah, I don't know how to do anything beyond the simplest sort of copy paste. I got Nemec, Kasper, and Beck. I didn't really want to go D at 9, but I couldn't resist. Yurov could very well be the play. Putin has me worried about the Russians. https://nhlentrydraft.com/mock-draft/117236
  10. Well, I copy paste below the comments from that fella I was telling you about at hockeybuzz. He's very high on him. I have no idea what bone age means, btw. He has potential to hit 1-2 more inches but that shouldn't stop teams he has pretty much destroyed every obstacle that has been tossed at him If people are looking for the closest thing to Makar he's it .. buffalo has the ability to slow cook him till he's ready so there's absolutely no rush to bring him into the NHL for 3 -4 years . Mark my words he will be great Just remember his bone age is delayed compared to his biological age once he hits his Growth spurt teams are definitely going to regret not taking him. Was 2nd all time in points for a defenseman at the NTDP Let's not forget he finished above players like Fox, Hughes, Hughes, Sanderson, and McAvoy. This is definitely a player you take at 28 and hit the lottery
  11. Starting national anthem singer and cardboard cutout netminder.
  12. I'm too old for cartwheels, but I'd be tempted.
  13. I think I sent him a pm a couple years ago advising him that this was a better venue. My memory is fuzzy, so maybe I only thought about doing so, but now I don't want to try again and come across as a fella with Alzheimer's . . .
  14. No, you're fine. Handle the young fella uses is gerbe75pts. Annoying juvenile avatar, but he's had it for years. Predicts Sabres are interested in/ or maybe just he thinks they should be interested in Elias Salomonsson at pick #41, btw.
  15. Fella I am talking about doesn't usually signal signings or trades that I can recollect. He usually talks about future plans and what the front office thinks about individual players. I think his draft evaluations have been reasonably accurate, though he misses like everyone else. It's possible he's blowing smoke about the connection the the Sabres. He comes across as plausible to me and he seems to have pretty good credibility over on that forum. I just lurk there, because some of the regulars tend to devolve into competitive recrimination and sophomoric nastiness about politics and the like.
  16. He's a young fella who has disappeared for a span on that forum before because he "let the cat out of the bag" apparently, but I am supposing this is his personal list, not any kind of official Sabres' draft board.
  17. There's a young fella that posts over at the hockeybuzz site. I don't much care for the tone of conversation over there, but occasionally you hear something interesting. In any event, this fella claims to be close to the Pegulas and some have speculated in the past that he is Kevyn Adams' son. I don't know, but his hockey acument is pretty good from my purely amateur perspective. In any event, he posted I surmise his top ten at the moment which I thought interesting enough to share. 1.Juraj Slafkovsky 2.Shane Wright 3.Matthew Savoie 4.simon nemec 5 .Logan Cooley 6.Jiri Kulich 7.Danila Yurov 8.Jimmy Snuggerud 9.Frank Nazar 10. Gleb Trikozov Savoie at three, Yurov at seven, and Snuggerud at eight surprise me. I don't know again, if this reflects in any way where the Sabres value on them is, but I like those three. Ohgren is another fella I'm personally getting more interested in at 16 . . .
  18. I was going to thank him for the fine contributions to discussion, but yours is better.
  19. I like those players. Kasper and Nazar are two more I like. And I can't stop thinking about Mintyukov, though a lot of folks want Bichsel if we go defense.
  20. NHL doesn't usually see teams trading out of the top of the draft, so it's probably an academic exercise.
  21. I'd love to get Nazar at 9 and McGroarty at 16.
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