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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. No, what I'm saying is Philly, with Gritty, has been very LGBQT supportive and has gained fans. More than a lot of other teams so it's rather "awkward" for them, as an organization, to have to deal with this issue. There were Provorov trade rumours before, so I wonder if this action might lead to that happening.
  2. I've gone over this before but l will put it in this appropriate thread for anyone who doesn't know my story yet. When I was a kid hockey wasn't watched in my house (immigrant parents, my dad liked soccer, boxing and the olympics). I grew up in Hamilton Ontario and all my young friends were Leafs or Habs fans (mostly Leafs). Leafs sucked and I'm not much of a group follower peer pressure type. Everybody was talking hockey all the time though so finally I got to flip the Stanley Cup on the tv and my first game was the Bobby Orr flying through the air cup victory over St. Louis. Orr and Boston became my team for this reason (it was cool) AND also because the black and gold was the same uniform colours as the local CFL football Hamilton Tiger Cats. Naturally the Habs were the enemy and as I started to watch and like hockey more and more I discovered the local Buffalo tv broadcasts as well which back then were on free tv a few times a week. These French Connection guys were pretty cool and when they knocked off Montreal in the playoffs I was hooked. That became my team. I kept Boston as a sort of B team that has served me well in recent years with Buffalo's ineptitude. I'm also watching the Kraken as I'm now living on the west coast. But Buffalo is still my team. I am probably insane 🙂 Saw the Sabres a few times in the Aud. Once in Hamilton (a terrible game). Haven't gone to a live NHL game in years though. I did get to play hockey once with Dave Andreychuk, and I learned pretty quickly why high school hockey was the peak of my career 🙂 and this is why I have a fondness for the goat head:
  3. Miller was a good goalie but I personally don't really think he deserves a retired number. I wonder what'll happen tonight if an islander runs our goalie?
  4. The interesting thing with this (in how it ultimately plays out) is Gritty is a bit of a gay icon. As I understand it, even some non hockey fans took to this mascot for some reason or other.
  5. Watched the Isles lose to the Bruins tonight. They are pretty banged up and lacking in offense but they do play that close checking and stifling style we seem to struggle with. It will be difficult to beat them, but perhaps the timing is good.
  6. I was muted a few years ago for using the T word so this comment should not be allowed either. (personally I'd allow both, but I'm not an admin and fair is fair).
  7. Well I can't speak for the board, but I see no reason to trade for him. He isn't going to get us into the playoffs any more than he's getting Vancouver in so you might as well talk to him in free agency if you want. Why give up a boatload of picks and prospects for a few months. You can say the deal would have to involve signing him, but this puts him in a huge negotiating advantage that makes him likely TOO overpaid. We find out soon if this team is serious about winning or if it's just a bare bones low cost outfit now as I'm sure there will be plenty of teams looking to off load salaries and we have the room (in exchange for prospects and picks obviously). Personally, I doubt we do much of anything.
  8. Just 3? There's only about 6 or 7 I definitely want to keep. But to stay on topic, Bryson, VO and Mitts since Vinnie is already gone and Skinner cannot be unloaded, we all know that. I still believe, as I have all year, that Kyle and Zemgus should be deadline dealt if possible (all the sentimental folks can go ahead and red X me all they want). At least half this team is useless though.
  9. I doubt he gets pick up with that salary (deadline deals looming and all that) for what he brings (not much) but we can all relax, we're still about a million above the floor :}
  10. I think that's definitely true but I suspect he's far from the only one.
  11. What a ridiculously bad hockey game. Terrible hockey on both sides. Them I get, but the Sabres? They quit on the season too? The worst low event boring hockey game I've seen this year. So sick of listening to Rob Ray apologizing for the Sabres. "A lot of good things in this game" name ONE. Dan gave me one chuckle though. "vintage Quinn" lol, like you can have "vintage" from a rookie. Too funny. This was Eichel era bad hockey. Complete waste of time.
  12. By all rights this SHOULD be an easy game where players like Thompson and Dahlin can get back to racking up points. SHOULD be.
  13. In among all the Gino tributes Rutherford has come out and said the Canucks need some major surgical moves and not all of them will be popular with fans so I guess there's some form of yard sale coming soon.
  14. This is the kind of game where my long standing fear comes to the forefront. That is although we are building a fast skilled team that can score goals and in time win many games if and when we do make the playoffs we will be bounced in the first round regardless of where we ended up in the regular season. Tuch and Cozens can play this sort of hockey. Maybe they even thrive in it. Okposo and Girgs, a few others can handle it, but most of the team is out of their element and just gets stymied. Thompson is particularly concerning since for such a big man he plays so incredibly soft when the checking is tight. He needs to learn to drive THROUGH players and not just try to use his reach to move around them. If he played more like Tuch he'd be unstoppable. Seriously question Granato's line matching for a home game. Strength against strength is one idea but on numerous occasions Quinn and Peterka ended up against their crash line and they just got tossed like rag dolls. Stupid coaching in terms of game management. We just have very few players who can play in this style of hockey. My happy moment (although brief) was watching Reinhart back down from Tuch, showing as usual why I'm glad he's gone and why he will never win in the playoffs either. This should be a reality check in many ways. Hopefully KA sees it too and improves things for next year.
  15. If nothing else you need to humble these kids once in a while so that they keep (or learn) a work ethic and come to realize staying in the NHL isn't a given. If they go to Rochester they shouldn't always be playing to their strengths either. Place them in positions and roles where they are having to do whatever it is you think they are weakest at and needs work.
  16. According to Philly fans Provorov is off the market (again) and is getting in the Tortorella fold. If Vancouver gets a first for Schenn that would be insane. Yes, he fights and hits people but he's well past it and was never all that good. I wouldn't give up this year's first regardless. 2024 sure. Rosen, 2024 first and one of the 2nds we have for Chychrun is a consideration if they'd take it.
  17. Ya, I still disagree with that depiction but no need to go on about it forever. I'm really going to enjoy it if Seattle takes Vegas out of the playoffs. I hear you, but these west coast teams are always ocean water (blue) obsessed. The S isn't bad, but I don't love the uniforms either.
  18. Ya, but no. I don't think we will agree on this, so maybe no point in going on at length, but this team hasn't been respected for quite a while, and that won't get us respected. Some things are more important than any individual game or PP.
  19. Wasn't there a horse race track there? Batavia Downs?
  20. I have no idea, I haven't lived in Ontario for over 20 years and haven't been to the Buffalo area in about 25. I really don't remember what's where or how it's evolved.
  21. Used their speed, capitalized on their breaks, and survived the physicality. Didn't like the lack of response after the goalie hit (add it to the long list of lack of responses) but that's the Sabres. It was fun to watch as a whole.
  22. Snake King. The new netflix series coming soon...........................
  23. Ya but don't they buy or rent a condo somewhere in between?
  24. Well they got "unlucky" with Grubauer and really unlucky with Dreidger so maybe they were due some luck with Jones. Point is they have focused on goaltending and tried hard to make it an essential part of the plan rather than an after thought or plan for the future. The chip on the shoulder idea has some merit to it (and you'd think the Sabres would have that too for different reasons wouldn't you?) but they have added veteran winners. Cup winners. Leaders. The team has far more attitude and resolve than the Sabres do. It's the type of player they have focused on. I said 2 years ago I was going to pay attention to Seattle and compare the building process with the new Sabres plan. It's actually very interesting to look at the differences.
  25. Rochester is what? 30 minutes from Buffalo or thereabouts. I'd say that's a pretty quick call up. Young guys need rest? We need better young guys then. Aren't making their NHL salaries? Ahhhh, poor babies, they'll have to drive a Honda instead of a Porsche. Play better and stay.
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