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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  1. I remember watching that too. It was the Sabres 1st playoff series ever (72-73 season) also the 1st win ever in Montreal. There was some story going around about a Sabres guy that snuck into the Montreal locker room to measure them. I googled around and found this story which talks about it and other funny stuff about Punch and others. Here is an excerpt: With the score tied 2-2 late in Game 5, then-Buffalo coach Joe Crozier asked official Bruce Hood to measure Habs goalie Ken Dryden's pads. (That season, Wieland had noticed that the Hall of Fame netminder's pads looked like they exceeded regulation width. Before Game 3, he clandestinely ventured into the visitors dressing room at Memorial Auditorium, investigated the matter, and passed his findings along to Imlach.) The referee's ensuing measurement confirmed what Wieland suspected: Dryden was wearing illegally oversized equipment. The Sabres didn't capitalize on the resulting penalty, but Robert scored the winning goal in overtime. Wieland rehashed the episode in his book, "Then Perreault said to Rico...": The Best Buffalo Sabres Stories Ever Told, writing that "The author was honored by the players at their final banquet with his own gilded 'goal pad measurer' made out of three pieces of wood." http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/66322718/
  2. Exactly. Personally it may be an age thing with me, but maybe it really is about the journey and not the destination. Either way it's fun watching Jack and his Hula-hoop!
  3. Actually yes, and I'm not saying that to trash them. All 3 brought a little more "personal baggage" than most players do. Each one on it's own probably could be easily absorbed by any established team. One could speculate that in total this had a negative effect on a young team trying to find it's way. Anyway, it's all water under the bridge and it's Captain Jacks team now and he seems to be handling it very well. I'm really starting to believe his "unselfish" play is a conscious effort to inspire his players.
  4. Great thread PA. I've been a Bills and then Sabres fan for more years than I want to admit and traveled/lived outside of Buffalo for many a year. There is something in a Buffalo Sports fans' DNA that is just different compared to other cities. My friends whom I have known in Colorado admit it. The reactions I get from other teams fans for the Andy Dalton Charity, Poncho Billa Draft Day moment and things like that are always met with a little envy. I have been wrapped in the "always a bridesmaid" blanket for a long time waiting for our turn to get to the altar and do you know what, I don't care anymore. I try to watch every game the way I did when I was a kid. ONE game at a time with a kid's hope. It's so much more fun this way! What will be will be. The last thing I have to say is, "Thanks Terry and Kim Pegula" for keeping this feeling alive.
  5. I will admit I was not sure how he would handle the C on his sweater. He is doing an awesome job so far. IMO all 3 of those guys had a lot of "me, me, me" in them and Jacks leadership and play is all about team. Good for you Captain Jack...................keep it up!
  6. I'm pretty new myself but if I may..................
  7. Coach's celly is on point.pic.twitter.com/l74CrOBcRf 11 replies 232 retweets 853 likes I don't know how to post a tweet. HCPH is too happy!
  8. Yep I agree. Brother just rang the Roswell Bell a few months back! It can be beat. Just like Tampa will be on Thursday.
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