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Everything posted by stuuuuuuuuu

  1. Shell Demko early and often. A millennial from San Diego named "Thatcher"? I smell mental weakness.
  2. I know I don't have enough posts to have any clout here but PA's a good "locker room guy" in that he gives anybody ***** and if its not directed at you it's usually pretty funny
  3. run him early. Not to injure or anything but i would wholeheartedly support Larry getting in his grill early to see if we can rattle him.
  4. After Antipin last year he has been such a pleasant surprise
  5. Pretty sure there was a subgroup created for anyone who enjoys triggering/getting triggered and plain ole political discourse Tis a silly place
  6. Pleasantly surprised by some of the chances we’ve generated so far
  7. Johnny Hockey and Blake Wheeler playing with Matthews would be ridiculous
  8. Kiko is a dirtbag. Can’t believe I used to like the guy. He told the crew he would do that pregame
  9. when Berglund was brought in I thought of him as C2. If he could check the attitude and center a productive line with Some combo of KO Pommer Tage or mitts....it wouldn’t hurt my feelings to welcome him back
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