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Everything posted by GASabresIUFAN

  1. Lol. Coyle’s best season was 8 years ago at 56 points. With the Bruins Coyle has had 45 and 44 points respectively. Mitts had 59 last year and is on his way to 70 this season. This is almost as good a comparison as Mitts to Stafford. 100K per point is the starting point on a new contract. Add a premium for 25+ goals and for high end two way play. Better comparisons to Mitts are Nik Backstrom or Evgeny Kuznetsov. These guys are 20-25 goals with 50+ assists most of their careers. Backstrom had a higher ceiling, but the majority of his career he produced like Mitts is this season. Mitts is currently on pace for 22 goals 49 assists for 71 points. A similar player in age and scoring is Kevin Fiala. He had a breakout 33g 85 pts campaign to earn a massive 7yr 7.85 per contract, but has settled in since as a 20g 70 pts guy. In fact he has nearly identical stats as Mitts this season with 10g 27a. He had 23g 49a for 72pts last year.
  2. Sending a player down who isn't fully NHL ready is not sending the wrong message. In fact, it's quite the opposite. There is a justifiable argument that Levi is better than Comrie, however, if we are no longer doing a 50/50 or even 60/40 split between UPL and Levi, then having Comrie as a backup for limited games is not an issue. Remember sending Levi down, doesn't prevent the Sabres from recalling him for spot starts. PS they already have sent numerous messages that they weren't interested in winning. They didn't upgrade the top 4 D . They didn't bring in a veteran goalie in case the inexperienced goalies failed. They didn't upgrade the bottom of the forward group. They didn't upgrade the roster when the injuries hit for the 2nd season in a row. Sending Levi down won't change what everyone already knows; KA was not serious about winning this season. As I've said before, compare what KA has done with what Van's GM has done.
  3. @GoPuckYourself By the way, I do agree that the kids are going to force some tough choices among our forwards and we can't keep everyone. However, I can make a good argument to keep our top 8 forwards. JJP, Quinn, and Benson are on their ELCs and have so much potential, thus they shouldn't be traded. Tuch is a heart and soul local guy whose game has blossomed in Buffalo and is on a cheap contract so he shouldn't be traded. TNT proved he was a top forward last season by scoring 40+ goals and 90+ points. How many 90 pt guys do you only have to pay $7 mill? Therefore he shouldn't be traded Cozens is so young and already has a 30-goal campaign, no way he should be traded and we lack good centers anyway. Mitts is our leading scorer, best 2 way forward, best playmaker, and most versatile player. He needs to be re-signed because we lack centers, playmakers, and forwards with a 2-way game. Skinner is a guaranteed 30-40 goal scorer who isn't going anywhere because of his NMC and huge contract. He is also one of the few Sabres who plays with an edge. How does an underperforming team keep all these guys and while making room for younger cheaper players like Savoie, Kulich, Rosen, and Östlund? I think part of the answer is our GM is going to have to start using some bridge contracts. He is also going to have to move out some prospects and players depending on who blossoms and at what positions. I can see Tuch not being re-signed. I can also see Skinner being moved.
  4. Sure. I can understand wanting to trade a forward to get a top 4 D, especially given our forward pipeline. However, Mitts is the wrong player. We don't have enough playmakers and we certainly lack forwards who play a good 2 way game. We also lack centers. Skinner is on the top of my list to move. Sadly, he has a NMC and a huge salary. That said, I think we can get a top 4 D by moving 1 or 2 of our top forward prospects. Savoie is on the top of my list to be traded.
  5. LOL So the guy who has improved every year since DG took over, who is our most versatile player, our best playmaker, our best 2 way forward, our leading scorer, and our best forward in zone entries shouldn't get a contract. Thank G-d you aren't the GM. Did our lousy GM give Cozens a contract too early? Did our lousy GM give Power and Samuelsson contracts too early? Probably! However, that's not Mitts' fault. Unlike those players, Mitts has earned his new contract. Your comparison to Stafford is a terrible one. Drew was a streaky goal-scorer and not much of a playmaker. He did remake himself into a good defensive forward late in his career, but Mitts and Stafford have otherwise nothing in common. By the way, anyone who thinks Mitts is signed for $5 mill per season or less, especially if he finishes with 70 points or more this season, is in for a rude awakening.
  6. The real question is why do Benson and Mitts get it and why don’t most of the rest of the key forwards? Why do they get to the right areas, why do they win one on one competitions along the boards? Why do they get back on D when their teammates don’t? I know how hard Mitts worked to improve his two way game and to get stronger along the boards. Now he is looking to score. Once Benson figures out how to score in the NHL he will be unstoppable as he does everything else well already. Makes you wonder if Mitts should be one of the players who receive a letter.
  7. That has absolutely nothing to do with the Sabres why do you keep bringing it up? Also, Levi’s excellent play late last year has nothing to do with this season. His numbers in the NHL this season aren’t good. He has a 3.32 and a .889. These are below-average numbers and being a backup isn’t in his or the team’s best interest. He needs to play regularly.
  8. @Thorny you were arguing with me about sending Levi down but liked this statement. What gives? Is it that Comrie comes up if Levi goes down if no trade is made? What if UPL gets 28 of the last 38 starts Levi gets 5 and Comrie 5? Is that more palatable?
  9. It’s a tough read because it reflects the hole the Sabres dug for themselves. Pretty scary. Even if it takes 93 pts to make the playoffs like last year, you are looking at 24-11-3. It’s not happening. More math. The Sabres have 38 games left. UPL has started the last 3. This appears to be management’s anointing him the starter because he gives the Sabres the best chance to win now. If he plays 3 of 4 the rest of the season, that puts the split to 28-10 UPL to Levi. So what is more important for Sabres longterm, Levi playing 10 games in the NHL or 25+ in Rochester plus the playoffs? I think the answer is pretty easy - Levi to Rochester. Sending Levi down is not an admission that the Sabres aren’t interested in winning, but an acknowledgement that Levi isn’t quite ready for the NHL. PS Despite words to the contrary, KA made it clear the Sabres weren’t truly interested in winning when he brought back the 3 headed goalie monster with combined experience of 100 NHL games. Is it really a surprise that all 3 inexperienced goalies struggled at points this season? The fact that UPL seems to be stepping up creates some hope for the goaltending next season and beyond, but the failure of this season is on KA.
  10. There are some very experienced LB’s on various practice squad, but only one LB with Bills experience and that is Joe Giles-Harris. https://www.footballdb.com/players/joe-gilesharris-gilesjo01 Some of the more experienced ones are Jaylon Smith https://www.footballdb.com/players/jaylon-smith-smithja15. He started 11 games for the giants in 2022 and has 69 career starts Damien Wilson https://www.footballdb.com/players/damien-wilson-wilsoda05 He has 73 career starts and started 5 games in 2022. He started 17 games for Jax in 2021 and has 100+ tackles. He was also a 2 year starter for Andy Reid’s KC Chiefs.
  11. I think the Bills lost some of their edge from some stupid play calling before the 2 minute warning and then injuries to Bernard, Spector, and Taron Johnson. Hard to play stellar defense when you are down so many weapons on defense especially with Rapp, Benford, Douglas and Dodson already out. Thank G-d Klein stepped up and had an amazing game. Great play by Elam as well. You have to wonder if the frozen turf lead to many of the injuries on both sides. It would have been also nice if the officials called that fumble correctly.
  12. Why, because he wasted money on crap D instead of investing like Van did in a top 4 player which we desperately need. Adding Clifton and EJ just upgraded replacement players to barely 3rd line players, neither of which has been very good, while completely ignoring the team's actual need of 2 top 4 D. Let's face it, KA has zero idea how to evaluate and acquire NHL level talent.
  13. Because the GM knew that neither player was good enough to even bring to camp. Both should gave been gone this off-season. Stillnan should have never been acquired in the first place. It’s telling that the Vancouver GM traded us Stillman and then turned around and acquired Hronek from Det. One GM knew how to dump deadwood from his roster and upgrade it, and another acquired the deadwood.
  14. The Sabres need 54 points in their remaining 38 games to chance. That’s 25-9-4. There is no way on G-d’s green Earth that this team performs even close to that level. They haven’t even had a 3 game win streak. I’m glad you hold out hope, but it’s just not realistic. My solutions gives max reps to both Levi and UPL, who are presumably the goalies for next season, while enhancing both the Amerks and Sabres chances to win this season.
  15. According to today’s broadcast the team has confidence in UPL. If that is the case, then make him the starter and play him 3 of 4 to try to do the best you can.
  16. The issue is what is best for the Sabres long-term since this season is done. Make UPL the starter to see what you have. Make Levi the starter in Rochester to maximize his reps and try to showcase Comrie some to see if someone will trade for him at the deadline.
  17. This season is done. Ride UPL. Let him play 3 of 4. The key is what is best for Levi’s development. I’d say that’s being the No. 1 in Rochester and then playing in the AHL playoffs. The side benefit is you can showcase Comrie and if he plays well then maybe you can get something for him at the deadline.
  18. UPL has started 3 games in a row. He is looking more and more like the No. 1 goalie for this season. Marty is even being nice about his game. Time to send Levi down to get game reps? Comrie has played well in his two starts in Rochester. Might as well let him backup UPL. You can still bring up Levi for periodic starts.
  19. Yes. I think the adversity he went through early in his career made him want to work to get continually better. You can see his continual growth even during this season. Early in the year he was pass first and wasn't shooting much. The scorers got hurt and he started shooting more. Even with DC, Tuch, and TNT back, Casey continues to shoot at the elevated pace. Right now he is the Sabres most consistent, versatile, and best forward.
  20. There are about 7 other forwards I’d move before Casey. Every line Casey is on scores. It doesn’t matter if he is playing center or wing. He is also our best 2-way forward. I love that he is shooting and scoring more. Casey now has 12g 26a 38pts in 44gms. He leads the Sabres in +/-, points, assists and is 4th in goals.
  21. What does that say about Bryson and Stillman. G-d does KA stink.
  22. Bodger is one of the most underrated D in Sabres history. He played 7 plus years for the Sabres and averaged over 40 pts a year and was good in our end. We also gave up on Shannon to soon. He went on to have some very good years with the Jets.
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