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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. How long before Buffalo brings in a competent goalie? Too many games the backup is going to have to play this year. He’s going to cost sabres a playoff spot. Make a damn move before it’s too late.
  2. I’m sitting with a leaf fan and he laughed so hard. Said they’re down 4-1, he might wanna start.
  3. Literally all offseason Sabres fans have been calling for it. So obvious. As inexcusable as JBott not getting that second line centre last off-season.
  4. Hutton is terrible. This is 100 percent on Adams. He had to have known he needed to upgrade goaltending and didn’t. On him.
  5. Oh come on Ryan is not a great hockey player by any stretch. My point is also that this isn't the first time or team that Skinner has moved up and down the lineup. It's not just RK. It happened before and its happening again. Maybe both NHL coaches (not sure who Caronlina's was at the time) are morons or maybe, just maybe, there's a reason for it.
  6. He did just fine playing with a Derek Ryan. Let's also not forget that he soured pretty bad in Carolina as well for one reason or another. Not sure he should just be given the benefit of the doubt. https://www.canescountry.com/2018/8/3/17647722/carolina-hurricanes-jeff-skinner-trade-inevitable-avoidable-don-waddell-bill-peters
  7. I don't watch a ton of Canes games but I know the year before he was traded he was playing most of his time with journeyman Derek Ryan. Top 6 I should have said.
  8. I realize he mainly played on their third line and did just fine. I also know that he played on a top line last year and scored 14 goals and 9 assists. That's 9 assists in 59 friggen games played!! Woof. I also realize the Sabres missed the playoffs with him playing in said top line when the friggen playoffs were expanded to almost every team in the league. No I'm not going to cry for Skinner because RK has him on the 4th line. A lot will change and I suspect Skinner will end up on the third line with a guy like Cozens. I also suspect he will be playing the second power play and his minutes will probably end up very close to 17 minutes per night.
  9. JFC. I know I haven't watched much camp (not sure any of us have been able too). He looked horrendous in the last scrimmage. He looked vintage 2019 Hutton.
  10. Skinner plays a unique game. He's not a set up man in the least. He will get his regardless of where he plays in the lineup. Again, they did the exact same thing in Carolina and he got his just the same. We needed him scoring goals last year and he didn't do that in the top 6 either......
  11. Yep. If this were to drag on (which I don't think it will) then you absolutely expose him and hope Seattle takes him. Something will get worked out. The style Skinner plays I'm fine with him on a third line but was hoping he got a Cozens to play with.
  12. Good points Taro. He must know Ullmark is the starter though right? I know there will be a ton of back to backs and the second string will play a lot. But if we go near a 50/50 split there's no way this team has a chance at the playoffs. Hutton is terrible.
  13. No it's not. He can start doing what the coach asks regardless of what line he plays on. RK knows what Skinner does well, score goals. He needs him doing the other things it takes to win hockey games.
  14. Excellent looking top 6 but their bottom 6 doesn't exactly look dominant on paper. We know what Sheary is all about....
  15. I'm not as pissed about Skinner as most. But this? There are no words. Is there room in the fire RK bunker? Only explanation I can think of is they are playing back to back so Hutton would get a game anyways so it won't matter who plays which game. I really really hope that's the case and he doesn't actually think we should be riding Hutton over Ullmark.
  16. I thought last year was coaches and I assumed the same but could easily be wrong.
  17. Yep, captain on that wjc team I believe. Same as others, wish Okposo would give it to Hall.
  18. Skinner played on the third line in Carolina as well.
  19. If they make the playoffs it will hardly be squeaking anything out in this division. It will have been a hell of a job done by all if they get in.
  20. What in the actual ***** Trying to create a third scoring line (which we haven't had in forever) may just work pairing Skinner with Cozens. But this? What are those lines??
  21. Cozens going to be playing with the big boys. I like the idea of giving him a guy like Skinner to play with rather then starting him on a typical Sabres third or fourth line usually comprising of all scrubs.
  22. Not surprising as I'm not sure where else he would play with no OHL season. I think with the huge number of games in short timeframe he will get a couple of games in. Very much doubt it goes over the prorated 9 (do we know how many they are allowed? I'm guessing 6?).
  23. I was really hoping for Borgen, glad he made the cut.
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