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Posts posted by Thorny

  1. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Couldn’t agree more.

    Draft the player you think will be the best. Trade for need.


    Only works well in theory. Don’t know how anyone could think otherwise when you can read the trade threads detailing how JJ Peterka is off limits for us and Kaako is off limits for the Rangers etc etc. ALL we hear about is how difficult trades for ACTUAL good players are due to the mechanics of deals and the fact that players don’t want to come to Buffalo. 

    “Collect what you can and use the trade market to balance it all out” *is* an online GM simulator thing. It only works in theory. It works in practice to an *extent* - but we aren’t the team that can go up there and take an offensively obsessed puck moving D. It’s just an added degree of difficulty and asset imbalance that it would be incredibly hubristic to saddle our GM with, when he clearly has enough to deal with already 

    “BPA full-stop” and “it takes 2 to tango” are used one over the other on this board and clearly represent a team building issue 

    - - - 

    If we refuse to trade the pick outright and refuse to budge on our list, complete the trade at the draft when it’s easiest and feasible and move down a few spots: you can take the best player on your list there, with better positional fitting, for what amounts to a likely small talent analysis difference (when you are basically hoping and praying, anyways - no one really knows if you’ll get a better player at 11 or 13) and pick up an asset in the process: granting you full value  

  2. this is the type of pick that would have me quite convinced we are hooked up to a simulation designed to torment 

    - - - 

    For the record, BPA doesn’t strictly apply anymore. You can’t just apply a generalization across all cases indiscriminately: the sabres are *clearly* an outsider case at this time, deserving of a nuanced approach. We already NEED to move prospects, you can’t just go up there and take the exact same guy in the mold of your 2 best assets and the guy you just traded your best C for 

  3. 23 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    When teams know your desperate to make a deal, you get crap offers. Based on how long Adams took to trade Eichel, he won't budge unless there's value coming our way.

    You only get crap offers if there aren’t multiple teams competing. I’d imagine something like a high first rounder would have plenty of interest. There’s no selling low on a pick, there’s no sabres stench on it 

    A bunch of teams were out on Eichel from the get go cause of the preferred surgery aspect 

  4. 1 minute ago, dudacek said:

    And a lot of what I post is usually tongue-in-cheek.

    Or it least it used be until it started to feel like no one was getting it.

    My sense is my “neutral position” is no longer any where near the middle in terms of what the Sabrespace collective thinks (as much as Sabrespace ever has a collective 😁)


    As far as the collective it’s called “the Saborg”

    - - - 

    As for the bold: I’ll pay more attention moving forward 

  5. 5 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    It feels like I’m have made people angry. I’m not going looking for receipts.

    13 years is absolutely the cause.

    More arguing, less anger. That’s exactly what would I’d like to see.

    It’s not real anger 





  6. 16 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I take it this is reference to my comment about the Lindy Ruff hiring you’re “butthurt” about?

    This isn't a hire for the hardcore fans like us. It's a hire for the next level on the pyramid of Buffalo hockey fans.

    Not the guy I would have picked, but if I'm honest with myself his resume probably ticks a lot of boxes if his name wasn't Lindy Ruff and this wasn't the Buffalo Sabres.

    I suspect he's going to flame out spectacularly.

    But I'm going to go with the way @Thorny is reacting because if I squint really hard I can kinda see it, and giving the latest move a chance is just the way I roll.

    Now where's my Scotch?

    That one?

    The one where I refer to Sabrespacers (like yourself) as hardcore fans, and I agreed with your take as the most optimistic, yet still plausible?

    You took that as a shot at your fandom?

    The point of the “hardcore fans” line was that Adams wasn’t going to get guys like the Sabrespace crowd to flip by hiring Lindy. Guys like us need to see results. But the next level of fan, the one who has kind of stopped paying attention, this is the type of move that might get them to consider returning.

    Take that for what it’s worth.


    From my perspective, the worst part of this season is adjusting to the anger around here.

    I mean I fully understand why people are angry. I just hate the fact that I often seem to make them angrier for basically not being as mad as I should be.

    The answer seems to post angrier or post less, and it is not lost on me how many Sabrespacers have chosen to do one or the other.

    Also, at least 60% of what I post is some sort of joke. Like actually that’s my obvious aim a lot. Sure I flip my lid sometimes but it’s not all one sided. Plenty of posters going the humour route, actually. I think you have a point that there’s some angrier anger at times, and less posting, but I’d also respectfully submit that you are somewhat biased in what you are seeing because of your more neutral position.

    I can speak from experience: relative to how this team makes me feel, I come to this board specifically cause it makes me laugh and enjoy things more.

    I don’t think I’m especially off base for suggesting you don’t have quite an accurate reading of the board at large: you suggested as recently as yesterday that you “may have worn out your welcome” and I can objectively say you’d be the poster *furthest from doing so* if you polled the board

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I take it this is reference to my comment about the Lindy Ruff hiring you’re “butthurt” about?

    This isn't a hire for the hardcore fans like us. It's a hire for the next level on the pyramid of Buffalo hockey fans.

    Not the guy I would have picked, but if I'm honest with myself his resume probably ticks a lot of boxes if his name wasn't Lindy Ruff and this wasn't the Buffalo Sabres.

    I suspect he's going to flame out spectacularly.

    But I'm going to go with the way @Thorny is reacting because if I squint really hard I can kinda see it, and giving the latest move a chance is just the way I roll.

    Now where's my Scotch?

    That one?

    The one where I refer to Sabrespacers (like yourself) as hardcore fans, and I agreed with your take as the most optimistic, yet still plausible?

    You took that as a shot at your fandom?

    The point of the “hardcore fans” line was that Adams wasn’t going to get guys like the Sabrespace crowd to flip by hiring Lindy. Guys like us need to see results. But the next level of fan, the one who has kind of stopped paying attention, this is the type of move that might get them to consider returning.

    Take that for what it’s worth.


    From my perspective, the worst part of this season is adjusting to the anger around here.

    I mean I fully understand why people are angry. I just hate the fact that I often seem to make them angrier for basically not being as mad as I should be.

    The answer seems to post angrier or post less, and it is not lost on me how many Sabrespacers have chosen to do one or the other.

    You aren’t making anyone angry, relax. 

    Any downturn in posting is down to the team being bad for 13 years. You know, the enormous elephant in the room.

    There used to be MORE arguing here. Not less. That’s the point 

  8. 4 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I take it this is reference to my comment about the Lindy Ruff hiring you’re “butthurt” about?

    This isn't a hire for the hardcore fans like us. It's a hire for the next level on the pyramid of Buffalo hockey fans.

    Not the guy I would have picked, but if I'm honest with myself his resume probably ticks a lot of boxes if his name wasn't Lindy Ruff and this wasn't the Buffalo Sabres.

    I suspect he's going to flame out spectacularly.

    But I'm going to go with the way @Thorny is reacting because if I squint really hard I can kinda see it, and giving the latest move a chance is just the way I roll.

    Now where's my Scotch?

    That one?

    The one where I refer to Sabrespacers (like yourself) as hardcore fans, and I agreed with your take as the most optimistic, yet still plausible?

    You took that as a shot at your fandom?

    The point of the “hardcore fans” line was that Adams wasn’t going to get guys like the Sabrespace crowd to flip by hiring Lindy. Guys like us need to see results. But the next level of fan, the one who has kind of stopped paying attention, this is the type of move that might get them to consider returning.

    Take that for what it’s worth.


    From my perspective, the worst part of this season is adjusting to the anger around here.

    I mean I fully understand why people are angry. I just hate the fact that I often seem to make them angrier for basically not being as mad as I should be.

    The answer seems to post angrier or post less, and it is not lost on me how many Sabrespacers have chosen to do one or the other.

    Yes I did indeed use the word “butthurt”

  9. 3 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Well everyone's available everywhere theoretically but that's kind of meaningless. 

    You can’t convincingly argue it’s a meaningless distinction when your view yields an untradeable ….JJ Peterka, and mine argues for trading Dahlin (my favourite player) should an appropriate deal present itself. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Weave said:

    You chose your words to describe the second group poorly then. “So exceptional “ certainly paints an image of nearly untouchable.

    10 players out of a roster of 23 is nearly half.

    Start with, “everyone is available for the right price” and go from there 

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 55 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    That's not it at all. It should be simple geography. 

    Aye yai.

    you need to watch more sports if you think greatness inspiring hate isn’t a thing. 

    Yes, half the nba fanbase has legit reasons for hating LeBron with every fibre of their body. Right. Lol 

    Mahomes is a villain just because 

    It can be geography too 

    but the answer to PA’s question about why no one hates us is cause we haven’t been great 

    Greatness PLUS geography makes leafs fans hate us. It’s a combo 

  12. 5 hours ago, inkman said:

    Actually, it’s like the people who made one of the worst TV shows in history, making fun of a show that got canceled after 7 seasons.  

    Trying to rationalize this as just having an objective opinion of a failed franchise is pathetic.  

    The Leafs are better than the Sabres. You have no leg to stand on.  People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.  How many more cliches do I need to reference?  

    They’ve finished ahead of us 8 years in a row and 11 of the 13 years we missed 

    4 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    Has any fan base cheered the Sabres' demise?

    I'm not sure the Sabres have ever been any team's chief rival.

    Greatness inspires envy. Envy inspires hate 

    • Disagree 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Weave said:

    Wookie hacked Thorny’s account.

    Humour is all we have. Summer roles around and we’re sitting on the best asset pool again and any sort of trade that would hurt one iota to make is ruled out as negligent to the plan. Like sand through an hourglass 

    “What can we get for the prospects we don’t want? Will Edmonton *retain* on McDavid? Then maybe we’d sacrifice Owen Power.”

    This isn’t hyperbole lol.

    As evidenced by his recent comments, Adams is probably already backing down from his “top 6 forward add” comment - he probably reads Twitter 

  14. 1 hour ago, SwampD said:

    My problem with this is that I don't see anything to differentiate our collection of "talent" and any other team's. I keep hearing about how much better they are going to end up, but I have yet to see anything that makes me believe that.

    I dunno I definitely see some differentiation. Just look at the standings 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 1 hour ago, That Aud Smell said:

    There's merit to what you're saying. But I think the crux of the problem here is that Marner was making an observation that is often true, would be freely and widely admitted as true, but is not true at the moment. And one of the main reasons it's not quite true and not quite accurate, at the moment, is because of Marner himself.

    That's the sense I get from Leaf fans online, anyway. Reactions in the nature of "Dougie Gilmour? Wendel Clark? Darryl Sitler? Mats Sundin? Yeah, bud. THOSE guys are Leaf gods. YOU? YOU?! Bro, get a hold of yourself. You're not one of our hockey gods. You're a pigeon."

    I don't know if I used "pigeon" correctly there. But you get the idea.

    Edit: "Pigeon" is absolutely not what I'm looking for here- I looked it up. I need a hockey insult for someone who's a high-end talent with no heart. There may not be a hockey term that fits.


    • Haha (+1) 1
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