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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. 20% of the profits after cost, divided by the number of players. So about $10 each?
  2. I repectfully disagree. I believe the vast majority who join the American military as the best option also have a sense of patriotism and believe in our laws, and want to remain respected within our country by showing their loyalty to our country and laws. Mercenaries have no loyalty to one country or laws and will often do anything for the money.
  3. Many do join because they don't have good options, but once they join they're under the command of the President and our military laws for the duration of their service. Mercenaries are like free agents that take temporary jobs with the highest bidders, and whose actions are sometimes outside the law.
  4. I'd arrest him for having such a terrible Joker mask. No sense of taste among criminals anymore.Cesar Romaro would be appalled.
  5. The Republican candidates are falling over each other to compete for who can look toughest against Muslims. First Carson said no to a hypothetical Muslim president. Then Christie says no to even orphaned children refugees. Kasich wants a new federal agency to promote "Judeo-Christian Western values". And Trump wants to close some mosques in the US. The next debate will be a doozy.
  6. Saying it twice don't make it right. Revisionist means changing historical facts. I didn't change history, I just reminded you of it. Trying to fix the mess that resulted from the Iraq invasion is like putting toothpaste back in the tube. And my side is the majority of Americans, what's yours?
  7. The fact is that the Bush administration was obsessed with Iraq and not Al Queda, which resulted in 9/11 which may have been prevented if they had made it their priority. And the invasion of Iraq destabilized the region and left a power vaccuum since. Those are non-partisan facts that everyone but neo-cons agree on. Everything that has happened from that point is a consequence of those bad decisions. And now is exactly the time to discuss how we got to this point.
  8. Stating facts is now right/left positioning? I guess we should just disregard history.
  9. @cnnbrk: Investigators use fingerprints to ID one Paris attacker as French national known to police, source tells CNN. https://t.co/SAWsdqIowb
  10. It's not surprising. It's been previously reported that during the intellegence briefings from the Clinton administration to the newly elected Bush administration, they were warned that Al Queda was the big threat. But the Clinton people were suprised when Bush's team (Cheney and company) wanted to focus on the intel regarding Iraq.
  11. It's a subtle dog whistle for those that don't think the media is fair. Just like Rubio saying we need more welders not philosophers, a subtle attack on the "liberal intellectuals". She was the winner in terms of solidifying her national lead. And usually "the people" who post online the most are those not happy with the results.
  12. He suggested that the media is biased in its coverage of the illegal immigrant debate. To paraphrase, "If there were media people coming in from Mexico and lowering the wages of American media, they would be reporting that something should be done to stop it."
  13. I don't think the zombies have shown an ability to climb ladders. And they did have the hatch locked. It could be an issue if they try to use them as an escape route and they're filled with zombies. One thing they never address is how bad must it smell with all that rotting flesh around. Not to mention that the zombies all must have crapped their pants at some point. Think about how it smells when you have some meat in your garbage can for a couple of days.
  14. N'eo, thanks for your son's service. I'm sure you're proud. My dad is deceased but started in the Marines, and then was in the Naval Air Reserve for most of his life until he reached retirement age. Most of it as a CPO leading the crews that maintained P3 Orion sub hunters. One weekend a month and two weeks active duty every year was routine.
  15. Some thoughts on last night's debate: Pre debate Lou Dobbs orange hair coloring looks awful. Having a color guard and singing the anthem before every debate while the candidates compete to look presidential is trying too hard to look patriotic. This applies to both parties. What good is a time bell if they let the person keep talking after their time is up. They should have 10 seconds after the bell and then their microphone is turned off. I disagree with all of the Republicans, but Rand Paul is the most serious and rational of the debaters. He tends to state specific facts instead of generalities. He's not afraid to take the unpopular position that we spend too much on the military, while the others make the general statements about spending more to have the best military (which we already have) and destroying everyone without giving specifics. Rubio was the worst at this bluster that gets the cheap applause. Kasich was surprisingly all over the place, like he was trying to make too many points at once. Fiorina was stiff and tried too hard to look tough. Carson seemed flustered by both foreign and economic issues. Trump was more subdued then the past, but that may be because as front runner he doesn't want to create more waves. Bush still comes off as lacking passion. Rubio talked fast but speaks in generalities. Cruz probably did best with the intended audience including some more shots at the media. There were no big gotcha moments that will move the numbers, except that Bush supporters might decide its time to move on to someone else.
  16. Ted Cruz. He's the other anti-establishment candidate with the largest ground game and finances. He's been careful not to criticize Trump or Carson. If Trump somehow got the nomination, I believe he would pick Cruz for VP.
  17. Hillary doesn't need to be like Bernie, she already has a huge national lead. Bernie's hit his ceiling and offers nothing to change the minds of moderate Democrats.
  18. The Republicans have had similar Conservative forums like that which weren't advertised. Who are you blaming for the lack of attention? MSNBC has been talking about it all week. Why would other networks want to give them publicity? The debates are big news so other networks can't avoid mentioning them.
  19. What's the big deal, it's not a debate so it's not going to get the publicity a debate does. It's just a series of interviews, just like any other of the many that air on the different cable news networks every week. Meanwhile, Ben is getting deeper in the doo doo. "Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. The academy has occupied a central place in Carson’s tale for years. According to a story told in Carson’s book, “Gifted Hands,” the then-17 year old was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by a “full scholarship” to the military academy. West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission." Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/ben-carson-west-point-215598#ixzz3qk3Zz7YE
  20. I follow Trump on Twitter for the humor: @realDonaldTrump: With Ben Carson wanting to hit his mother on head with a hammer, stab a friend and Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it? @realDonaldTrump: Carson now admits his friend named "Bob," who he tried to stab (Bob was saved by his belt buckle!), no longer exists as Bob. Wrong name!
  21. So 271k jobs were added in October, way over the estimate of 142k, and the unemployment rate dropped to 5%, the lowest since pre-recession 2008. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  22. I'm most impressed by the quality of their passing. But their D zone coverage continues to be bad. All three of the goals were preventable if someone covered the open man.
  23. When i was in 3rd grade The Babe Ruth Story with William Bendix was shown at my elementary school. It didn't mention anything about his drinking and adultery. I grew up thinking he was an inspiration and a great symbol of achievement. Was that wrong? Or was the message the important thing to remember?
  24. Then there's this...is he a Dexter in disguise or making things up? "Ben Carson, the soft-spoken, Yale-educated brain surgeon who has surged in the GOP presidential race, has written and spoken powerfully of divine intervention at several pivotal moments in his life. At the core of his narrative of spiritual redemption are his acts of violence as an angry young man — stabbing, rock throwing, brick hurling and baseball bat beating — that preceded Carson's sudden transformation into the composed figure who stands before voters today. In his 1990 autobiography, "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story," Carson describes those acts as flowing from an uncontrollable "pathological temper." The violent episodes he has detailed in his book, in public statements and in interviews, include punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock, leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead; attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes; hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose; and, finally, thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes. "I was trying to kill somebody," Carson said, describing the incident -- which he has said occurred at age 14 in ninth grade -- during a September forum at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. But nine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson told CNN they have no memory of the anger or violence the candidate has described. That person is unrecognizable to those whom CNN interviewed, who knew him during those formative years. All of the people interviewed expressed surprise about the incidents Carson has described. No one challenged the stories directly. Some of those interviewed expressed skepticism, but noted that they could not know what had happened behind closed doors." http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/politics/ben-carson-2016-childhood-violence/index.html
  25. Watch or read "V for Vendetta" and it will explain the interest and symbolism.
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