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Posts posted by DirtDart

  1. As in they haven't ? only thing that can stop this is a well coordinated boots on the ground offensive coordinated with russia and china.

    But this is where it stings, USA doesn't want to work with those two.

    Over the last decade plus the French have sat on the sidelines.
  2. Mentioned this in the Presidential Politics thread - police have confirmed at least 30 dead in a shooting and 60 hostages held in a concert hall right now.

    Explosion near the soccer stadium where France and Germany were playing prompted an evacuation. French president was in the stadium but has been evacuated to safety.

    Terrible, maybe now the French will join us, and our Allies in the fight on terror.
  3. Not sure why but I have a hard time picturing his face. I feel like RJ was on the Camera constantly but Dan is a freaking ghost. His goal calls need work but I find his play by play easy to listen to and professional. This won't be popular but I find DD a nice change of pace compared to Rick.

    Having a familiar guy Luke Ray doing the color helps. Rob Ray has really grown into that role, love hearing him and his commentary. Especially when he, and RJ go back and forth.
  4. Then you have unnecessarily denied yourself. I mean how does anyone born after 1960 not see a Bond film?

    I have seen them. absolutley can't stand watching a Bond film, let alone anything withing the last 15 years.
  5. If this doesn't warrant its own topic or is being discussed elsewhere, please feel free to delete. After hearing it again tonight, I get the sense "Yeichel" is here to stay. I know it shouldn't bother me so much, but it just does. As I stated in the GDT, I love RJ as much as anyone else. Yeichel just makes absolutely no sense to me and sounds weirder and weirder every time. There have been so many other nicknames proposed on here involving "Jack" that would be so much more appropriate. If I'm fortunate enough to hear Yeichel 30-40 times this year, I'll probably be so happy that I won't really care. For now, it's just not my bag.

    I love it. Never noticed RJ saying it that way until this past week.

  6. Indulge me, please ...


    I want to thank the service men and women in SabreSpace who've sacrificed and served our country. I'm grateful with all my being.


    Additionally, please thank your family on my behalf. When mom or dad serves, the entire family serves. I've seen the sacrifice, myself. My son serves in the United States Navy and is often "underway" while his wife and children forge on against life's daily challenges back home. I am so proud ...


    Thank you, SabreSpace Veterans. If you're so inclined, it would be thrilling to me to know who are.

    N'eo, Thank you, and your Family for your sacrifice. I retired this past Feb from the Army after 20 years.  Tour in Iraq in 03, and Afghanistan in 06,  moved back home to Buffalo this past April.

    Thank you. You deserve a Beef and Barrel dinner sometime. <--- even more awkward


    This is my second Veteran's Day as an Active Duty member. It still feels a little awkward to be thanked for my service. Hope everyone had a great day. Also, thank you to my grandfather Charles for his service in the Navy.

    Thank you for Serving, take pride in it. It is very awkward to be thanked for serving.  We all do it for our own reasons, doesn't make us better than those who don't, Just makes us unique.

    The ceremony in our town square was sparsely attended today. Kind of sad. One of the speakers talked about a Vietnam vet friend of his who arrived back home to the airport in Los Angeles and was spat upon and called a baby-killer. I think our nation has finally gotten it right since then. Many people — and I can say from personal experience, many vets themselves — do not support the wars we've undertaken of late, but the vast majority support the men and women who have had to wage those wars and still do. Hate the war/love the warrior can be a delicate philosophical position, but a just one.


    Putting a green bulb in your porch light (that Wal Mart initiative), wearing a poppy or shaking a vet's hand are wonderful gestures that I'm sure mean a lot to our veterans. But they also need more concrete help. If you ever want to get down in the trenches (sorry for the metaphor), one program I can recommend is the Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network. You volunteer your time to give veterans rides to their VA appointments. Sometimes it's a woman vet with Sexual Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and sometimes it's a World War II vet who needs a hearing aid, but it always feels good to get them there and back safely. http://www.dav.org/help-dav/volunteer/drive-a-van/


    Thank you, SabreSpace veterans and all veterans and those who continue to serve.

    Our Vietnam era Vets were not treated well at all. They deserved, and still do deserve better.

    Grateful for the incorporation of policemen and firefighters. Especially grateful for what could be our board's highest moral authority voice (IMHO) calling war hateful.

    We often forget our first responders on this day. They deserve a big shout as well. They all truly put their lives on the line on a daily basis, all for protecting the greater good.

  7. I really hope Gionta is not on the team next year but if he is he won't be playing much. Ror is the obvious choice if only Gionta would retire.

    Myself, or R O'R.

    Well we have ROR here long term, and he'll no doubt get a letter. I've heard Samson is a natural leader, but that's a ways of. As far as Jack and Sid go, I'm not a fan of giving the letter to your best player; looking at you, Ovechkin. I don't really know why Sid got the letter other than his skill, but Jack has been Captain of USA teams for awhile, and was a big leader for the Terriers last season IIRC. Jack would make a much better captain than either Sid or Ovechkin IMO, and we've already seen signs of him getting in the face of the opposition on dirty hits to his teammates. 

    Cindy is the best whiner on the team. Definitely deserved the C..

  8. I think we're better off with DD than with Babcock.  Give GMTM credit for not only bringing Bylsma in, but in stocking the pond for him.

    No doubt. Everything about the team has improved ten fold. Love the guy, and the team seems to love playing for him. So refreshing after the two years of Nolan.

    He's really impressed me with his forward pairing system and how he's continued to be a student of the game in his off-time. He's showing that his excellent regular season record with the Pens was no fluke.

    That said, his real test will be the first playoff series. I want to see how HD reacts to his system being countered. I'm not sure that he's the coach to get this team the cup, but he'll do right by this talented group of kids no matter what.

    I don't doubt for a minute that he will be the guy to finally bring us a Championship
  9. OK, but wait... whose wife, exactly?

    LOL my wife.... ...

    What the heck, dude? Some handsome young lad is out there somewhere stuck with the female version of you to balance out the universe. How can you live with that knowledge?

    Handsome young men do not know how to treat beautiful young women, hence why she is with me :)
  10. Well, was I wrong to do that? We apparently just found out what the main reason was, and it wasn't on anybody's radar. Questions should have been asked. When he brought area officials and legislators to the arena for an edumucation about fracking, I brought it up. I wasn't alleging he bought the team to influence the fracking debate in NYS. People should have known it was about more than hockey. It's been well established he wasn't that big of a fan. That's not to say the reason for existence of the team isn't to win a Cup, just that it wasn't the reason he bought them. A subtle difference. Good for him, though. No one ever said he's a monster. I'm glad we finally have a little clarity.

    It may very well all have to do with fracking in the end. I for one couldn't care less. It may create jobs, and finally get rid of those dam empty grain mills. Frack away Pegula.

  11. I wouldn't trust what Benson says too much. The only thing we've heard from him and Pegula are nothing but altruistic motives, and nobody's that perfect.


    I think Pegula is trying to diversify his fracking money since you never know what regulations and environmental concerns are going to come up in that industry, and he chose to do it in an inexpensive city with room for growth. 

    I do not agree. I think Pegula got out of the fracking business before any federal downfall. He know only owns wells, and property. 

    And it might even been all true. Does everyone really think that he bought a $225 million on a whim or without having a complete analysis done? More likely he had some high priced versions of PA, Dudacek, DeLuca compile an expert analysis of his proposed purchase and is there any doubt that in a lot more complicated way they said;

    1) Good PR

    2) Could help with that NYS Fracking thing

    3) Take attention away from the disaster that is Penn State

    4) Give your wife something to do

    5) Hey, it could be fun


    Not to mention a guaranteed return on investment, albeit not what you are used to.

    His returns are fine, he has $4 Billion sitting in a 2% yield savings account.

  12. I thought he bought a Jeep?  He said that was to be his first purchase.  My Jeep system blows.  I would rather use my earpeice, with voice commands.

    U Connect is the absolute worst. I wont even bother while driving the Wife's Jeep Wrangler. Ford has the best available, OnStar in my GMC is pretty good.

  13. Good topic. I have been on this board for years under different names (changed/forgot E-mail, password).  I can say this is a fun board, most members are pretty relaxed, and spark good discussion. I am also on the TBD forums, posters over there many times play the holier than thou games with new posters. This board does not take that approach for the most part. I like the fact that it isn't as up tight either. 


    On most forums posters with 10K+ posts can get away with murder, while those of us that don't post every 30 seconds get warning points for the same approach.  I believe a great deal of new posters would feel welcomed here, then again you cant please everyone.

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